Chapter Twenty-Six- The Whispers

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Jordyn's POV


   We waited for the herd to come through. "They're coming" I whispered to Daryl. We were on the roof of a little shack. Daryl lit the firecrackers and Dog barked to get them to come our way.

   They started coming and then turned back towards where Jesus and the others had gone. Daryl shushed Dog and we listened. "What the fuck?" I mumbled. "I don't have a goddamn clue" Daryl mumbled back.

   We ran in their direction. There was a cemetery, they were pinned between a stuck gate and the herd. A "walker" turned and stabbed Jesus in the side. More like him pushed out at us, Michonne, and a few others were there.

   "What in the fucking hell was that? Please tell me someone else seen that?" I asked. Daryl went and examined the new walkers. A string was tied in the back of its head, creating a mask from a previous walker face. Underneath it was a normal human. "What the hell?" I mumbled.

   Then we heard the whispers. "We need to go, now" I whispered. The others agreed, we picked up Jesus's body and helped Eugene walk. We hurried our asses the hell out of there.

   We made it back to the horses and walked back to Hilltop. Dog started barking once he seen walkers. We followed them and took out the walkers. We hit them from the front and the back. There were three people mixed in. The one was a teenage girl.

   Daryl had her on her knees before us. Michonne and Daryl started questioning her. We decided to take her with us to Hilltop to further push her for questions.

   The news of Jesus's death broke the hearts of many. We buried him and had a funeral. Then we took the girl we brought back and locked her in the cellar.

   Henry sat in one of the other cells. "Daryl?" Henry called. "The hell are you doing down here?" I asked him. "Long story, what's going on?" Henry asked. "Jesus is dead" Daryl said.

   I left Tara, Michonne, and Daryl to interrogate the girl they brought in. I went to help Siddiq pop Eugene's knee back in place.

   When Rosita stepped out after, Siddiq followed. Euegue and I could hear them through the wall, Rosita was pregnant with Siddiq's baby. "Well damn" I mumbled.

   I went and sat on the roof of one of the trailers. Daryl followed me up shortly after. "We need to talk" he said, sitting beside me. "Okay" I sighed. "I was out there for Rick, for the longest time. Yes we agreed to stop and I did, just well after you did. I stay out there sometimes to get away, to be free" Daryl said.

   "Get away and be free from what?" I asked. "Just in general. I'm so used to being outside and alone, that sometimes I just fall back into that" he replied.

   "Do you regret being with me? Having Wrennie? Staying?" I asked. "Not one damn second do I regret you or our baby. I absolutely love the fuck out of both of you, losing Rick was hard on both of us. I felt like it was my fault, that's why I needed to get out" Daryl said.

   "I'm sorry for being mean and distant. It almost felt as if you were slipping from me. I already lost my uncle, I can't lose my husband too" I said. Daryl pulled me in and gave me a kiss before resting his head on my forehead. "You won't ever lose me babygirl, I love you more than life" he said.

   "I love you, my love" I smiled. Michonne took Rosita, Eugene, and Siddiq back home. I hung back awhile with Daryl. Tara told the newbies they could stay there. I found Enid up on the front gate with Magna. "Hey" I smiled. "Hey Jo" Enid said, pulling me in for a hug.

   "Hi Magna" I said, she said hello and climbed down. "If it gets any later, I'll personally go and look for Alden" I said. "I'll go with. I don't know what we are, but it's something" Enid said. "Daryl and I were like that years ago, now look, we're married with a six year old" I smiled.

   "I admire your relationship. You two have been through hell, yet you continue to grow" Enid smiled. "We keep each other stable. We balance each other out" I said.

   When Alden and Luke didn't return we took a search party out. We'd found their horses dead, walkers eating from them. We took them out and made sure they were actually walkers.

   We searched the area for tracks, the ones we found were walker tracks. Connie pointed out to Kelly that the horses were sliced and skinned.

   Tara wanted to head back, in a way she was right. It was no longer safe outside the walls, hell it wasn't before but now it really isn't. People dressed as walkers? The hell else is next?

   We headed back to Hilltop for the night. Daryl and I had a room in the house. I flopped onto the bed on my belly, Daryl straddled my thighs and smacked my ass.

   "Ass be fat as fuck" Daryl joked, he lifted his weight and allowed me to roll to my back. "Fuck off" I giggled. He leaned down and started kissing my neck. "Mmm watcha doing" I asked breathlessly. "Maybe I'm tying to make another baby" he smirked.

   "Damn, alright" I laughed. He stripped our clothes off and started kissing all over my body.

   I laid behind Daryl that night. His shirtless back was pretty damn hot, I traced the scars he'd gotten from a few years ago. I felt him flinch. "I'm sorry" I mumbled, kissing his shoulder.

   "No its alright babygirl, it's just a reminder that I'm still here. I survived it. Michonne was pregnant with RJ at that time. It was hard on her to kill her friends and those kids" Daryl replied. "I know honey. But those people were a danger to everyone. And the scars make you ten times hotter" I giggled.

   He rolled over to face me and pulled me in. "I love you babygirl" he smiled, kissing Mr. "I love you more pookie" I smirked. He groaned and rolled on top of me. "It's a good thing we're still naked. I'll teach you for calling me pookie" Daryl smirked.

   The next morning he was down talking to the girl, who's name he learned was Lydia. He got more information from her about her people. Her mother was their leader, and now that Lydia was gone, her mother wouldn't come looking for her.

   Or so we thought. Connie and Kelly were on their way back with the guards that seen them sneak out last night. The masked walkers were walking right towards Hilltop. "Daryl, Jordyn!" Tara yelled from the gate. We climbed up top with her.

   They walked right up to the outer gate. "I am Alpha. We only want one thing from you, my daughter" she said. "So much for not coming for her" I mumbled.

   She didn't want to harm us, she just wanted Lydia. When Daryl told her no, she whistled for her other people to come out of hiding.

   "If she has Alden and Luke, not giving her Lydia could kill them" I whispered. "No. I won't send her back to that. We don't even know if she has them" Daryl replied.

   "Thats not a chance I'm willing to take Daryl" I said. Daryl climbed down the ladder and out to where Alpha was standing. I could tell by the way he stood that he was threatening her.

   Two people were brought out gaged, tied, and a mask over their face. It was Alden and Luke "Thats it, I'm handing her over" I said. Henry tried to stop me. "Henry you just met this girl, she is worth nothing compared to Alden and Luke. You might not like that, but that's not my problem" I said.

   "Her mom hits her. They don't give a damn about her" Henry said. "I get that, I do. But I'm not risking OUR people over a girl you just met. Don't fight me on this" I said. I opened up the cellar doors and walked down.

   "Daryl?" Lydia called. "Nope, his wife" I said. "Oh. Is everything okay?" She asked. "No. Your mom is here. She has our people and wants to trade for you. I'll be back" I said.

   I walked out of the cellar just as Daryl walked in through the gate. "We're trading her, right?" I asked. "Yeah, we have too"

   We went back for Lydia only to find her cell empty. "Fucking Henry!" I shouted. We searched all over Hilltop for Henry and Lydia. Daryl went to go after them, but Enid and Addy went instead.

   "I'm so kicking that kids ass" I said to Daryl. "You and me both" he said. Enid and Addy brought them back. Daryl met Alpha halfway to exchange our people for hers.

   We stood inside the gate watching them. Alpha struck Lydia and then pulled her in for a hug. "Jesus Christ" I mumbled.

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