Chapter Two- The Prison

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Jordyn's POV


   Once we cleared the yard we pushed the next day to clear the rest of it. That night we sat around the fire as Beth sang us a song. Daryl stood watch at the entrance gate. I grabbed some of the food we had and took it over to him. He helped me climb up the bus that laid on its side.

   "I brought you a little something, you still need to eat" I smiled softly. Truth be told, I always liked Daryl but wouldn't ever act on those feelings. "Thank you, but you didn't have too. I'm fine" he replied. "I know. But you still need to eat. We're all exhausted and hungry" I said back.

   I sat with my legs hanging off the side of the bus, Daryl sat with me. "What was your life like? Before the world went to shit?" I asked. "I hopped around, I really didnt do anything crazy. I never really became somethin' either. my childhood wasn't the best if im honest" Daryl replied. Without pushing the subject I left it go. I placed my hand on his, "For what it's worth you are a pretty good person from what I know"

   He smiled at me and lord I the feeling I got. "What about you?" He asked. "There's not much there. I was only seventeen when this shit started. My mom died when I was four, and after that my dad went downhill. I rarely seen him and that's when Rick and Lori took me in. He treated me more like a daughter than a niece. I was still in school, had good grades and was hardly in trouble. A good two shoes if you will" I giggled at my last statement.

  "You seem to help keep Rick's head straight, you'd make a good leader. It seems we both ain't have a good childhood" Daryl said.

   We sat for a while just talking. He seemed to understand me more than anyone had, and I was the same for him. We went back to the fire, I laid my head on his lap to try and get comfortable.

   The next morning we pushed to get the inside clear. Once we got the walkers down we pushed further inside. We cleared C block, which is where we'd be staying. We took a day or so to relax before we decided to clear the rest of the prison out. Daryl slept on the catwalk on the second floor. I picked a room closest to him.

   The first night for me was rough, I tossed and turned for hours. I'm not sure why I was so restless, we were safe so why couldn't I sleep? My tossing and turning must have woken Daryl up.

   "Why the hell are you moving so much?" He whispered as he sat on the edge of my bunk. "I'm sorry, I don't know. I just can't sleep did I wake you?" I whispered back, sitting up. "Nah. I was awake, but you were pretty loud" he laughed quietly. "I'm sorry" I smiled.

   "It's alright Princess. Want me to keep ya company?" He asked. "If you want too" I replied.

   We sat on my bunk for a while just talking. At one point he was so quiet, I caught him looking at me. "What?" I laughed. Again he said nothing, just having his eyes locked with mine made me do stupid things.

   I think he thought the same, my eyes glanced down to his lips and then back to his eyes. His followed in suit shortly after. Without thinking I slammed my lips onto his, he didn't kiss back right away, but when he did oh hell.

   He pulled me closer to him, at this point I was practically straddling his waist. His soft lips on mine made me go crazy. We pulled away breathless, his forehead rested on mine.

   "It's wrong, this is wrong" he mumbled against my lips. He kissed me again. I pulled away from him, "It's not. I'm eighteen in a few weeks. It's the apocalypse for fucks sake"

   "Watch your mouth Princess" he smirked. "Watch it for me Dixon"

   He slammed his lips back onto mine. He laid me back on the bunk and laid on top of me. Don't get too excited, that's all that happened that night.

   By morning I had woken up alone, I know for a fact I wasn't dreaming, everything felt too real. Did something happen? Or did he change his mind on how he felt?


    We cleared almost the whole prison. When I did see Daryl he avoided me like the plague, was my kissing that bad?

   We had to rush Hershel back to our cell block, a walker bit his leg and Rick cut it off before it spread and killed him.

   It was touch and go for awhile. Carl and I found the infirmary and brought back what was left, only to be scolded by Lori for leaving. I headed up to my bunk, I didn't know what to do now but I just laid there.

   Days later a loud ass siren rang loud, bringing any and every walker it could. We were split up again. Carl, Maggie, Lori, and I were hidden in a room when Lori announced the baby was coming. Maggie did everything in her power to save the baby and Lori, but once she cut her old c-section scar that was it.

   Lori had a healthy baby girl who was nicknamed "lil asskicker" by Daryl, until she was later named Judith by Carl. It hurt when Lori died, but sometimes there's not much you can do.  Rick however went into a complete downspiral. For days we didn't see him, he was always off. I think he was in the room Lori died in.

   When he did start coming around it was like nothing happened.

   It had been weeks before Daryl even looked my way. And even then he had no choice. We learned about the Governor thanks to Michonne. The Governor was now more of a threat than the walkers. Daryl and I were out on watch, not by his choice I'm sure.

   It was a few hours before we spoke. The awkward silence killed me, maybe he had a reason. "Did I do something wrong? You haven't spoken or even looked at me in a weeks" I said softly.

   He didn't say anything for a while, just looked at me with an odd look. "You didn't do anythin." Was all he said.

   I turned my body to face him, "Then why haven't you talked to me?" "It's wrong, to even look at you it's wrong. Rick would have my head on a silver platter." He replied.

   "You do realize the world ended a year ago, anything before doesn't mean Jack shit now. The laws, the rules,  nothing means shit. I'm eighteen, Rick would've had a problem if I would've been younger. He doesn't have much of a say now because I'm an adult. It would've been wrong before, the hell is stopping you now?" I replied.

   "The hell did I tell you about watchin your damn mouth?" Daryl said. "Thats all you got to say? You ignored me for weeks and only now youre talking to me cause you have too, I'll do you a favor. Fuck you Dixon." I spat. I turned to walk away and leave the watch tower we were in, Daryl grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him.

   He slammed me into the wall and pushed his lips onto mine. His hands roamed down and gripped my thighs, pulling them up so they wrapped around his waist. "I told you to watch your damn mouth, and don't turn away from me while we're talking" he mumbled breathlessly.

   I stared at him all sorts of flustered. "What were we talking about again?" I giggled. Daryl laughed as he put me back on my feet.

   Over the next few weeks things with the Governor quickly got heated. He was pissed off that we'd broken into Woodbury and taken Maggie and Glenn back. When Rick brought them back Daryl wasn't with them.

   "Where's Daryl?" I asked Rick, my heart racing. "He found Merle and left" Rick replied. Just like that, he was gone. I think Rick could see something was wrong by the sour look on my face. I quickly walked off.

   Daryl came back days later, when the Governor had attacked as part of his revenge. If it wasn't for Daryl, I'd be dead. A walker snuck up behind me and grabbed me, struggling to fight it off its body went limp on mine and an arrow stuck through its head. Still upset with Daryl, I appreciated him saving me.


   We'd set up a plan to make the Governor think we left the prison, only to surprise him later with gun fire. Rick and the others went out later that day to finish it. Only to find the Governor nowhere in site, the remaining people of Woodbury came and stayed with us.

   I hadn't spoken to Daryl since the night he came back. It was hard not to talk to him, but I couldn't do it.

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