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Remember if you're loving this please leave me a comment on your favourite parts.
Because there are some parts in here that made me giggle terribly as I wrote them. Also apologies if it feels a bit blah....I promise it's setting things up.
Enjoy this chapter my loves!


For a month straight I woke up early every morning and joined Blackwood on the tarmac and continued my training. He'd gotten to the point where I had finally been allowed to taxi Bertha down the runway and take off.

I was still shaky with it, rough and bumpy but he trusted me, so I trusted him. He hadn't become jealous or weird about mine and Bucky's relationship, in fact it appeared to me that he simply accepted it and wanted to be my friend too. We already were, well we'd been more work friends but with the training and the conversations we'd had in the air, about his life and his upbringing, how he'd joined the airforce, we'd definitely become actual friends.

As we made our way into the hanger that afternoon Torres stood, hands on his hips as Blackwood scruffed my hair and I swatted at him. "How's our little chick doing?" Torres asked cheekily and I rolled my eyes at him. If it wasn't Fledgling then I was chick, baby bird learning to fly and I could have been pissed about it yet I found it oddly comforting.

"Ready to fly the coop." Blackwood replied sternly and I balked at him as he winked at me. "Well, now we need to figure out what your callsign will be then." Torres replied proudly. "How about bat? She looks and moves like one at night!" We all turned to that voice, that cheeky, warm voice that belonged to only one man.

"SAM!" I screamed, rushing to his open arms and hugged him tightly. He hissed slightly and I loosened my grip, only to have him hug me back just as tightly. Tears sprang to my eyes as we held each other. "You're ok." I whispered and he nodded softly, before I pulled back. "Did you say bat? A fucking bat?!"

He chuckled deeply as his arm wrapped over my shoulders and we turned to Torres and Blackwood. "More like a shadow right?" Torres asked and Sam pouted playfully. "Could be." He said lightly and I rolled my eyes at them both. "What about Raven?" Bucky called to us as he walked over. Sam let me go and I watched as they hugged, a brotherly hug. Thats new.

I saw the same look cross Torres's face too and we both smiled knowingly at each other. "I like Raven. Given I've been Fledgling for so long, it kind of flows." I piped up, smiling softly at Bucky. "I still prefe-" I nudged Sam's ribs, softly but he zipped his mouth as I glared at him. "Raven. Raven. You know what, I think that's it." Torres said casually and I grinned widely at him.

Sam and Torres moved inside, I assumed to discuss Sam's return and how he was doing after everything. So Blackwood, Bucky and I grabbed dinner and dropped to the table. Bucky sat on my right while Blackwood sat on my left and it was kind of nice, to be sat between these two men.

We ate silently. I enjoyed the quiet. Soaking up the heat from both men before I got up and made my way to my room. I was exhausted, the training was far harder then using my wings, easier now but still harder. I was so tired, knowing I could sleep in tomorrow that my body went into autopilot as I showered and dried, so tired that just didn't even notice I'd gone into my room, butt naked to get changed until Bucky cleared his throat.

"Lexy." He grumbled quietly and I blinked, looking at him, his eyes on the ground as he stood against the door, then my eyes moved to my body. "I told you, I don't care." I replied gruffly, moving to my dresser and grabbed a shirt and underwear. "Why do you care so much? Why do you act like you haven't seen a naked woman in over 70 years?" I questioned him bluntly as I pulled my underwear up.

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