Chapter Eight- So Much For Being Safe

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Jordyn's POV


   We'd found Bob that night with part of his leg cut off. He had told us that Gareth and some of his people had grabbed him. What Bob didn't tell us right away was that he got bit on their run to the food bank.

   Of course it was devastating to see Bob go, but it was ten times worse on Sasha. We buried Bob the next morning.

   Abraham fixed up the old bus behind the church. He urged us to come with him, but we couldn't. Daryl returned later that day with a boy around my age, Noah and told us about Beth, Carol now was with her too. We needed our people before we could go anywhere.

   Maggie, Glenn, and Tara went along with Abraham to get a head start on getting to D.C. We waited it out to get to Atlanta where Beth and Carol were being held.

   "We're going to get them both back safely Daryl" I said, pulling him in for a hug.

   The next day we made the church safe from walkers so the rest of our people could go rescue Carol and Beth. I wanted to go, but Daryl made me promise I'd stay here and keep everyone safe. "I can't have anything bad happen to you love, stay here" Daryl said. "Come back to me, safe" I mumbled in his ear. He kissed me goodbye and left with the others.

   Carl, Michonne, and I stayed with Judith at the church. Gabriel stayed behind too seeing as this had nothing to do with him.

   Later on Gabriel had somehow gotten out of the church without us knowing and led back at least a dozen walkers. Leaving us with no choice but to leave the church to the walkers. We escaped the same way Gabriel did, made our way to the front and locked the walkers inside.

   We stood outside the church that was until the walkers inside started breaking the door from their weight. Glenn and the others pulled up in a firetruck just in time.

   "Eugene lied. He can't stop it. Where are the others?" Glenn said. Michonne walked over to Maggie, "Beth's alive. She's in a hospital in Atlanta. They went to go get her"

   "Do we know which one?" Maggie asked, tears forming in her eyes. "Grady Memorial" I smiled.

   We loaded up in the firetruck and made our way to Grady Memorial to meet with our people. We waited outside the front door for them to walk out. 

   However things didn't work out the way they were supposed too. Daryl walked out of the hospital last. Beth lying dead in his arms.

   When they told us what happened they said Beth had stabbed the lead officer and was shot, reflexes or whatever it was got Beth killed.

   You could see the hopeful look in Maggie's eyes fade when she saw her sister. Daryl's eyes welled with tears. We buried her later that day. I wrapped my arms around Daryl and just held him.


   We were on the road again like we've been for months now. Noah had told Rick about his family and their place in Richmond, Virginia. We set up a little camp about ten miles from Noah's place. Tyrese, Rick, Michonne, Noah, and Glenn made their way to Noah's place.

   The rest of us stayed behind at our little camp and waited until it was clear to do anything. Virginia wasn't really in the plans, but if there's a chance even the slightest of chances Noah's home stayed standing it was worth the try.

   We didn't know it at the time but Virginia still held a great deal of promises for us. We just needed to find them, and we would.

   I sat on the ground with the others, Daryl laid between my legs his head laying on my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair, his one hand rubbed my thigh.

   The others had radioed back a little while later and left us know that Noah's home was gone, some of the walls stuck but not all of them. They searched the place but didn't find much

   Then came the news of Tyrese, a walker bit him and by the time they found him the fever hit, even taking off his arm didn't help. They stopped him from turning.

   They drove his body back to camp where we buried him. 

   Things were hard on everyone, the people we lost, the shelters we lost. It was hard on Maggie and Sasha. Maggie lost her sister, Sasha lost her lover and her brother.

   Being on the road wasn't anything any of us liked. We didn't have a secure home, barely any food or water.

   It'd had been three weeks since we left Atlanta, three weeks since we've been on the road.

   We stopped along the road to look for water, the heat had dried most rivers and creeks up. Daryl was digging in the ground and pulled out a worm. "The hell are you gonna do with a worm?" I asked. He didn't say anything and dropped it in his mouth. "Daryl Dixon you did not just eat a damn worm!" I squealed.

   "I did. Whats wrong with that Princess?" Daryl laughed. "Thats so fuckin gross. Don't you dare even try to kiss me after that" I laughed. "Come give me a kiss" he smirked. "I swear to God I'll punch you" I squealed. Daryl hopped up off the ground and fast walked towards me.

   I took off out of the woods and back to where the others were. I hid behind Rick. "Where the hell did she go?" Daryl asked. "Who?" Carl said. "Jordyn. She made fun of me for eating a worm" Daryl said.

   "She didn't come back to us" Rick said, trying to hide a smirk. "Yes she did, I see the smiles on all of your faces" Daryl said. Glenn was pointing behind Rick. "Glenn you fuckin snitch!" I shouted. I went to run but Daryl managed to grab me and pull me into his chest.

   "You fucker. Don't you dare!" I yelped, trying to pull out of his grasp. He held my face in his hands and slammed his lips onto mine, shoving his tounge in my mouth and all. I pulled away and gagged.

   "Dude I love making out with you and all but that was so gross. I didn't want your worm guts in my mouth" I said, punching his arm. 

   "Oh you want another one?" Daryl asked, coming closer. "Oh fuck you" I said and turned away.

   We picked back up on driving until the van we had ran out of gas. Leaving us to walk. We came up on a group of cars, that unfortunately had nothing in them but corpses.

   We sat along the road a little ways down from the cars when we heard rustling in the trees. Out came four dogs, barking at us. Sasha put a bullet in each of them, making me hide my face in Daryl's shoulder.

   Rick started a fire. "There is no way in hell that I'm eating a dog" I gagged. "You need to eat something, you're not going to starve. Think of it as something else" Daryl said.

   Reluctantly I ate it. If I didn't, I think Daryl would've kicked my ass and I was really hungry.

   We rested for a bit and then picked back up on our walk. We had half a water bottle left. Taking small sips and passing it around. Abraham had a bottle of alcohol, he offered me some and I took a big sip.

   We walked up on a bunch of water sitting in the road. Four gallons and ten bottles. A note sat on it "From A Friend"

   No one wanted to try it, incase there was something in it. Then the rain started. We all sat around and got soaked, looking for things in our bags to catch the water. The rain was great and all, minus the huge ass storm that followed.

   Daryl lead us to a barn he found when he wandered off. It was dry, safe, and secure. The best we had in weeks. Daryl and I snuck off to a stable furthest away from the group.

   "Are you okay?" I asked, pulling him in for a hug. He sat down and pulled me down onto his lap facing him. "I feel like it's my fault she died. She was last with me and then just gone" he said, pushing my hair from my face. "But it isn't. It wasn't your fault love. Beth went and decided on her own to stab that cop. She didn't know her gun would fire, did didn't know she would die. It's no one fault, it was a freak accident. I don't blame you for killing the cop either" I said.

   Daryl nodded and pulled my face to his and caught my lips in a kiss. "Ever have sex in a barn?" He whispered to me. "No. But I think I'm about too" I whispered back.

   Pretty sure you can tell what happened after that.

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