Chapter Twenty-Seven- The Kingdom

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Jordyn's POV


   Everything was okay then. Connie had  saved the baby one of Alpha's people left to die. I sat with Daryl up on the one watch tower. "Don't feel bad my love, there wasn't much of a choice" I said, pulling him in for a hug. "I know, but I still feel like shit" he sighed.

   Addy brought up a note from Henry's room, he was going after Lydia. Daryl said he was going to find him, Connie volunteered to go with too. "I'll probably head home to Wrennie in the morning" I said, kissing Daryl.

   "Alright. Kiss baby bug for me. I love you babygirl" Daryl said. "I love you more."

   The next morning I saddled my horse.  "Are you sure you can't stay?" Tara asked, handing me my backpack. "I wish I could Tara, but I have Alexandria to lead and my child is home" I smiled.

   "I don't know if I can do this alone" she said. "You will do just fine, Jesus wouldn't have asked for you to help him if he didn't know you could do it. I'm only a little ways away, send someone if you need help. If not Wren and I will see you at the fair" I said, pulling her in for a hug.

   "Okay, okay. I thought Michonne wasn't coming?" Tara asked. "She isn't, she also doesn't have more say than I do. We will be there, it's time we stop being apart" I smiled.

   I got onto my horse and started my journey home. I got through the gate and was told Negan escaped. "How the fuck did that happen?" I asked. "I forgot to lock the door. He's back and will only speak to you" Gabriel said. "Fuck, alright" I said.

   "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yelled at Negan. "Babydoll! How the hell are you?" He smirked. "You got out, had the chance to leave and stay gone, yet here your ass sits here" I said.

   "There's nothing out there for me. I know that now. I want your trust. I wanna be able to be apart of this. I was kept in here, you're not killing me." Negan said. "I told you years ago there wasn't shit out there for you. I'll think about it. But if I decide to let you out, you'll work and you'll be with a guard." I said.

   "That's fine, I want to do something other than rot in here" Negan said. "I'll give you an answer in a few days" I smiled.

   I went and got Wrennie from the sitters. "Hi mommy!" She cheered. "Hi my love" I smiled. "Where's daddy?" She asked. "Someone got lost at Hilltop and daddy had to go find them. What do you say about going to a fair?" I asked.

   "What's a fair?" Wren asked. "Well the one we're going too is with mommy and daddy's old friends we haven't seen in a while. There will be food, dancing, and fun" I smiled. "I want to go mommy!" She shouted.

   "Then we'll go babycakes" I said, wrapping her in a hug. We got wagons together filled with stuff for the Kingdom.

   Wren and I headed to Kingdom early. "I will see the rest of you soon" I said. I gathered some supplies and hung it on my horse. "You hold on tight to mom" I said. "Okay mommy!"

   "You'll get to meet your aunt Carol and her husband King Ezekiel" I said to Wren. "Aunt Carol? King? That's so silly" Wren giggled. "You met Aunt Carol when you were a little baby. That's what they call Ezekiel. He runs a place called the Kingdom" I said.

   "I think I remember Aunt Carol momma. Will I get to meet other friends?" Wren asked. "I'm sure you do love bug. Yes, some of momma's other friends will be there. You'll get to play with Jerry's kiddos" I replied.

   "Who's Jerry?" She asked. "Jerry is an awesome man. He's very funny and his wife is amazing. Jerry is Ezekiel's best friend and right hand" I replied.

   "Like Judy is my best friend?" Wren asked. "Well in a way, yes." I laughed.

   We arrived at Kingdom shortly after. Just as we got there Carol, Ezekiel, Jerry, and a few others got back. "Jordyn?" Ezekiel called.

   "King, Queen, Jerryyy" I smiled, Carol wrapped me in a hug and Ezekiel and Jerry did too. "What are you doing here so early?" Carol asked. "Wren and I wanted to come help" I said. "Wren is here?" Jerry asked.

   I pulled Wren out from behind me. "Wrennie. This is Aunt Carol, King Ezekiel, and Jerry" I said. "Oh my god, you got so big" Carl smiled. "Hi" Wren said shyly. Jerry knelt down and asked for a fist bump, Wren did it with a smile.

   Carol pulled Wren in for a hug, "She is the perfect mix of you and Daryl" "She definitely is, where is Daryl?" Ezekiel added.

   "We need to talk" I said. Jerry sent Wren off to play with his wife and kids while we went to talk.

   "There's a new threat. Far more dangerous than Negan ever was. Their called the Whisperers. They wear walker skins and walk with the dead. We only found out about them when Eugene and Rosita went to out. They killed Jesus. We took the leaders daughter and held her for questioning at Hilltop and the next day her mother showed up. She calls herself Alpha. Once we gave her daughter back, Henry went after her and Daryl went after him." I said.

   "Holy shit. They walk with the dead?" Ezekiel asked. "Henry went after her? Jesus is dead?" Carol asked.

   "Yes. They skin the walkers and use their skin as a mask, they walk just like the dead does. It's disturbing if you ask me. Henry didn't want us to give Lydia up, but we had no choice. Alpha had Luke and Alden, so we traded. Henry went after her, Daryl should've caught him by now. If not Hilltop, they'll come here. We buried him at Hilltop, Tara is leading now" I replied.

   "Okay. The Highway men won't let the whisperers come anywhere near here. We will be safe, I trust Daryl with Henry" Ezekiel said. "He'll bring him home in one piece." I said.

   We went and finished getting things ready for the fair. Wren played with Jerry's kids for the longest time, her smile was brighter than the sun. "You asked why we came so early, that's why" I smiled to Carol, pointing at Wren.

   "She's beautiful. Her smile makes everything bad seem so pointless" Carol smiled. "I wish she got to meet Sophia and Carl. And that Rick could be here to watch her grow, meet RJ and see what we've built" I smiled.

   "I miss them more everyday" Carol smiled.

   Tara's group from Hilltop arrived shortly after I did. "Jordyn, you're here already? Is everyone else from Alexandria here too?" Tara asked, bringing me in for a hug. "Wren and I came early. The others will be here soon" I replied.

   "Wren's here? Where is she?" Tara smiled. "Wrennie!" I yelled. The little patters of her feet running towards me made me smile.

    "Hi mommy!" Wren smiled. "Hi babycakes. Aunt Tara is here and is dying to see you again" I smiled. Wren spun around to face Tara and smiled at her. "Holy shit, you look so much like your mom and dad" Tara said. "Hi aunt Tara! Mommy she said a naughty word" Wren said.

   I laughed, "Wrennie you've heard daddy say so much worse." "Can I hug you?" Tara asked Wren. She smiled and wrapped her arms around Tara. "Guess that's a yes" Tara laughed. "She's definitely my kid with the affection shit" I smiled.

   "You didn't run into Daryl on the way?" I asked Tara after Wren ran off. "No, I thought him and Henry would've beaten us here" Tara said. "I wonder if I should track the roads from Hilltop to here" I said.

   "No, definitely not. Wren is here, you need to be here. I'm sure he is just fine, you know Daryl" Tara said. "I know, I know. It's just the worrying part of me. It kills me not knowing if he's okay when he's out there" I replied. "It's okay Jo, him and Henry are going to walk through that gate perfectly fine." Tara smiled.

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