Chapter Eighteen- Home At Last

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Jordyn's POV


   Later that day we made the trip to Hilltop. I was told Maggie had died, but it was only a cover to keep her safe from Negan.

   When the doors of Hilltop opened I ran right for Maggie. "You're okay" I sighed into her arms. "I'm okay, the baby's okay. Are you?" She asked, pulling away and rested her head on mine. "We're both okay" I smiled, a tear slipped down my cheek.

   We were going to make our plan to end the Saviors and Negan. "Fill us in then. I want to get an ultrasound" I said to Maggie. I pulled Daryl off and into the trailer and said hi to Dr. Carson.

   "Perfectly healthy baby" he smiled. He printed me a picture. I pulled him in for a hug and thanked him. "Here. Take these too. They're more prenatal vitamins" he said. I thanked him again and walked back to the house with Daryl.

   "Here's your baby" I smiled, handing the picture over on our walk back. "He or she is going to be perfect, just like you" Daryl said, pulling me in for a kiss. "I love you" I mumbled into the kiss. "I love you more"

   We were in Gregory's office listening to him bitch about how we screwed up our deal with him. He no longer wanted to trade as we didn't kill Negan.

   He was starting to piss me off. I pushed off of Daryl and walked over and slammed my hands down on his desk. "Listen here you old bastard. You're a God awful leader. Your people would be better off if you were gone" I spat, I walked out of his study.

   The people of Hilltop lined up outside and wanted to help us take on knocking Negan off his high horse.

   Then Jesus took us to meet Ezekiel, King Ezekiel. "King?"

   We drove to the outer skirts of what was called the Kingdom and waited for people to show. When they did we handed over our guns and were taken to the Kingdom to meet with the King.

   "Morgan?" Tara said. We all went over and hugged him. Then the king was ready to see us.

   "Holy fuck. He's got a tiger" I giggled. "This is Shiva" he smiled. Rick was telling Ezekiel why we were here and he looked pissed at Jesus. But he was willing to listen to Rick's plan.

   Ezekiel pondered everyone's points.

   "Your majesty, with your help we can combine our three communities and build a trust. We can defeat the Saviors and get back to somewhat normal lives, given the situation obviously. We can do this. I promised myself I wouldn't bring a child into this world, only when things settled I knew we'd be okayish. Then that's when the Saviors popped up. I don't want to bring my unborn child into this world under their rule." I said.

   "You're carrying a child?" Ezekiel asked. "Yes. Still early in the pregnancy" I smiled, Daryl pulling me into his side.

   Rick talked some more before Ezekiel invited us to stay the night, and in the morning he would give us an answer.

   The next morning he walked us around his community. It seemed that he wasn't going to help us. Everyone had started walking away. "While it was a pleasure to meet you, I'd hoped you would agree to help us so we could live in peace finally." I said, walking away.

   We walked out the front gate, all a little annoyed he wouldn't help. We drove down the highway, cars lined across the way to keep us away.

   We quickly moved the cars out of our way, Michonne kept watch and when she noticed something she called Rick over.

   The Saviors had dynamite lined with a steel cable across the road to take out a herd of walkers.

   Rosita worked to disarm them. We quickly unwrapped the dynamite from the cable, being as careful as possible making sure nothing was damaged on them.

   We needed to work quickly, the Saviors were on their way to Alexandria, we heard on the walkie Jesus stole. The herd of walkers was making their way towards us.

   We moved the cars back in place while the others worked quickly in taking the rest of the dynamite.

   Sasha and Jesus made their way back to Hilltop on foot. Michonne and Rick quickly hotwired the two cars tied together with the cables and drove them into the herd.

   They made their way back into the car before the rest of the herd got them.  The walkers set off what little bit of dynamite we left behind. Rosita didn't like the look of it she said.

   Just as we walked through the gate they pulled in. "Why the hell are they even here?" I mumbled.

   They raided the houses for whatever, not sure what the hell they were looking for. We walked up on the pantry and it was bone dry, what the fuck?

   "Hey pretty girl" Simon smiled. "Fuck off perv, give me your walkie" I said. He smirked at me and handed it over. "Negan" I spoke into it. "Is that my babydoll i hear?" He replied.

   "Why the hell are your people trashing our houses?" I asked. "Why the hell not? One of my men died and I have a feeling it was you. It was dead the same day Carl was here" Negan said.

   "It wasn't us. Stop making trips unless you're coming for your shit" I spat.

   They left a little while later. We figured out it was Gabriel that took the food and weapons. In the back of a book he wrote 'boat' in big letters.

   We went there and followed his footprints. There were random ass people pointing guns and weapons at us. We were pinned in a circle back to back.

   We were taken back to a literal trash dump. These people seemed pretty damn sketchy. I gripped Daryl's hand as they led us through. "What the hell" I mumbled to him.

   The people did circles around us, and then finally formed an odd shaped one. Then a short haired woman walked up, a jacked ass hair cut if you ask me.

   They were talking for a bit before her people tried attacking us. Gabriel held a knife to the one woman's throat. The woman backed her people off and Gabriel left the chick go.

   Gabriel was talking Rick up, maybe a little too highly. We needed them to join us. The woman told her people to show Rick 'up, up, up' whatever the hell that was.

   The rest of us stood waiting. It was the highest point of the dump. Daryl pulled me into his side, then the dumb bitch shoved Rick off the top and down into some type of 'pit' with a walker covered in armor and spikes.

   He managed to pull some of the trash down onto the walker and repeatedly stabbed it. Leaving with only a few cuts.

   We needed to get her guns, lots of them and she'd help us. Rick told her she could have a third of what we win.

   We'd finally found out her name was Jadas, bitch sounded better. We were given back our weapons and sent on our way. I smiled seeing Rick walk back out to us.

   We were given back half of what was stolen by Jadas and her people. We needed to get them their gums within time so they'd help us. We went back to Alexandria to put our supplies back and regroup.

   Over the next couple of days Rick and Michonne were out scavenging for guns and other supplies.

   "You wanna come with me?" I asked Daryl. "With where?" He asked. "There's a baby store a few miles down the road I wanna check. We don't have much from when Judy was a baby because it's all still at the prison" I replied.

   "Yeah, yeah I'll come. I'll meet you by the car" Daryl said. I grabbed an empty hiking backpack and waited for Daryl by the car.

   "All set babygirl?" He asked, I nodded. We got in the car and drive down to the baby store.


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