Chapter Seventeen- Trying to Make Things Better

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Jordyn's POV


   The next morning I woke up and headed down to see the Doctor. Everything was okay with both baby and I. "How'd your appointment go?" Negan asked.

   "Good. Better if Daryl could be here" I said. "He is more than welcome here, but I can't make promises that my men will play nice" Negan said. "No. If he does come they will play nice. If not, I'll slit the throats of anyone who touches him" I said.

   "Threatening my men, are you?" Negan said. "Mhm. Seems fair since you killed mine" I replied. "Now how many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" Negan asked.

   "There is no amount of 'sorrys' you can muster for things to be okay. You took so much just by taking two lives. You'd know what a family is like if you had one, you run things here like you're a president or some shit. Those people don't worship you, they're terrified of you." I said.

   "Thats the way it should be" Negan said. "It's not the way it should be shithead" I groaned.

   "You know something. You are the first and only person that I let get away with talking to me the way you do. If anyone spoke to me the way you do, there'd be hell to pay" Negan said.

   "So then why do you? Why not punish me the way you punish others?" I asked. "There's something different about you. You remind me of someone, and a little like my non crazy side" Negan said.

   "What's different? I remind you of who?" I asked. "You're strong. You're talking to a grown ass man as if you were one yourself. You got some serious balls little lady. You could be a leader with how you handle yourself and situations. You don't deserve the punishments I give out. My wife. From before this all happened, she was like you in a way" he smiled.

   "What was she like, your wife? What happened?" I asked.

   "Lucille. Her name was Lucille. She was my best friend. I loved her more than life itself. She had cancer before it started. I should've been there with her the day she found out but instead i was out screwing her best friend. I vowed to her from that day on I would be by her side. And I was, for the most part. I went out to get her more medicine. It was a little ways away and by the time I got back she was gone. I beat myself up for it everyday" Negan said.

   "Lucille sounds wonderful. I wish I'd got the chance to meet her. Maybe you wouldn't be such an ass then" I smiled.

   "She would've loved you. Coming outside? I have a delivery coming in" Negan said. I nodded and followed him out to the front.

   I stood beside him while his men started unloading the truck. "Hilltop?" I asked. "Hilltop" he said. The one guy inside the truck dropped a box and broke a shit ton of glass. Then bullets were fired out of the truck. Negan pushed me behind him, oh?

   Carl shoved his way to the back of the truck and pointed the gun at everyone. "Carl what the fuck?" I asked, stepping in front of him. "I need to kill him" Carl said.

   "No you don't. Between Rick and I we have a decent deal worked out with Negan, don't screw it up" I said. One of Negan's men moved towards me and Carl fired, killing him.

   Dwight tackled him to the ground. "Dwight if you don't get your scrawny ass off my cousin, I'll cut your damn hands off." I spat. Dwight backed off him. "Doll, go on ahead and lie down. Carl and I need to take a walk" Negan said. "Don't try some fuck shit" I said, pointing at Negan.

   A while later Negan came walking into his room with Carl. I was walking out of the bathroom, clothed after my shower. "Ah! Perfect. Doll, Carl, it's time" Negan said. "Time for what?" Carl asked.

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