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I slept so deeply that night nothing found me. Not nightmares. Not dreams. And I didn't wake until after midday, feeling completely recharged and relaxed. "Afternoon beautiful." I rolled to that sweet voice, smiling softly as I rubbed my eyes before they adjusted and I took him in.

"Afternoon?" I asked groggily as I sat up and realised I was naked, completely butt naked. I looked down and then back up at Bucky. "I didn't touch you." He said quietly and I shook my head. "No no, that's not what I was thinking. I just don't remember anything after-" I trailed off as my eyes scanned his body and I frowned slightly as I noticed the sheets on the bed.

"You got cold and I didn't want to wake you to get dressed." I raised my eyes back to him and smiled softly before I looked at his hands. "Are you...are you reading? Wait is that one of my books?" He chuckled softly as he lowered the book, closing it, showing me the cover and I smiled softly as I nudged him. " I have to know what you think." I rolled out of bed and grabbed a shirt and underwear, dressing quickly before I jumped back into bed.

I was laying on my stomach, swinging my legs behind me as I propped my head up on my hands. " do rate it so far?" I asked him seriously, studying the smile that crept to his face as he put the book on his chest and folded his arms behind his head. "The main character, Jack West...he's your favourite isn't he?" He questioned me and I smiled widely, nodding softly. "It's not because of the arm Barnes. He's one hell of a man and soldier and the way he cares for his team."

He chuckled deeply. "Won't lie, he's pretty bad ass...the story is good too. I do like the banter between Pooh Bear and Stretch." I giggled softly and sat up, moving over to his side and tilted my head at him. "It's so you and Sam." He laughed even louder this time. It was, in its on weird way, the way I imagined those two on missions together. The book itself was one of my favourites, 'The Seven Ancient Wonders - by Matthew Reilly' but how the hell Bucky had gotten the book confused me though.

I knew I'd left it behind in my apartment all those months ago, or at least I thought I had. Had Bucky gone back and gotten it? "Where did you get this?" I asked quietly as I moved over to his side and laid down next to him. He moved the book and rolled to me, his eyes watching me closely and I rolled to him, smiling softly. "I asked the landlord to move all your stuff. All the big stuff is in storage, all the small items." He patted the book. "I had placed into my apartment."

My eyes widened. He had kept my belongings, had them put into storage for me. "Why? I was fine to let it all go." I said flatly. He tensed slightly and I grabbed his hand quickly. "No, no. It's sweet, so fucking sweet that you kept it all...I just can't believe you did." He smiled crookedly, moving his hand to my chin and tilted my head slightly.

"Of course I did...that stuff was your life Lexy, I couldn't just let them throw it away. You deserve to go through it all and decide what's worth keeping." I melted into his hand. This man, was far too good to me. He had always done more than necessary for me, and I hadn't ever been able to show him how much I appreciated it, appreciated him. I knew it wasn't enough but I leant forward and kissed him softly before I whispered. "Thank you."


5 days later T'challa was pacing slowly in the dining hall when I entered and I noticed Ayo looked worried. "We need to flush them out." He said sternly but Sam stood up and shook his head. "How? The only thing that will get them to come out and show themselves-"

"Is me." Bucky said as he entered behind me and I turned to him as he sat down next to Sam, looking serious and determined. "Unfortunately's you or Lexy." T'challa sighed as he stopped, leaning his hands on the table as he looked up at me and I forced myself to take a seat. Sam slammed his hand onto the table and I jumped slightly. "No...we can't put either of them in danger like that. There has to be another way."

BE THE CHANGE // BUCKY BARNES X OCWhere stories live. Discover now