Chapter Fourteen- Rest In Peace

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Jordyn's POV


   We went back and buried Denise with the others. We were preparing to fight. Once Dwight goes back to their community, it'd be an all out war. And who knew if we could truly handle it.

   We were going to do our damn hardest though. We were building a few more watchposts around Alexandria so we had eyes everywhere.

   We parked a few cars along the road behind the front gate. I took a few shifts on watch, I needed something to do. I was bored as all hell. I studied more and more about medicine and surgery.

   It was my job to take over now. Denise was gone and I was the only other one who knew anything about medicine.

   Hershel taught me somethings, the rest I learned here.

   Daryl and I went to take a shower the next morning. The warm water ran down our bodies to the floor. I pulled Daryl into me for a hug. "You okay?" He mumbled against my wet skin.

   "Yeah, I just wanted to feel your skin on mine" I mumbled back.

   "I love you Mrs. Dixon" Daryl said. "I love you more Mr. Dixon" I smiled, kissing Daryl.

   We finished our shower and got dressed for the day. I was standing with Maggie, Glenn, and Michonne outside when we heard Daryl's bike take off. "Where the fuck is he going?" I asked. We ran for the van sitting out front, Rosita followed too saying she knew where he was going.

   "He didn't say anything to you?" Glenn asked. "No we had a good morning. We took a shower, got dressed, and went to do our jobs. He didn't say anything to me over than he loved me" I replied.

   We went back to the tracks where we lost Denise. Daryl was following Dwight's tracks in hopes of finding him. Rosita stepped on a branch and almost got one of Daryl's arrows to the face.

   Glenn tried talking Daryl into going home. "Babe. Come on please. I need you more than you going after some Freddy Kruger looking ass" I said.

   "I can't. Glenn take her home" Daryl said. "No, if you won't come home I'll go with you" I said. "No! You're not going. Go the fuck home. I'm not going to lose my focus worrying about you. I don't need you, i never needed you!" Daryl spat.

   "I thought we were having a good day, guess that went out the window too. Fuck you Dixon" I shouted, i turned and stormed away back the way we came. "Not cool Daryl, not cool" Glenn said.  He and Michonne followed me. Daryl and Rosita walked the other way.

   We stopped to talk when we heard a whistle. We raised our guns but realized we were outnumbered, by a lot. "Oh look who we have here. Jordyn" Dwight smiled.

   "Oh look. It's the Freddy Kruger lookalike" I said, rolling my eyes. "The fuck did you just call me?" He asked. "Freddy Kruger lookalike. Did I stutter?" I asked, cracking a smile.

   "Don't test my patience bitch" he spat. "I'll test every last ounce you have, and push every single button. Don't fuck with me" I smiled.

   "Jordyn. Don't" Michonne whispered. "At this point. I don't care Michonne" I replied.

   "You know Dwight, someone's out looking for you. He'd have your head if be knew you touched even the tiniest hair on my head" I said. "Oh. Daryl, right? Your little boyfriend?" He snickered.

   "Try husband. And like I said, you'd be dead where you stand" I replied. I felt overly nauseous after they tied us up and gagged us. I tried talking through the gag. "What?" Dwight said, taking it off.

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