Chapter Thirty-Four- Reapers

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Jordyn's POV


   They ran at us, we ran through the woods. Some didn't make it and those that did, were injured. One of them sliced my stomach, Negan killed him. Grabbed me and took off through the woods. We later met up with Maggie and Alden, Alden was way worse than I was.

   We stopped at a church, Alden and I both needed a rest. "Stay here with Alden. You're bleeding and pregnant" Negan said. "You're pregnant?" Alden asked. "Negan shut the fuck up. Yes. I'm pregnant. But I'm fine." I said.

   "You probably should stay here with Alden, Jordyn" Maggie said. "And leave you and Negan alone? Sure" I said sarcastically. "Can you walk?" Negan asked, I nodded "I'm fine" I said. Negan helped me up and asked before pulling up my shirt, I nodded.

   Most of the blood was dry, it wasn't too deep but it would need a few stitches. I slipped off my hoodie and flannel, bunching it up and tying it on the cut. Then I put my hoodie back on, "Let's go. We don't have all day"

   We walked to where Georgie left her supplies. If the others didn't come back by nightfall we'd leave, per Negan's suggestion. We'd been there a while before he wanted to leave.

   "I'm not fucking leaving. Gabriel and the others aren't here yet, they know where to go. And I'm sure as hell not leaving until Daryl and Dog show up, my husband and father of our children are missing." I said to Negan.

   Just as I sat down the door flung open, in walked Gabe and Elijah. "Damn, I think Gabriel is worse than I am" I smiled.

   We sat around and waited for the others to show. Maggie peaked through the borded window and told us to get our asses into the trapdoor, and fast. Someone was coming. The wires on the telephone pole were moving like someone moved them.

   The door busted open and three sets of footsteps rushed in. A woman, a man, and Daryl. We watched as Daryl covered the trapdoor with the carpet. We listened to them talk, at least I knew he was okay. But were those Reapers he was with?

   The guy kept arguing with Daryl, the woman tried to get them to stop. The guy said that Daryl wouldn't trust them. "You're right, I don't trust you. But I trust her, I'm here for you. I can do better this time" he said to the woman, the hell does he mean by that?

   The others were crawling out of the crawlspace and to the outside, Negan grabbed my hand and gently pulled me along. "Come on" he whispered, seeing the pained expression on my face.

   Negan kept my hand as we made a run for it. A few minutes later we heard the trapdoor fly open.

   "You alright babydoll?" Negan asked. "I don't, I don't know. You heard him, what did he mean by being there for her? Doing better for her? Who the hell is she?" I asked. Maggie gave me a puzzle look, so I told her what I heard.

   "There's no way he'd do anything with someone that isn't you" She said. I thought so too, but now I'm not so sure.

   "We didn't even make it to Meridian and it's become a shit fest" I said, I kept my hand on my wound. "We knew it wouldn't be easy" Elijah said. "I know. But I also didn't know that we'd be injured, my husband would be captured, and probably with someone who he cheated on me with" I replied.

   "You don't know that that's the case. Maybe she's an old friend." Maggie said. "No, there's no way. Daryl told me he didn't have many friends from before, especially someone named Shaw. It's gotta be recent. Daryl was out in those woods for months looking for Rick." I said.

   "Dont worry, we'll get Daryl back and figure out what happened" Negan said. "If he cheated on me, I don't fucking want him back" I mumbled.

   We ran through the woods, Negan helped keep me up. I felt queezy, from being pregnant, hungry, loss of blood, or all three. We stopped to decide what we were doing. "We need to figure something out, and now. I'm gonna puke and or pass out" I groaned.

   I leaned my head on Negan's shoulder as they talked.

   Negan was showing Maggie and I how to walk like a whisperer. Gabriel went ahead and scouted.

   Maggie corralled walkers into a makeshift pen, I rested and Negan caught an animal. We ate and then Gabe returned.

   We gathered more walkers and wore the skins, we walked to another building and gathered the dozen that were locked inside. By this point we were leading a herd.

   And we lead that bitch right towards Meridian. We were a good few feet away, keeping the herd close together. Though one of their people started leading them away from the walls. More pushed in from the way he was leading them towards.

   Negan took a stab, then Maggie, then me. The guy groaned in pain and then the herd took him down, we walked them back towards Meridian. As we walked closer when night fell, mines went off wherever the walkers stepped.

   We split off from the herd. Maggie, Gabe, and I made it to the opposite side of the walls. We heard Daryl from above talking to the guy on watch. He flung the guys body over the wall and told us where to go, his gaze lingered on me, I moved away.

   We made our way through the entrance. Gabe went off to do what he needed, Maggie and I stuck together.

   She hotwired a truck and left it break right through their front gate, then she ran back to me. They know we're inside.

   Maggie and I kept going, Gabe took headshots at the Reapers that got too close to us.

    We met back with Negan and Elijah, I caught the gaze of the blonde bitch on the roof, the one that Daryl was screwing with. She lit off explosive fireworks. Negan grabbed me and Elijah and pulled us away. We met up with Maggie in the infirmary.

   We needed to patch Elijah's wound. We had a plan to kill the main guy.

   We had him pinned and he royally kicked our asses. Elijah was down, Maggie too, I laid on the floor beside Elijah holding my belly. The bastard kicked me in it twice. Negan delivered the final blow, sending the man on his ass.

   Just as Maggie was about to end it, Daryl yelled for her to stop. Negan rushed to me and examined my face and belly. "I'm fine damnit. It's a cut on my cheek" I said. "Is this for her?" Maggie asked. "No. I hate that son of a bitch." Daryl said. "Sure. I bet it is for your girlfriend" I said, rolling my eyes.

   Negan helped me up before Daryl could say another word. "Leah" he called into the radio. We were going to meet her to trade.

   Maggie held Elijah up, Negan held me up, and Daryl drug their guy. Daryl pulled the guy into Leah's view, they had a sniper on the roof, pointed at Daryl's head.

   He fired a warning shot onto the ground, Leah ushered the rest of us into view. She called for her sniper to shoot Maggie, only Gabriel took him out and shot the guy we had in the leg instead.

   Daryl gave Leah a deal, leave now and everyone lives but the guy Gabe shot needed to stay. They took it, and just when they were walking off Maggie shot both of the other guys in the head and injured Leah. I'd snuck off and cut Leah off, holding a gun to her head.

   "What happened to letting us go?" She asked me. "That wasn't my deal, that was the deal my husband cut with you" I spat. "Husband? Daryl's your husband?" Leah asked. "He's been. We've been together for years. He's the father to our seven year old and unborn baby, who I mightve lost thanks to your asshole friend" I replied, resting my hand on my belly.

   Leah snickered, I could feel Daryl behind me but my attention never left Leah. "I don't know what happened between you two, but it ends officially right now" I said, firing a shot into Leah's head. "Jordyn! What the fuck!" Daryl shouted. "If you wanna be with your girlfriend so bad, I can put one into your skull too" I said, then walked off.

   We loaded the wagon with the food from Meridian. Maggie went off to get Alden, Negan walked off also. Gabe, Daryl, Dog and I waited by a fire for Maggie. "Jordyn-"

   "Don't." I said. By morning we were home. "Mommy!" Wren yelled, wrapping her little arms around me. "Hi babycakes, mommy missed you so much" I said, teary eyed.

   "Yo!" Jerry yelled from the gate. A group of people dressed in red and white armored suits pulled up to the gates, Eugene in toe.

   They told us about the Commonwealth and that they could provide us with things to rebuild our community.

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