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I honestly just can't with this chapter. I love the fact thats it building characters up but this chapter killed me, i cried far too much writing it.

Enjoy. If thats possible.


Sam joined us.

It was nice to have both my men back, getting along again. The conversation I'd had with him must have helped put his mind at ease though I did ask him how much Torres had told him and when Bucky and I realised it had been bugger all we decided to fill him in with what had happened.

Bucky actually told his half, what had happened after he pushed me out the window which Sam nearly strangled him for but when I reminded him I had been harnessed to the rope he relaxed, only slightly. Apparently he'd gotten down a few floors before he jumped out the window too and took off in the opposite direction, going the long way.

"Then how did you get cut?" I asked seriously and he shrugged. "I wasn't paying attention and one of them slipped close enough." I rolled my eyes at him as we began our descent to the raft. "So are we just making sure he's here or?" I looked out the window, at the circular floating prison, being hammered by the wild weather. No wonder no one came here unless absolutely necessary.

Once the helicopter landed and we got out I hesitated slightly and turned back to Blackwood. "Fledgling? You ok?" He asked, slightly concerned and looked around briefly as he approached me. "Call me crazy, but I got a really bad feeling about this...I know you're meant to stay here but." I let my words fade off because that was his job, he was the pilot, he stays with the birds. He lifted my chin gently and I sighed slightly. "Don't stay out here." I said flatly.

He looked at the helicopter for a moment before he looked back at me and nodded sternly. "Ok Lexy, I'll come with you." He nodded to the door and I turned, relieved that he was going to follow us. I couldn't shake that feeling that something was coming, something was going to happen and I hoped I was wrong, but also right. Bucky was waiting by the door and I smiled softly as I slipped past him and entered the raft.

"I really, really dislike this place." Sam huffed as we made ourcway down the stairs to where Zemo was being kept. I grabbed Sam's hand and squeezed it gently. "I'll break you out if it comes to it." I replied sternly but lightly and he smiled softly at me before we all stepped out into the circular room, edged by glass door jail cells. Bucky moved instantly to the cell opposite us and I watched him tense slightly before I moved to his side and tilted my head at the man smiling back.

"Huh." I huffed slightly and his eyes left Bucky, to stare at me as he stepped up to the glass and I smiled cheekily back. I felt Sam move closer but he didn't step up to my other side and I didn't blame him, I'd hate to be too far from the only way out too if I'd been locked up here. "You finally visit Sergeant Barnes." Zemo finally spoke, his accent was there but his English was remarkably good.

"Only to make sure you were still here." Bucky replied coldly. I studied Zemo while they spoke, watching all the little ticks and twitches that barely presented themselves and Bucky huffed before turning to the exit. "How many visitors do you get?" I asked quietly and Zemo smiled warmly at me. "You wish to know, what I know. So you brought this beautiful specimen to sway me? Sam, could just ask me yourselves."

Sam and Blackwood both snorted and I saw the confusion cross Zemos face momentarily as I felt Bucky right behind me. "I told you this was pointless...he loves games." Sam said bluntly but I tilted my head the opposite way as I watched Zemo. "Answer her." Bucky growled dangerously, and I forced myself not to show any signs that that had made my body tense ever so slightly.

BE THE CHANGE // BUCKY BARNES X OCWhere stories live. Discover now