Chapter Thirty-One- Stuck

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Jordyn's POV


   We all stood up rather quickly once we realized what was before us. We looked up to where Alpha was standing, staring at us. "You dumbass bald bitch!" I shouted at her. She smirked and walked out.

   We noticed a way across. We needed to jump on the rocks in the middle of the walkers to make it over, if not we were stuck. Daryl went first and helped me over, the others followed.

   We took out walkers here and there as we went across. We made it into a different section of the cave, Daryl found a way up and we followed. Magna was giving Carol shit for following Alpha and getting us stuck, which I did agree with Magna.

   We were sitting in a half open part of the cave, further up than what we were before. We were resting for a bit. I rested my head on Daryl's shoulder, "We'll get out of here babygirl, I promise you" he said.

   "I know we will, we have too" I replied. Daryl kissed my head. We heard Magna scream and ran towards her. There were skin freaks there trying to attack us. We killed them and ran after the others.

   There were arrows carved into the walls, we followed them. The tighter the spaces got, the more my anxiety rose. "Fuck" I mumbled. "You okay?" Daryl asked. "I was, the smaller this gets the more my anxiety rises" I replied.

   "You're okay" Connie signed. "I'm okay. Thank you" I sighed back. We had to crawl through one of the smallest parts of that cave. Daryl lead and kept me right behind him. "You got this babygirl" he said. He pulled me through, and then pulled everyone else through too.

   Jerry was the last one. Him, Aaron, and Connie were making their way when walkers started crawling towards Jerry.

   Jerry got stuck last minute. And they caught up to him, he kicked at them while he ripped off his gear. We managed to pull him through and killed the walkers behind him. I checked Jerry for bites and he was okay.

   A beam of light poured in from the roof. Magna almost fell off the cliff we stood on. Daryl dropped a torch down and lit up a few of the hundreds of walkers below. "Mother fuck" I mumbled.

   We made it through mineshaft. We needed to be careful with what piece we broke, this whole thing could come down on us any minute. Kelly found a crate of dynamite. "Kelly, put that down slowly. It was left there for a reason. It might not be safe" I said. She nodded and carefully placed it down.

   We kept digging until the hole was big enough to get through. Daryl noticed Carol was missing and so was dynamite. "Damnit!" He mumbled. "Come on, keep digging while he finds her" I said.

   Then shit started going wrong. Everything was shaking and falling. Jerry and Aaron did their best to hold onto the support that was falling. I shoved Connie up and then pulled myself up. Skin freaks were running at us. Then Aaron came up and helped us.

   Daryl climbed up and pulled Carol through. Jerry was pulled through. Connie and Magna never made it before the dynamite explosion.

   Daryl went back to look for a way in while I held Kelly. Daryl wanted to keep digging, Kelly made a good point when she said the explosion would bring walkers and Whisperers from miles away.

   Daryl walked off, "Daryl where are you going?" I asked. "There's got to be another way in" he replied. Carol was crying, this was her fault.

   She tried to stop Daryl. "Carol, you've done enough. Let him try and fix your fuck up" I said. "I'm sorry" she sobbed. I held Kelly as we walked back home. "We will find her, I will make it a priority, I promise" I said to Kelly.

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