Chapter Twenty-Nine- Home Again

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Jordyn's POV


   "Hi princess" I smiled, pulling her into me and Daryl for a hug. "Hi mommy! Hi daddy!" She cheered. Rosita told us what happened last night. Daryl left Judith and Wren in charge of watching Dog, he'd gotten out last night and they took off during the storm to find him.

   Negan took off after them to make sure they were safe. I went to see him in the infirmary. "Well hello babydoll" Negan smiled. "Thank you, for keeping her safe" I smiled.

   "I told you I would earn your trust one way. I would do anything for those girls" Negan said. "I have an answer for your question from weeks ago. I'll grant you time out, but you will work and you will be with a guard. It's my way of saying thank you." I smiled.

   "Thank you doll. I won't let you down" Negan said. "I'll hold you to that" I said.

   When it got warmer out we trained at Oceanside's Beach to prepare for when the Whisperers came back. Everyone gathered there to fight in a formation. Daryl and I walked along the others as they trained, off on the side Judith was showing Wren how to use my machete.

   It wasn't ideal for her to fight with us, but she still needed to learn. The walkers broke out of the old boat and we used our training to take them out. I stood beside Wren as she took down the last walker. "There you go babycakes" I smiled.

   Wren went off with Judith, RJ, and Jerry's kids to pick sea shells. I glanced over at them and noticed the horrified look on Judy's face. I ran over to them. "What's wrong?" I asked. Judith pointed to the walker mask lying before them. "What the fuck?" I mumbled.

   I grabbed it and walked off to gather the others. "Does it mean they're back?" I asked. "Not necessarily" Michonne said. I ordered over the radio system for those at Alexandria to be on high alert, just in case.

   "No one saw Alpha move her hoard out, maybe no one saw them move back in" Aaron said.

   Michonne took two groups of three out to look around our borders and make sure that Alpha wasnt near. They came back and reported that there was a whisperer near us, recently.

   Then a loud boom came from the sky and when we looked up there was what looked like a metor shower falling from the sky. "What the fuck?" I asked.

   Eugene was on the radio with an urgent message to the leaders.

   We chased down where whatever it was landed. It started a big ass forest fire that would've spread into hunting lands and Oceanside if we didn't stop it.

   We worked quickly at putting it out with water, while others dug further out around the fire to keep it from spreading further. We worked until morning to get it put out. We didn't have to just worry about the fire, but walkers too.

   "Guys a shitload of them are coming!" I shouted. We did what we could to push them back. I grabbed my machete from my holster and walked towards the walkers, killing as many as I could. More of our people pushed forward. A tree broke and landed on a couple walkers.

   We kept going until they were all dead and the fire was out. "Mother fuck that took forever!" I gasped, trying to breathe normally from the smoke.


  We were back home in Alexandria, still very cautious about Alpha and the hoard she had hidden. How you hide that many bodies is beyind me.

   We noticed that small herds of walkers were being lead towards us in the direction of the border. We hid behind the spike fences and took down each and every little herd that made its way towards us.

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