Chapter Eleven- New Rules

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Jordyn's POV


   "Holy fuck! You're awake?" I shouted at Daryl, sitting up. "I've been for a little bit now darlin" he laughed. "You son of a bitch, you scared the hell out of me! You weren't supposed to hear that" I giggled.

   "Well I did" he smiled. "You love me?" I asked. "I love you more than life itself babygirl. You've been my rock for months, you've had my heart since that first day in our camp in Atlanta" he replied.

   It's safe to say, we went for another round, if you know what I mean.

  There was a quarry packed with dozens of walkers. There was a plan that would've taken us a bit, but once a trailer fell off the one cliff we needed to move now and fast.

   Daryl, Sasha, and Abraham led the hoard out of the quarry and away from Alexandria. I wanted to go with Daryl, but he told me I needed to stay home.

   I stayed and waited to see what I could do next from at home.

   Then the problem started. A loud ass horn blared through the air. A tractor trailer slammed into the front side of the walls, not knocking it down but it did damage it. The horn blaring louder than anything.

    We noticed walkers in the woods with a 'W' carved into their heads over a period of time. At first we thought nothing of it, until the guys who carved them broke in.

   They ran ramped through the streets, killing those they could get their hands on. One sliced my thigh before I got him down.

   It took us a bit but we finally got them all killed. We started cleaning up the bodies when we heard someone yell.

   Rick was sprinting down the road, half of the hoard followed him closely behind. "Get that fucking gate open now!" I shouted. We pulled Rick inside and closed the gate. We were now trapped inside with them right at the gate.

   I went to see Denise to get my leg patched up. "Have you told him?" She asked quietly. "No, i just found out. Then we were at the quarry. I didn't have time" I replied.

   I'd been hiding something from Daryl. I didn't know it until a few hours before they started moving the hoard.

   I was late on my period, by almost two weeks. I went to see Denise in the infirmary. I knew we had some old pregnancy tests. "Dont say anything please" I said to her. I peed on the stick and waited the five minutes.

   The time was up, the test was positive.

   "Oh fuck" I mumbled. "You're pregnant?" She asked. I nodded, am I ready? How will Daryl take it?

   Denise patched my leg up without further questions about my pregnancy. "I don't even know if he wants children. I seen how he was with Judith, but that doesn't mean he wants kids of his own" I said.

   "I'm sure he does. Daryl seems like a hard-ass but I'm sure he'll love you and your child the same" Denise said. I sure hoped she was right.

   I went to find Maggie, her and I got a lot closer now that we were here. "Hey Mags" I smiled. "Hey Jo. What's up?" She asked. "Can I tell you something and have you keep quiet?" I asked.

   "Of course you can" She smiled. "I'm pregnant" I said. "You are?! Thats amazin!! Does Daryl know?" She asked. "No. I just found out this morning, then things with the hoard situation picked up" I replied.

   "I have somethin to tell you too" she said. "What's up?" I asked. "I'm pregnant too" she smiled. "Holy shit! Our babies can grow up together" I smiled, pulling her in for a hug.

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