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6 months.

6 miserable fucking months.

I wanted to flip, to just end it now. I was the fox in the hen house after all, I could just kill them all. Valentina now had control over a third of Europe and she was making her move on England within the next week, with her people moving in on the FBI, homeland security and the military. If we didn't act soon, we would lose our chance to ever stop her.

"Oh Bucky!" I rolled my eyes as Sharon sung out to me as I made my way to breakfast. "Come on. Group mission today! We're going to Italy, how romantic." I  swear if she doesn't stop I'll kill her. Her persistence was what was grating on me the most. I turned back towards the hanger, ignoring Sharon and climbed into the helicopter, waiting. Yelena came in, checking the cockpit and hull, seeming busy but she moved closer and eyed me carefully. "Today." Was all she whispered.

Today. It was happening today!

I nodded slightly, just enough to let her know I understood before Alexei climbed in, dropping down across from me and then Sharon sat next to me. "Do me proud today children." Valentina said lightly, smiling with a wave as she approached. Alexei bowed his head, Sharon smiled wickedly and I just remained that same cold soldier she knew.

Today. It would all end today.



"Sam! SAM!" I spun to Torres as he ran into the hanger, panting heavily before he pointed to the old hanger. "Today." He coughed. I understood instantly, running back to my room and changed quickly before I went to the hanger. Today, he'd gotten word it was going down today. 6 months we had waited, hearing the news as countries, governments fell to her will. I hoped he'd let T'challa know, we could use the Dora Milaje out there.

"Cap, so good of you to join us." Fury said as he rounded the back of the quinjet and I nodded, acknowledging him before 4 soldiers in black stopped behind him, completely clad from head to toe, not a single sliver of flesh visible on them. "Does king T'challa know?" I asked gruffly, my nerves getting to me and I shrugged my shoulders, trying to remain calm. "He does. He's going to their base, to retrieve Zemo and everything there while you, you are going to Italy. We got word from Belova that that is where they're going today."

"Word is they go some millionaire out there along with the Mafia, they're going to try and take the government by force. You and these men are going to prevent that from happening." Fury said in his typical, Fury way. "Understood." I replied sternly before the men started loading up and I climbed into the hull with them, as the tailgate began to lift Fury stood, staring before he smirked slightly. "And cap." He said simply. "Watch your head." The tailgate closed and I scrunched my nose up. Watch my head? The hell did that mean.



"Remember to behave boys." Sharon said softly as she entered that building. The things money could buy. I remember Lexy saying she'd nearly flattened this place after rescuing Sam and I, and being back, my skin crawled at the memories. We followed her inside, Yelena, Alexei and I sharing a look before we were welcomed with not just Enzo, but Adrian too. Enzos eyes narrowed on me instantly and Sharon held her hand out to him. "Valentina is most thankful for the assistance today Enzo." She said softly to him and he pulled his eyes from me, kissing her hand softly as he took it.

"Please agent Carter, it is we who are thankful. For far too long our government has sat idly by and during the blip, well, it became apparent change needed to be made. Come." He replied with that disgusting, charming voice, the voice he had used with Lexy. They turned into the kitchen and sat down at the large table, Enzo motioning for us to sit too and we did. Yelena looking as bored as ever as she picked at her nails again, while Alexei sat back, admiring the artwork on the walls.

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