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It was getting dark when Sam and Bucky got called out for that job. Bucky was already suited up and we were currently waiting for Sam by the cargo plane. "Do me a favour." I said quietly, fiddling with my belt buckle, my gaze on my feet. "Don't come back looking like a human punching bag this time."

He lifted my chin gently, smiling slightly, brows narrowed. "I will be fine." He replied quietly. I pouted, pulling my face from his hand, being childishly dramatic as I turned my face from him.

The tarmac was surprisingly empty and my eyes landed on the sky, the beautiful shades of orange, pink and purples painted on the clouds. Bucky grabbed my elbow gently and I sighed as I turned back to him. "I will message you when we arrive ok." He said quietly, his eyes scanning my face and I smiled crookedly.

"Ready?!" Sam called out as he came over and I smiled warmly at him. "I will never get over how bloody cool you look." I said softly. He waved me off but smiled widely regardless. "You kick ass here ok." He replied quietly as he hugged me tightly. "Oh you know I will." When he let me go I grabbed his face gently and kissed his cheek.

"Be safe. Be smart. Watch each other's backs please." I said seriously, letting Sam go. He nodded then jumped into the back of the plane where Torres was waiting. I turned to Bucky and narrowed my eyes on him. "I'm serious. Be safe." I leant up and kissed his cheek softly and he gripped my elbow slightly before I lowered myself back down, watching his eyes had darkened, only briefly.

He moved quickly, pecking my cheek before he hopped into the plane and it started up. I remained where I was, well after they had disappeared into the sky, holding myself tightly until the chill in the air had me turning in for the night.

It was different here. I wasn't a recruit but I wasn't a civilian either, I just floated between the two. Tomorrow Torres would be back and he'd run me through my training, Sam had given me a quick run-down on it but I'd need to wait for him to return before I could train with them.

So for now, while they were gone, I'd train here. Getting stronger, faster, more capable with the weapons and maybe, just maybe, Torres would put me in the field. I dropped to my bed, the cot, and grabbed my phone, a game of solitaire or 2 would help put me to sleep and as I pulled the game up, a message came through and I smile crept to my face as I opened it.

A week. Torres says we'll be gone a week.

Are you worried?
That I can't go a week without you?🤨

You lasted 32 years Lexy.
I'm just letting you know.

I know, I'm just teasing.
Just come home in one piece please.

Yes ma'am.

Ugghhh don't ever use that word again.😫
Making me feel old asf!

What would you prefer then?

Oh so now we're giving each other nicknames? We already use those silly.

Ok what if I just call you boss?

Hahaha. Very funny. Just be safe ok.

You know I try.

Try harder James.
Good night.

Goodnight Lexy.

I smiled stupidly at my phone before putting it down and curling up, closing my eyes and praying I'd actually sleep given I hadn't slept without Bucky just a room away in over 3 months and now he was god knows where.

BE THE CHANGE // BUCKY BARNES X OCWhere stories live. Discover now