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I woke as we landed, jolting awake, only to have Bucky hug me tighter, soothing me as I realised where I was and calmed down. It was just hard to believe that I was out, free and back with the people I love.

"Your room is ready and Shuri is waiting to check you over...please rest and recover, we will discuss everything once you are better." T'challa said softly as we exited the plane and I wanted to argue, to just get it over with now but Yelena stepped forward. "Whatever you want to know, I'm good to talk."

T'challa nodded to her and they left together, deep in conversation while I remained behind with Bucky and Sam. "Are you both ok?" I asked quietly as I turned around, looking them both deep in the eyes. Sam stepped closer and grabbed my shoulder's firmly, staring me down before he pulled me into a bear hug.

"We are now...god Lexy how are you so ok." He said gruffly and I smiled weakly as I buried my face into his shoulder. I didn't know if I was ok, not any more but I held on to the thought of seeing them again, praying I'd actually see them again and I have. But the guilt of being back, of knowing the danger they were in. "Just am." I whispered in reply.

Sam let me go, stepping back before he smiled weakly and left, going back inside the palace. "Are you ok?" I asked quietly as I continued staring after Sam and felt Bucky tense next to me. " first." I turned to him and patted his cheek softly before I moved, going inside and letting my body click over to autopilot, going straight to my room and stripped down before I climbed hesitantly into the bath.

The water was hot and soothing and the longer I sat, the more tired I got but I didn't realise how tired I was until Bucky pulled me out of the water and I choked and spluttered, gasping for air. "Lexy. Lexy." His voice was frantic as he moved my hair from my face, letting me lean over the bath and cough up the water I'd swallowed.

He held me tightly, not letting me go, to slip back under and once I'd coughed everything up and was breathing normally again, I raised my head and looked at him. "The hell was that Lexy?" He asked gruffly, his voice full of fear as he stared at me with those blue eyes I never thought I'd see again. "I fell asleep...geez I wasn't trying to kill myself." I replied, rolling my eyes with a weak smile, trying to reassure him and myself that I was fine.

His grip didn't give up but he did reach over to the sink with one hand and grabbed the wash cloth there, before he dunked it under the water and began gently cleaning my face. "Who did this to you?" I sighed deeply knowing if I told him, he'd stop at nothing to hurt Walker, for hurting me and while the notion was sweet, I wanted to be the one to hurt him. I wanted it to be me he saw, smiling down on him before I did to him, what he did to me and more.

I watched his eyes scan my face, taking in the cuts and bruises, and I knew I'd lost weight in those 2 short weeks aswell. I probably looked completely different from the outside but that stubborn, fierce bitch was still in there, I was still me, just exhausted. "Lexy...who hurt you?" He asked again, his voice low and shaky and I forced a smile. "It'll be me Bucky, you don't get to help with this. He's mine." I practically growled the last word, feeling my lips pull back slightly from my teeth.

He sighed deeply before he grabbed my chin gently. "You can have him, but I'll be right beside you when you do." I smiled softly as I reached out and flicked his forehead softly. "That better be a promise." I whispered and his scowl finally broke, a smile cracked on his face and my smile grew, spreading across my face. "Can you help me out? I like, can't feel my legs." I giggled softly and he nodded, helping me out carefully.

I dried myself off, still feeling how wobbly my legs were. I guess after being stuck in a cell, not being able to run, starved and cold would drain ones body pretty quickly and while I might have had the energy to run to that field, to escape, my body knew it was safe and was letting go of the adrenaline. Bucky remained right there by my side, tense because he could see how weak I really was, physically anyway.

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