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My body jolted me awake.

I scanned the room quickly. It was empty and the sky was still dark. An hour. We'd been asleep for one hour. So why the fuck did I have this horrible feeling something was about to happen? Bucky jolted awake next to me and held his finger to his mouth then pointed to our bags. Out. We need to get out. Was what he was telling me so I quickly and quietly climbed out of bed and threw my bag over my back, strapping it on tightly.

He'd done the same before moving to the door and pressing his ear to it as he unsheathed his daggers. I did the same, moving to his right, the opposite side of the door and waited. Suddenly the window blasted in and 3 men in black sailed in through it. The roof, they'd come down from the roof!

Gunfire blasted between us and I moved, ducking and throwing my knife. It landed with a sickening thud in one of the guards chest, dropping him. I saw briefly, Bucky take down another attacker with a full force left hook before my vision was blocked by the 3rd man. He reached for me but I flipped backwards and ducked behind couch as he shot at me again.

Craack! It was so loud. That noise, before I heard a groan and a body hit the floor. "Lexy." Bucky sounded panicked and I looked over the couch. It was just him. I sighed deeply and got up, checking him over quickly before I grabbed my knife from the mans chest, feeling sick that I'd killed him but I had to push that aside. "Safe house. Now." I said sternly as I sheathed my blades and moved to the door.

I heard footsteps on the other side and voices. Mens voices. "Take them alive. He wants them alive."

"If they put up too much of a fight?"

"Threaten one, the other will follow."

I turned to Bucky and moved quickly to the men on the floor, pulling a harness off before buckling one to myself. "Can't go that way." I whispered at his questioning look before I moved to the now vacant window and grabbed a rope still dangling there.

I tugged on it. Secure. Then hooked myself up before checking how high we were and how much rope was left. Enough. "Go. Go. I'll be right behind you." He said gruffly before the door was kicked in and a smoke grenade was thrown in. I grabbed Bucky but he pulled from grip. "I will find you." He said before he shoved me out the window.

The scream caught in my throat as I fell before I managed to slow my descend enough. FUCKING IDIOT! WE GO TOGETHER! My inner voice screamed as I stopped myself mere feet from the ground, unbuckling the harness as I stared up at the window. But I couldn't linger for long as people were screaming and running from the scene.

I moved quickly, following a big crowd and slipped into the shadows before the men on the ground could find me. I had to make it to the safe house. Bucky had left me with the USB drive, I was responsible for it now and while every inch of me wanted to run back, to find him, I had a job to do and he'd be so pissed if I didn't stick to it.

Carefully. I moved so carefully through the city, trying to remain in the shadows as much as possible. Stopping at a small gift shop and bought a hoodie. So long as I made it to the safe house, I'd be ok. I would call Torres as instructed and he'd get us out. He pushed me out the fucking window. I swear to god when I see him.

My heart stopped. When. Or if. No, I couldn't think like that. This was Bucky, he'd been through worse, gotten out of worse. He would be fine, he would find me, just like he said he would. I wiped my eyes, wiping away the tears that fell as I pushed myself. I had to keep moving.

BE THE CHANGE // BUCKY BARNES X OCWhere stories live. Discover now