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I couldn't help myself so I had to update now! I'm really enjoying this story but how are we all feeling about this?
Please let me know.


3 days into being Bucky's 'room-mate' things were actually so much better then I thought they would be. He wasn't bothered about me being there at all which made the stay alot easier and made me feel like less of a problem.

"Have you booked your flight yet?" Bucky asked from the couch. He was currently watching 'Lord of the Rings the fellow ship of the ring' and I dropped down next to him with a bowl of popcorn. "Ahhh nooo. I haven't...why?" I mumbled around the handful I'd just stuffed into mouth.

"Oh good. I already booked the flights." He replied, shrugging slightly as he grabbed a handful himself. I nearly choked and spun to him. "Wait...what? Bucky you can't do that! How much do I owe you?" He waved me off, his eyes fixated on the screen. "Don't worry about it." He said quietly and I wanted to argue back, but I knew better. You simply couldn't argue with the man, he was far too stubborn.

Instead I just sat back, bringing my legs up and got comfortable. I did love the LOTR movies and books and we'd decided today we would try to watch all 3 movies, extended versions of course.

As my hand dove into the bowl again I accidentally grabbed Bucky's hand. "Shit sorry." I pulled my hand back to myself as I looked over to him and I could have sworn a look of pain crossed his face but it was so fast I wasn't certain I'd seen it at all. He just tilted his head slightly before nudging the bowl towards me.

I dropped my chin to my knees, I felt weird, awkward even for some reason and sighed deeply as I watched the screen. Frodo had just inherited the ring from Bilbo. Even the air felt weird, heavy in a sense and I couldn't get comfortable. "Ugghhh." I grumbled and got up, dropping to the floor instead to see if that would help. "What's wrong?" Bucky asked quietly and I shrugged because I honestly didn't know what was wrong. "Lexy."

His left hand brushed my shoulder and I turned to him, smiling weakly. "No. Don't give me that fake crap...whats wrong?" He said sternly as he sat up, pausing the movie and giving me his full attention. "I don't even know Bucky." I sighed. "I just feel off. I think it's everything snowballing." It was true, everything was piling up and I was trying to ignore it as best as I could.

I rubbed my temples, closing my eyes for a moment when I felt the couch move slightly. "If you don't want to talk about it yet I understand that...but you can't keep ignoring it either." I heard him say quietly and I smiled softly as I opened my eyes. He'd moved the bowl of popcorn to the floor and when I raised a brow at it he nudged my leg with his foot. "Here." He said quietly and held him arms open for me.

"Really?" I questioned him jokingly and he stared at me blankly. Climbing back onto the couch I looked at him cautiously, confused and surprised. His expression changed slightly as he furrowed his brows and I shrugged. He'd already cuddled me in his bed and I'd fallen asleep on him once, what harm would a cuddle now, do? So I dropped to his chest, carefully wrapping my arms around his waist as his left arm draped over my shoulders.

I silently cursed myself because cuddling him made me feel instantly better. I'd been so determined to never feel the need for a man again, except sex of course. He moved slightly, laying back almost into the same position we'd fallen asleep in on my couch, his right leg dangling off the side. "Comfortable?" He asked quietly and I nodded, not wanting to speak in case my voice gave away how much I truly needed this. "Good."

He unpaused the movie and I rolled my head, laying on his chest so I could see the tv. The soft rhythm of his heartbeat played out against my ear and I found it rather soothing. But not as soothing as his vibranium fingers playing with my hair. It was so relaxing I found myself running my own fingers up and down his right arm and I only realised I'd been doing it when he hummed softly, almost like he enjoyed it.

BE THE CHANGE // BUCKY BARNES X OCWhere stories live. Discover now