Chapter Three- A New Start

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Jordyn's POV


   Over the course of the next few weeks we slowly rebuilt what the Governor destroyed, we had crops, people, children, animals, almost everything. Even walkers piling up along the fences

   Daryl knocked on my cell door. I rolled over to face him and gave a dull smile before returning to my book. "Still ain't talking to me?" He grumbled. I sighed, "Daryl you left without saying a fucking word to me. When Rick came back without you my heart dropped thinking something bad had happened you. Thank you for saving my life, but fuck you for leaving."

   Daryl smacked my ass hard and straddled it. "Ouch! You ass!" I yelped.

   "Oh so sorry Princess. But I told you to watch ya mouth" he smirked. I rolled over on my back once he lifted his weight. I lightly smacked his chest. "Im still upset with you" I said. He leaned down, his breath hitting off my neck. He trailed soft kisses across my throat and up my jawline to my lips.

   His soft lips on mine made me melt everytime. His hand rested on my cheek while the other roamed my body.

   Someone clearing their throat loudly scared the shit out of both of us. "Am I interrupting something?" Rick sassed. "Oh fuck, Rick!" I jumped. "Daryl, out now" Rick warned.

   "Rick it's not-"

   "Not what it looks like? Jordyn you are eighteen, yes. But you are still like my daughter. Daryl is so much older than you." Rick scolded.

   "Rick, the world ended for fucks sake. Nothing matters anymore other than surviving. I love you, but this is my choice. Please support me on this" I replied.

   "I love you too, which is why if he breaks your heart. I'll kill him myself even if he is my best friend. You're right, you're old enough and this is your choice. You should've talked to me, not hide it." Rick said, pulling me into a hug.

   Daryl was to go on a run later, I wanted to go with but he quickly shut it down. They had enough people to go and he wasn't going to put me in danger.

   "Damn you look so hot straddling your bike" I mumbled, barely loud enough for him to hear me. He pulled me close and whispered in my ear "Wait to see how hot I look straddling you later"

   Words cannot describe how he made me feel in that moment, but damn did I want him. "Mmm bring me back a bunch of gummy bears and I'm yours for the night Dixon" I winked. He pulled me in for a quick kiss "What's the magic word, darlin?"

   "Pretty please Mr. Dixon" I whispered. I kissed him again and went to walk off, but not before he smacked my ass again. I went off and helped around the prison.

   "You and Daryl are pretty, close" Carol said. "We bonded in Atlanta but it wasn't anything crazy, our first night here we spent most of the night talking, and it just went from there" I smiled. "Daryl isn't the type for relationships Jordyn, especially not with you" She said.

   "Daryl isn't the type to let people in either, but he did. I'm not asking for a relationship Carol. With me? What's wrong with me?" I asked. "You're young" was all she said, rolling her eyes.

   "Clearly he doesn't have a problem with it. Otherwise he wouldn't engage in the shit with me. The hell is with your attitude?" I asked. "Nothing. I just don't think you're good for Daryl" Carol said.

   I walked away before I'd say something bitchy like I wanted too. She had no right to say anything about Daryl and I's situation. But a part of me began to think she was right.

   What the hell did he want with me? Why not go for someone his age? There isn't anything special about me.

   As I laid in my cell all I could do was think, break my own heart too with some of the thoughts I had. Maybe Daryl was better off without me.

   At some point I dozed before the others came back. I laid with my face buried in my pillow, tears stained my face.
   I felt someone's hand rubbing up and down my back, just enough to slowly wake me up. I groaned and rolled over to see Daryl sitting on the edge of the bed.

   "Hi" I mumbled. "Hi Princess, I couldn't find ya. Nobody knew where you went" he replied. I sat up and pulled my knees to my chest. "Just came for a nap" I said.

   "Ya feeling alright?" He asked, rubbing my leg. I nodded, not wanting to tell him about Carol. "I've spent the last year plus some around you. I know when something is botherin ya. What's wrong?" He asked again.

   "After you left, Carol stopped me and pointed out how close we'd gotten. She seemed to have an attitude towards me for it and then said I wouldn't be good enough for you" I mumbled. He pulled me in for a hug and kissed my head before he walked out without another word.

   I heard hushed whispers coming from Carol's cell. I couldn't make out what they were saying but I knew it was Daryl. A few moments later he came back up to my cell. "Carol had no right to talk to you the way she did. And it's not really her place to decide if I want you around or not" Daryl said, lying down and pulling me with him. "Thank you" I mumbled against his skin.

   It had been a little over a month before we had any sort of problems. The first incident we had was when everyone got sick. Hershel and Dr. S said it was some sort of fast acting flu. Patrick from D block got it and died from choking on his own blood. He wandered into D block and started attacking the others peacefully sleeping.

   Once we heard the screams in the early morning we ran to D block to see what was wrong. Not knowing what happened was startling. We quickly killed those that turned. Once Hershel and Dr. S figured out what it was, they thought it was best to keep those exposed separate from the others. Those of us that killed the infected needed to be separated too.

   It wasn't long before people started feeling sick. Sasha and Glenn came down with it hours between each other. They were quarantined away from the others. Daryl was worried about me getting it and asked me to go with him to find the antibiotics Hershel mentioned. I told him no, seeing as I was better to help here before shit got out of hand.

   Before they got back, Glenn had almost died. He was choking on his blood when Lizzy found him, I was outside helping Rick and Maggie fix the fence when we heard gun shots.

   Rick ushered Maggie to go help Hershel. I ran for Carl to help Rick and I.

   The walkers brought down the fence on the outer side of the prison. A whole herd pushed their way through and chased us into one of the towers. They brought down the inner fence too. Rick, Carl, and I took each and every walker down with the guns along the fence.

   It wasn't long before Daryl and the others returned with the medicine we all desperately needed.

   Daryl pulled me into a suffocating bear hug before rushing off to give the medicine to Hershel.

   The next morning I was helping Michonne gather the walker bodies we took down last night. We loaded them onto the trailer to take into the woods to burn, Hershel tagged along too. He needed to get out after saving everyone's lives.

   Hershel quickly became like another father figure to me. I'd sent most of my time with him learning about medicine and how to do certain procedures. I learned a lot in the short time I practiced with him.

   He didn't think he'd be around much longer which is why he needed someone else to learn. I didn't like him talking about not being around much longer, but I knew better than to think otherwise.

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