Chapter Five- Starting Over Again

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Jordyn's POV


   The next morning I heard Carl up and moving around, Rick still laid passed out on the couch. Carl tried shaking and yelling at Rick  to wake up. "He's exhausted Carl" I said, leaning on the one doorframe.

   "Trust me he's okay, I stayed up most of the night watching him breathe. He's just overly exhausted" I said. Two walkers started banging on the door wanting to be left inside after hearing Carl yell. I made sure the house was secure before leaving with Carl to take care of them and scavenge the houses.

   Carl lead the walkers away first. I followed as close behind as I could. However while leafing them away he ran into a few others. He shot two of them which then landed on top of him, the third I took out with my knife.

   "You okay there champ?" I laughed as he threw up, the stench of rotting flesh was fucking awful and there were maggots coming from the one.

   "Shut the hell up" he laughed back. We slowly went and raided the houses. There wasn't much left to them from other people, but enough to give us something small. I'd finished the last house and walked to the last one Carl was in when I found him sitting on the roof with a huge ass can of pudding.

   "Climb up here. I got you a spoon" Carl smiled. Once we finished the can we made our way back to the house Rick was in. I went and checked his pluse and breathing to make sure he was still alive. We sat on the floor next to Rick on the couch and waited for him to wake up.

   Carl fell asleep by Rick again and I sat on the back of the couch watching him. He stopped breathing for a second but then started acting real walkerish. Carl and I freaked the fuck out. "Carl. Jordyn. Stay safe" Rick whispered.

   He passed back out on the floor. Carl laid Rick's head on his lap and cried. I wrapped my arms around Carl and cried with him. "It's gonna be okay, he's gonna be okay and so are we." I sobbed.

   We managed to pull Rick back up and onto the couch. We sat beside the couch again and waited for Rick.

   "You asked about Daryl. And seemed highly upset when you didn't know the answer. Are you two a thing?" Carl asked. I smiled, "Really I'm not sure. We act like we are, but there's no label or much of anything. I miss the fuck out of him though"

   Rick woke up about ten minutes ago, "You should've stayed here. But I'm glad you found food" Rick said. "There was more. But we ate it" Carl said. "What was it?" Rick asked. "A hundred and twelve ounces of pudding" I laughed.

   There was a knock on the front door that startled the three of us. Carl and i grabbed our guns from our thigh holsters, Rick looked out through the peep hole and started laughing. "What?" Carl and I asked. "It's for you."

   Michonne had followed our tracks and found us. "Michonne" I sighed as i embraced her.


   "Rick I need to find Daryl" I said. "I know you do, and we will. We will figure things out" Rick replied. "I can't wait. It's driving me nuts not knowing where he is or if he's okay." I pleaded. "I know, okay I know. I promise I do. I will help you find him as soon as we figure out a plan" Rick replied.

   I wasn't trying to be an ass, but it was killing me not knowing he was okay. I sighed and walked up the stairs to the master bedroom in the house. I needed a new shirt and maybe new leggings, mine were covered in what I think was my blood.

   I found a maroon men's button up shirt. I pealed off my old t-shirt and slid on the button up, obviously it was like five times my size so I rolled the sleeves up a bit and buttoned half the buttons, then tied the rest of the shirt in a knot.

   I slipped off my knee high boots and found a pair of black leggings that were my size and changed into them too. I didn't feel as clean as I did in the prison, but this would have to do.

   Michonne and Carl went out to go search more of the houses for other supplies. Rick wanted to go with too but was told to stay behind and rest. I stayed back too.

   He went and cleaned himself up and then went for a nap. I was in the next room over when I heard multiple voices from different men.

   I quietly rushed to the master bedroom where Rick was sleeping. I shook him awake and motioned with my finger to stay quiet. We hurried under the bed when we heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs.

   I held my breath as the man walked closer to the bed. The man plopped onto the bed and fell asleep.

   Rick went to get up when another man walked up the stairs. The new guy put the first guy in a chokehold till he passed out and laid down in the bed. I looked at Rick, nervous as all hell.

   The other man had fallen asleep. Rick hushed me and slowly crawled out from under the bed and helped me out too.

   A third man called for the other two, Rick and I rushed into another room and hid. Rick had me follow very close behind. We slipped into the bathroom, only to find a fourth man sitting inside. Rick quickly killed him and snagged his gun.

   The bathroom window was the only one that would open. Rick pushed it open and climbed out, helping me out too.

   Rick climbed down off the roof first and then helped me off, we ran around the back of the house to the front. Hiding along the base of the porch a man bouncing a ball walked out.

   We noticed Carl and Michonne making their way back to the house. The dead guy from before had turned and was attacking the other men, the one outside ran in.

   Rick and I ran to Carl and Michonne and took off back down the street and away from the house.

   We walked down the railroad tracks. There was a sign along the way.

  "Sanctuary for all, community for all, those who arrive survive. Terminus"

   "Let's go." Rick said. We continued back down the tracks. "What if this is a trap?" I asked. "What if it's not?" Carl asked. "It's a fifty/fifty chance, but I don't have a good feeling about this. What if we don't find the rest of our group?" I said.

   "Thats a chance we have to take. For all we know, we're the only ones who made it." Michonne said. "Don't say that. The others made it, Daryl is out there somewhere" I replied.

   I had a Polaroid picture of Daryl in my bra. I used the camera Glenn brought back from a supply run one time. Daryl laid on his back on my bunk, I straddled his waist. You could only see part of my knees in the picture, Daryl's hands rested on them. He had such a big smile on his face.

   Seeing his face made me tear up. I really missed him. I know he's out there, it's Daryl for fucks sake, I just need to find him.

   We'd spent days walking those goddamn railroad tracks. Each step we took, my gut feeling got so much worse. Rick and I were ahead of Michonne and Carl. They were balancing on the edge of the tracks, seeing who could fall off first.

   Michonne and Carl bonded so well over the short period of time she was with us.

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