Chapter Thirty-Three- Rebuilding Home

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Jordyn's POV


   We worked on the walls and replanting our crops that the hoard destroyed. Carol and Daryl went out to see if they could find anything to hunt. Only Carol came back alone with Dog. "Where's Daryl?" I asked. "He wanted to stay out longer, he sent Dog home with me" she replied, I nodded and went back to planting the crops.

   We could replant all we wanted, but it would do us no good right now. There was a place Daryl had found that we went to scavenge for food.

   A group of us loaded supplies up to go. It was a big building where most of the military used to be. We needed to go in through the roof. Three of us slid down separate ropes at a time. The first three went down to make sure it was clear for the rest of us.

   The floor below was covered with dozens of walker bodies, the slightest sound would wake them all up and we'd be screwed.

   A few others slid down, me included.  "It's almost as if they're sleeping." I signed to Kelly. We were sending the bags of supplies up to Daryl and the others.

   One of the ropes gave out and before the bag on it fell to the ground, Daryl caught it. He sliced his arm in the process, little droplets of his blood ran down his arm and fell onto a walker below, waking it and the others up. The smell of blood and rotting corpses made my stomach turn. Damnit.

   We used arrows at first to take the walkers out, the Carol picked up an automatic rifle. We quickly tired killing what walkers we could, I stood with Carol firing the rifles we had while the others made their way back to the roof.

   Carol left my side to fill up another bag with food. Daryl sent down the ropes and I waited for Carol to hurry up, walkers pushed closer to us just as she hooked herself to the rope. Daryl and Alden pulled us up just in time.

   Morning hit just as we made it back to Alexandria. I felt nauseous. Daryl and I greeted the kids. Wren, Judith, and RJ ran to us for hugs. Jude and RJ might not be our biological children, but they sure as hell are considered so. You can tell Michonne not being here is weighing heavy on them.

   "I'll be right back" I said to Daryl, kissing his cheek. "Everything alright?" He asked. I nodded, "Just need to check on something"

   I found Maggie and noticed her glaring at Negan. "Mags, can you come with me?" I asked, breaking her stare. "Yeah, what's up?" She asked. "We gotta talk and I need your help"

   I lead Maggie to the infirmary and sat on one of the beds. "You weren't bit, were you?" She asked. "No, but I think I'm pregnant" I replied. Without another word she grabbed the ultrasound machine we had  and brought it over, she used the gel and started moving it around my belly.
    "Negan being out, is my call" I said. "I figured as much, it's just hard seeing him walk a free man." Maggie said. "He sat in that cell for almost seven years Maggie, he wasn't treated like royalty. He was fed and left to rot. I was honoring what Rick and Carl wanted." I said.

   "I know, I don't know what I'd do if I was in your shoes but I understand. Hershel asked about Glenn, I told him a bad man killed him and when he asked if the bad man got what he deserved, I couldn't answer him. Negan was long gone from my mind then" Maggie replied.

   "I wanted nothing more but to kill him when he killed Glenn and Abraham. I wanted to make things right for you and Hershel. But Rick made a point, it was better to lock him up in that cell than it was to kill him" I said.

   "On another note. You are definitely pregnant" Maggie smiled. "Oh my. Another baby wasn't even the plan, hell we didn't have a plan" I replied. "Yous can do it, you raised Wren. You're raising Judith and RJ too. You look to be about almost two months along" Maggie smiled, handing me a picture.

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