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WARNING - Please don't hate me.


Yelena was on my right, gun up, eyes scanning as we moved slowly. "We found the hanger door. He must be inside." We heard T'challa say through the ear piece and nodded to each other as we walked around the boulders on our right. "Copy that. Moving to the perimeter." Yelena replied quietly.

We would stay outside, searching the grounds while T'challa and Sam went inside. Somehow Bucky had figured out how to disable the tracker in his arm so we were completely blind and I hated it because he knew where he was going, he knew this place better than us.

The never ending wind that swirled around us was unrelenting. It whipped at our faces and made seeing further then 15 feet in front of us nearly impossible and after 10 minutes we'd made it around the perimeter.  "All clear out here. Making our way back to you." I said, nodding to Yelena for us to head back.

"He's definitely been here. It's like he left clues that he was."

"What do you mean? Like what?"

"There's a carving on the table in the's just words though but it's Bucky's hand writing."

"What specifically?" I asked as Yelena and I stopped, listening intently to what Sam and T'challa were saying.

"It says 'we didn't come this far, to just come this far.' Why? Do you know what it means Lexy?"

Son of a bitch! "Yeah it's Bucky. We need to find him like now!" My voice shook as I said it. Fucking asshole! Yelena and I moved double time, jogging back the way we had come, both struggling to see what was in front of us as the wind seemed to pick up.

I tripped over a rock but caught myself, bracing against the boulder we had passed earlier and Yelena grabbed my shoulder. "Lexy you good?" She asked quietly and I nodded as I stood up, shaking myself off. "Just tripped thats all." She took point this time and I followed quietly behind her, praying we'd find him.

"Are you guys inside?" We both froze at Sams question.

"No why? If it's Bucky I swear to god Sam." I said seriously as I raised my gun, closing in on the hanger door. Something was very wrong and that became clear when we rounded the corner, spotting a helicopter with the 2 planes we'd arrived in. "Well they didn't hide their arrival." Yelena said blandly and we moved, checking it out.

"Sam we got a chopper, I think Valentinas people are here. Be car-" my words were cut short by gunfire coming from inside and through the ear piece. Shit, shit, fuck! We moved quickly, entering the hanger silently as we moved, clearing the area before we descended the stairs.

It was silent as we travelled that staircase and we got 4 floors down when gunfire blasted again, closer this time, then we heard shouting through the ear piece, Sam and T'challa but we were only getting snippets of what they were saying.

"-right Sam. Behind the pil-"

"-above, they're above us too. Lexy we n-"

I looked at Yelena and she looked at me, her brows drawn before she nodded and continued down the stairs, with me right behind her until we arrived at the basement. "Sam. Sam. We're in the basement." I whispered quietly, when gunfire sprayed around us and I dove back up the stairs while Yelena took cover behind the corner of the wall.

"Shit. What the fuck do we do?" I hissed, rubbing my ribs I'd just bruised from landing awkwardly on the stairs. "Go back. Find another way around and out. I'll be right behind you once find the others." Yelena replied sternly as she reloaded her gun and I nodding, hauling myself up the stairs, not finding a single way out except the way we had come in.

BE THE CHANGE // BUCKY BARNES X OCWhere stories live. Discover now