Chapter Twenty-One- Small Chance

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Jordyn's POV


   The plan was seemingly going okay. We lost a lot of people along the way, which we were prepared for. The next step was to meet at the Sanctuary in two days.

   They were still very much surrounded by a couple dozen walkers. They so much as crack a back door open and they're screwed. We cut them off from their supply source. Every hour, minute, second they were trapped They were slowly becoming weaker.

   Daryl and I drove back home. I needed a damn shower, and honestly so did Daryl. "Come on stink, shower time" I said. "Stink? I stink that bad?" Daryl asked, smelling himself. I laughed as he made a disgusted face. "Damn I do. Let's go"

   Daryl rubbed my shoulders and neck, "You alright? You're super tense" "Yeah. Just a bit stressed is all." I replied. "That's not good for the baby, love" Daryl said. "I know. I try not to stress. But then when we aren't out there finishing things it makes me panick" I said.

   "Maybe you should sit this last part out then babe" Daryl suggested. "Hell no. This is my fight too. Me and the baby are fine. Once this is finally over I'll go to Dr. Carson once he's back at Hilltop" I replied. I turned around and Daryl pulled me in for a hug.

   "If you're sure, then okay. I don't want anything happening to you or our baby. I love you Sweetheart" Daryl said. "I love you more pookie" I laughed. Daryl scoffed with a smile and got out of the shower. "Rude ass I wasn't done with you!" I said. "I am!" He laughed.

   Daryl and Tara left in a trash truck without telling me why they were going. I'd woken up from my nap and was no longer wrapped in his arms. "What the fuck?" I mumbled.

   When Daryl got back home he told me why he left and what he did. I slapped his arm and yelled at him for not telling me sooner, if something had happened I would've kicked his ass. Then I hugged him and teard up, fuckin pregnancy hormones.

   We were loaded the cars with the supplies we'd need to finish the Saviors if they didn't surrender.

   Night fell, we were just about to roll out when there were three loud ass bangs on the door. Negan's voice sounded over a loud speaker. Daryl pulled me closer to him. "Oh fuck" I mumbled.

   "What in the hell do we do?" I whispered. "Not a damn clue" Daryl replied.

   Carl told us a rushed plan. "I can buy us some time talking to him" I said. "Hell no. You stick with Carl's plan Jordyn" Michonne said. "No actually, come with me" Carl said.
   We climbed up the watch tower. Negan ranting on about how Rick fucked up.

   "He's not home jackass" I said. "Ah! Babydoll! Well where the hell is he?" Negan asked. "The plan was to go back to the Sanctuary to get you to surrender" I replied.

   "I think you're bullshitting me babydoll. We didn't pass a single car" Negan said. Carl and Negan were talking, Carl mentioned families living here. "You see, Rick didn't give any of my people a chance to get out, families, nobody. Why should we give your people that?" He said.

   The others broke out through the back wall with trucks to create the idea we bailed out the back. Carl and I quickly rushed down the ladder while Negan and his people were distracted.

   "Carl! Jordyn! You little assholes I thought we were having a moment! Light it up!" Negan shouted. Carl fell down the ladder and was now limping.

   "Fuck!" I whispered. I pulled Carl up and helped him limp along as we dropped smoke bombs on the ground to get away. Negan's people were throwing grenades and flame bombs onto the buildings and cars.

   One hit a car close to Carl and I sending us on our asses. I pulled him up as quickly as possible. "Come on. We need to go and fast" I said. I pulled him along to where we needed to go.

   "What's wrong? You look like shit" I asked. "I will do everything I can to keep you safe I promise you that." Carl said. "Carl, what's wrong?" I asked, worried. "I love you, dad, Judy, Michonne, and my unborn second cousin, practically niece. If I don't get to tell them that, do it for me. I was bit" Carl said.

   "No no no. Carl don't joke with me" I said, tears filling my eyes. "I'm not"

   "Hey kids! Put your guns down!" Negan's men shouted. Carl threw a smoke, then we vanished into the sewer drain without anyone seeing.

   I met Siddiq, the guy Carl found in the woods and hid in the drain. The reason Carl got bit. "Tell me, tell me you'll be a good addition to our community and why I should vouch for you to stay" I said to Siddiq.

   "I studied medicine before this. I can work in your infirmary." Siddiq said. "Look, I don't know if I'll get to see everyone before I turn. You have to get dad to let Siddiq stay, that's my wish. That he stays and you name your baby after me" Carl smiled.

   I laughed through tears, "If I have to kick your dad's ass to make sure Siddiq stays, I will. I'll talk to Daryl on the baby name."

   Rick and Michonne came down the sewer drain. I met Rick halfway. "I love you, like a father. Carl isn't doing well" I said, teary eyed. I lead Rick down to where Carl was with Siddiq. Carl sat away from everyone pale as hell. He showed Rick his bite.

   Michonne and Rick fell to their knees. I sat on Daryl's lap and held Judith in mine. Tears slid down my cheeks. This wasn't supposed to happen like this. Carl, Judith, mine and Maggie's babies were going to be the future. Nothing would be the same without Carl.

   Rick and Michonne made Carl more comfortable. Daryl was holding a sleeping Judith. Michonne slammed Dwight into the wall and told him to make the Saviors stop, we could still hear the bombs going off.

   Rosita said about getting everyone to Hilltop, which was the only safe place we had. But we needed to wait until thr Saviors left. They were looking for us thinking that we left out of the back.

   After awhile the bombs left up, Daryl handed Judy over to Rick while we went to check the outside.

   The rest of us went to Hilltop while Rick and Michonne stayed with Carl.

   "I love you Car, you will always be my best friend" I said, kissing his head. He handed me a folded paper with my name on it, "I love you too, read that when you're safe"

   Daryl and I took Judith and the others to Hilltop, we stuck to the woods to avoid being seen or heard. Dwight mentioned us going through the swamp, however it was dangerous which is why the Saviors didn't use it.

   Tara and Rosita questioned Dwight and his motives with us. Daryl was trying to trust him and I followed Daryl's judgment.

   We cleared a path for the others to get through, I gave Judith to one of our other people who waited.

   Dwight ran off to take the Saviors coming close to us away. The rest of us pushed on towards Hilltop. Maggie pulled me in for a hug once I started sobbing about Carl being gone.

   Everyone had tear filled eyes after hearing the news.

   Rick and Michonne came back a little after we did. Rick went off to do only god knows what. Maggie, Michonne, Enid, and Rosita went to check out a mystery note from a stranger left by Hilltop.

   I was sitting on one of the trailers roof. I pulled out the note Carl left me.

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