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It had been 4 days since they'd rescued me and while I was still having nightmares, Bucky figured out that so long as I slept without the sheets, I'd be less likely to freak out like I'd done the first night.

I was zipping my boots up when Yelena knocked on the wall, standing in the doorway, brow raised as she studied me. "I need this." I said sternly, answering the question she didn't dare ask. She just shrugged but remained where she was, just watching me. "Spit it out Yelena." I huffed as I got up, shouldering my wings.

"No. Nothing. You just astound me...for a woman not made in this life, you have definitely made it yours." She said bluntly as she stood up, moving aside as I exited the room and fell into step with me. I smiled knowingly at her, understanding and accepting the praise she was giving me.

I pulled my goggles down over my eyes as we moved outside and I took a deep breath before I jogged a few steps then shot into the air. I missed this. Flying, my way. The wind rushing through my hair, the drag I felt in my back through the wings, the power I felt at being able to move like a bird, free from a cage.

It was peaceful, just flying around, watching everyone below and I smiled softly to myself as I barrel rolled, stopping on my back as I looked up at the sky. Laughter below caught my attention and I slowed before I carefully dropped down, circling until I landed on my toes, pulling my wings in and straightened up.

It was children. The laughter was children.

The tug on my left hand pulled my attention and I looked down at the dark skinned face of a boy no older then 4 smiling up at me. "I see you've made a new friend." T'challa said softly as he approached, the rest of the children giggling around him. I smiled at him before I knelt down to the boy and let him poke and prod my suit, my goggles and my hair.

He pointed to my back then held his arms out and my smile warmed as I stood, checking my surroundings before I opened my wings, watching his eyes widen in joy, the biggest grin on his face as he jumped up and down. The child turned to T'challa, pointing to my wings and I folded them back in, noticing the way T'challa interacted with the boy.

His mother called him back over and all the children dispersed, leaving us alone. "I can't thank you enough-" I began but he held his hand up and smiled softly. "No thanks necessary are a member of this family too. And I will always protect my family." He held his arm out to me and I took it, linking my arm with his as we carried on.

"So where is Ayo? It's strange seeing you walking around without her stalking close behind." He chuckled deeply, his laughter filling the afternoon sky. I giggled softly next to him as we continued walking, stopping every so often as children ran up to him, laughing and smiling. "You are so good with them." I said softly after the last lot of children ran off giggling.

He smiled softly, eyeing me sideways as he stood up. "They are the future of this place. They are what I am protecting." I nodded softly at his words, at how serious he was. We continued in silence for a while before he grabbed my hand gently and stopped us. "Lexy. Can I ask you a serious question?"

"Always. What's on your mind?" I replied quietly, with a soft smile on my face and he pointed to his right, behind me and I turned slowly, looking over my shoulder until my eyes landed on Bucky. He was 50 yards away, talking with an elder gentleman while 2 kids hung off his arm and my heart swelled. Just like with AJ and Cass. God I missed those boys, and Sarah. Fuck I missed home.

"You love him don't you?" The question caught me off guard and I spun back to T'challa, brows raised and he smiled warmly at me, nodding softly. "I can tell it's more Lexy but whatever it is, be careful...I have watched him grow since knowing you but I fear his feelings for you will cloud his judgement and I worry about what will happen if it changes, if you decide otherwise." If I stop loving him you mean.

BE THE CHANGE // BUCKY BARNES X OCWhere stories live. Discover now