Chapter Fifteen- Saviors

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Jordyn's POV


   I told Negan to take me instead because I knew I had a better chance than Daryl did. Had he taken Daryl he would've beat the hell out of him. I know he wouldn't touch me. Well more than he already did.

   Negan put me in the middle seat of the truck between him and Dwight. "Boss she needs a doctor" Dwight said. "Is that so?" Negan said. "I threw up a bunch in the woods, then passed out for a while. Somethings wrong, so yes I need to see a fucking doctor" I spat.

   "No need to get aggressive babydoll, you'll see one as soon as we get home" Negan said. "It's not my home"

   "No, but it will be" he smirked. Like hell, the second I get a chance I'm gone. I don't think anyone would care I was gone. Hell my own husband said he didn't need me.


   We arrived at what looked like a factory, cars outside with walkers chained to the fence. Dwight parked the truck and we all got out. Well I tried to get out only to almost fall to my knees.

   "Damn, I guess you are in pretty bad condition" Negan said. He picked me up bridal style and carried me into the building. "I can walk asshole. Put me down" I said. "Not a chance doll. You were almost on your ass out there just getting out of a truck" he replied.

   I didn't want to admit it, but he did have a point. He carried me all the way to where his doctor was and sat me on the exam table. "What's up with this pretty face?" The doctor asked. "Watch it. She's pregnant. Threw up more than she shoulda and passed out a few hours ago." Negan said.

   The doctor nodded and got to work examining me. "I'll be right back. I have things to deal with. Radio me if something goes wrong" Negan said.

   "Is he the father?" The doctor asked. "Like hell! My husband is waiting for me at home" I said. "I'm sorry, I didn't know if you were one of his wives or not" the doctor replied.

   "Wives? As in more than one?" I asked, he nodded but didn't say another word.

   Negan retured awhile later, just as the doctor finished up with my exam. "Based on your ultrasound you're around a few weeks pregnant. Baby is healthy and doing great. You were just dehydrated and suffered a mild case of food poisoning and other pregnancy symptoms. Nothing serious" the doctor smiled.

   "Good to hear. Let's get you to a room then. Hm?" Negan said. I tried to walk and again was unsuccessful. "Gonna let me carry you this time or do you wanna be stubborn?" He asked. "Carried" I mumbled, he smiled and picked me up.

   "Why'd you want to come in replace of Daryl?" Negan asked. "You'd have beat the shit out of him. Treated him like nothing. Daryl is much more than that and deserves more. I knew you wouldn't lay another hand on me" I replied.

   "What if you're wrong? And if I beat the shit out of you?" He asked. "You wouldn't. From what I heard your a woman pleaser, a ladies man for one and for two if you did, you'd be dealing with the wrath of Daryl and Rick" I said.

   "They care about you that much?" Negan said, placing me down on a bed. "Yeah. Yeah they do. Daryl's been with me since the beginning, I've loved him since then. Rick's my uncle. Those people are my family and there would be hell to pay if something happens to me" I replied.

   "I'll keep that in mind babydoll. This is my room. Go on and get showered, I'll bring you a change of clothes, something to eat, and prenatal vitamins to take. Then we need to talk" Negan said.

   I nodded, way too tired to fight with him anymore but I didn't trust him. I went and just sat in the bottom of the showered, the water ran over my body. "I really chose to come with the man who murdered Glenn and Abraham and then smacked my ass around" I whispered to myself. What the fuck did I get myself into?

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