Chapter Four- Devastation

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Jordyn's POV


   We'd driven the trailer of bodies into the woods to burn. We piled them on top of one another and covered them with gasoline before lighting the fire.

   Michonne had fallen to the ground, and Hershel had a gun pulled on him. It was the Governor. "Oh you son of a bitch" I groaned. "What? Didn't miss me?" He snickered as he tied the three of us up.

   We were taken back to his camp with his new group. "This is just bullshit" I grumbled to Michonne and Hershel. "I agree with you Jo" Michonne said.

   "This son of a bitch goes into hiding for months, and now all of a sudden wants to start his bullshit again?" I huffed. Just then he walked into the trailer for fix Michonne's cut.

   "You wouldn't need to fix it had you not gone and been an asshole" I glared. "You better watch your tone, girl" The Governor replied. Hershel tried to talk him down and make peace before he went in guns blazing to our people.

   "Your daughter was better off dead than with you. Look at the hell you're going to put your people through" I spat. He paused for a moment before turning towards me and slapping me hard across the face, busting my lip. 

   "I said to watch your goddamn tone!" He shouted at me. "Oh bitch. You wait until I get out of these ropes, and wait until Daryl hears you laid your filthy fucking hands on me" I said.

   "You won't make it out of those ropes alive" he glared. "I might not, but I will die trying to keep my people alive. The only one not making it out in one piece is you, and that's a damn promise" I spat.

   "Jordyn, enough" Hershel but in. The dickface Governor handed us food before walking out to his people.

   We'd sat there for a while, none of us saying a thing to each other. Really what the hell could we say? This asshole was going to "peacefully" take OUR home. There wasn't a peaceful thing about him. Nor could we warn our people about him. They were going in blind.

   "Hey asshole!" I shouted. "Jordyn what are you doing?" Michonne asked. "I want to talk"

   After calling this prick more than once, the door on the trailer flung open. "What now?" The Governor asked. "We need to talk. Now" I grumbled.

   He pulled me off into another trailer to talk. Me mouthing off like normal got my ass in trouble. Every nasty thing I said, he'd slap me for. My lip and cheek were cut, my eye bruised.


   We were lined outside the outer fence of the prison. Hershel was pulled from the truck first, then Michonne, and then me. We were part of the council. We were lined up beside each other on our knees, hands tied behind our back, or so they thought. 

   "Don't you fucking touch her!" Daryl shouted. "I won't anymore, but your little girlfriend has quite the mouth on her. She's only a bit bruised" the  Governor snickered. Rick walked down to the fence like the Governor asked.

   "Are you okay?" Rick asked me. I nodded, "Yeah, asshole got a little handsey"

   I'd managed to get my hands untied, but held the rope like it was still secure. They chose not to search us, I had a knife tucked into my boot.

   Rick as always tried to defuse the situation, trying to get the Governor to let us go. He had a tank, the hell did he need hostages for?

   My attention was fixed on Daryl and the others up in the courtyard. They were slowly grabbing the guns lined along the fence.

   The Governor told us we had till sunset to leave, and if not they wouldn't back down without a fight. Apart of me believed we should just give in, let him have it the other part wanted him dead.

   Rick telling the Governor we weren't leaving pissed him off more. He'd hopped off the tank, grabbed Michonne's sword and held it at Hershel's neck.

   "Stop! You want to kill anyone, you kill me. Hershel has a family!" I said. He glared at me, but didn't move from Hershel's side.

   Rick tried everything he could to get them to not fight with us, to just live in the prison with us. It seemed he was believing Rick, pulling the sword away. Until he didn't. "Liar" he whispered and brought the sword down and into Hershels throat.

   "You son of a bitch!" I yelled. Standing up and stabbing him in the thigh when Rick shot his shoulder. Michonne rolled away and I followed behind her to cut her rope off.

   The Governor didn't give a shit about living in the prison. He just wanted us dead. He ushered his people inside their cars and ran down the fences.

   They fired the tank off at the prison. I grabbed a gun off one of their dead men and shot at them from behind. The Governor and Rick were fighting, and when it seemed Rick was loosing I fired three shots into the Governor's back, sending him flying to the ground.

   Rick's bloody body laid still and didn't move for what felt like the longest time. Michone snuck up and finished the Governor, I grabbed Rick and pulled him up. "Carl, where's Carl?" He asked. "I don't know" Michonne said.

   I held most of Rick's body weight on me. He stumbled up the gravel path yelling for Carl. "Rick-" Carl's gun firing cut my sentence short. Carl embraced his father and I and asked about Judith.

   All that was left was her pink carseat. Rick started crying. "That doesn't mean she's gone Rick. Someone has her. I promise she's okay" I said though tears.

   Carl and I held most of Rick's weight up as we walked him out of the courtyard and to somewhere safe. Rick's condition was absolutely awful.

   And it was hell to get him out. "Daryl, did Daryl get out?" I frantically asked Carl. "I don't.. I don't know Jo" he replied. "Fuck! I have to go back" I said. "No! You can't, you'd be running into a suicide mission. It's Daryl, I'm sure he got out" Rick said.

   "And if he didn't and if he's still there I'm going to feel like the biggest piece of shit ever" I cried.


   We kept walking down the road. Carl was pissed off and walked ahead of Rick and I. I hung back and held onto Rick so he didn't faceplant into the ground. Bullet graze to the leg and an awful beating to his face took a lot outta him.

   We came up on a BBQ place. Rick wanted Carl and I to stand watch while he cleared but Rick was in zero condition to do anything but walk. There was only one walker in the whole place. Carl wanted to shoot it, Rick didn't.

   "You two need to shut the hell up and stop fighting with each other. For fucks sake" I sighed.

   We scavenged the BBQ joint for food, Carl and Rick did that while I looked for something to clean Rick's wounds. To no luck, there was nothing.

   The next thing we came across was a couple of houses. Carl and I cleared it before letting Rick go in. Luckily it was already clear. Carl and Rick were still nit picking with each other. Carl was pissed at Rick for whatever reason and Rick was pissed that Carl was being an ass.

   I don't blame either of them, but holy fuck they worked on my nerves. I helped Rick sit the couch up that was laying over and pushed it against the busted ass front door.

   I raided the bathroom for anything I could to help Rick. I found a few pain killers, some peroxide, and some gauze. I could hear Rick and Carl again down stairs. "Shane taught me. Remember him?" Carl spat.

   "Seriously cut the shit out. Carl you don't need to be a dick to your dad, you're pissed off and that's fine but don't throw shit in his face he did to protect you. Rick calm your tits with Carl, he's perfectly able to clear a house on his own. Now sit the fuck down, eat a little and let me fix your wounds." I said.

   They both shut up and did as I said. I doused the cloth I found in peroxide and wiped carefully around Rick's face, then did the same to his bullet graze. They both fell asleep shortly after, but I couldn't sleep. I sat up most of the night worried about Daryl, where the hell was he and is he okay?

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