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"There she is!" Torres called out as Sam, Bucky and I walked back into the hanger, looking like a proud big brother and I smiled widely. "You should have seen her, she killed it." Sam said fondly as he handed Torres the phone. He checked it quickly then held his hand out to me. "Welcome to the crew Lexy." He smiled softly, going back to being the soldier he was. I took his hand and shook it firmly. "Thank you." I said quietly.

I wanted to scream. In joy. I was part of the team, the crew. I'd proved myself worthy or useful enough and I was now on the crew. He nodded sternly before taking the phone and headed to his office. Sam moved to the mess hall but I was too hyped up, I needed to get this adrenaline out. "Can we train?" I turned to Bucky, practically begging him and he chuffed slightly, then nudged me, raising his brows.

"Go get changed then." He said gruffly and I kissed his cheek quickly before I took off for my room to get changed. He was waiting for me in the boxing ring and I climbed up, hands tapped, hair tied up and in my legging and tank top. He moved over, checking my hands before he tapped his fists on mine and took up his stance.

Left, right, uppercut, faint, kick, duck, block. We spent over an hour in that ring, he didn't complain once, just let me keep going until I was all but exhausted. "Feeling better?" He asked quietly as I blocked his punch and jabbed him in the ribs. "Yeah, I just...I'm in." I huffed as he swung again, missing me as I dropped and kicked his legs out from under him.

I pounced, pinning him down and smiled weakly as I did, flicking his forehead. "Thank you...for stopping me." I said quietly. "For stopping me from becoming a drunk idiot and giving those girls what they wanted." Bucky flipped us, pinning me to the ground with his left hand around my neck and I dove my heels into the ground, trying to buck him off.

That didn't work so I wrapped them around his waist and squeezed, trying to get him to move. He smile cheekily, knowing I was still fighting, even though it seemed all but impossible. "Asshole." I hissed at him, pulling my hips off the ground as I wrapped my legs tighter around his waist then jabbed my hands into his ribs as he squeezed my throat slightly and I growled at him.

I didn't stop fighting, continuing to try to find weak spots until I just couldn't fight anymore and I dropped my arms and legs down, closing my eyes as I sighed deeply. "You win." I conceded defeat and felt his hand loosen around my neck before it moved completely. "You're extra firey today." He said quietly and my eyes opened as I frowned at him.

He was still leant over me, smiling ever so slightly, sweat beading his forehead. I reached up and wiped it, noticing the way his eyes dilated slightly. "Just, excited...too excited, I needed to get it out." I said flatly, shrugging. He got up, pulling me up with him. I flexed my fingers, feeling the ache in my knuckles then looked at Bucky. "Did I go too hard again?" I asked hesitantly and he lifted his shirt.

I'd bruised him again but he wasn't wincing or struggling to move so it wasn't that bad thankfully. "And I split your lip again." He grumbled quietly as he grabbed my face gently, leaning in to check the cut. I licked it, tasting the blood but not feeling any pain as I looked up into his eyes. He gently ran his thumb over the cut and it sent a shiver down my spine, causing my cheeks to heat and at this close proximity, with him holding my face. Shit.

He moved closer, his eyes darting between mine as his pupils dilated and I felt his breath on my face, heating my already boiling cheeks, even further. My fingers brushed against his arms as I grabbed his wrists, needing to hold onto something as his stare intensified and I felt myself washing away.

"Bucky!" We pulled apart instantly at the sound of Sam's voice bellowing down the corridor before he entered. I had dropped to the mat, fiddling with my shoes as Bucky slipped from the ring. "Shit Lexy. Are you ever going to take a break?" He asked gruffly as he spotted my lip, then frowned at Bucky. "You ever going to stop being annoying?" I clapped back playfully and Bucky snorted slightly causing Sam to narrow his eyes at us both.

BE THE CHANGE // BUCKY BARNES X OCWhere stories live. Discover now