Chapter Seven- Terminus

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Jordyn's POV


   We were getting ready to fight back with anything we could. We stood by the door ready, that was until the door on the roof opened up and a smoke bomb dropped in. I had Daryl's hand in mine and pulled him away.

   I got up just as the door closed. Daryl, Rick, Glenn, and Bob were missing. "Gareth you bitch boy! Open the damn door!" I shouted. "Shut up!" Someone shouted back. "No, you have Gareth open this goddamn door!" I yelled.

   "Put your hands up and stay back" Garrtg grumbled. I did as told and waited. "Step out, put your hands in front of you and hold still" he said. "Where the hell did you take them" I spat. "Oh your cowboy and archer, huh?" He snickered.

   "They're, tied up" he smirked. "You take me to them now asshat" I said. "I don't think you want that cupcake" he replied. "Take me to them. Now." Garrth sighed and gave in. He lead me into a big room, tables around and in the middle was a big trough like bin. Rick and the others knelt behind it, tied and gagged.

   Four other men knelt slumped over the bin, blood draining from their throats. "What the fuck is this?" I mumbled. "This is our lifestyle cupcake" Gareth said. "What to fucking kill people? So much for Sanctuary for all. Lying ass pricks" I spat.

   "Shut the fuck up girl. My my Archer your girlfriend has quite the foul mouth" Garrth said. His hand gripped into my side. "Move your fingers jackass" I grunted. Which only made him dig them in further.

   Then that's when the gunfire started. I headbutted Gareth and grabbed for his gun. Firing it at his foot. "Run run run little bitch" I laughed.

   I quickly shot the other two men inside the room. Got my ties off and untied the others. "There's a room next door, human bodies hung up like hunters do to deer. Meet me back with the others, I'm getting them out"

   I rushed off and back to the train car where our people were held. I used my knife on most walkers but used the gun I had on the rest. I quickly made it back to thr train car. "Guys back away from the door" I shouted. I shot the lock on the door to break it open.

   I flung the door open and helped them all out. "Where's Glenn? Rick, Daryl, and Bob?" Maggie asked. "They're okay. The shooting started before something happened to them. We need to get the hell out of here. There's something seriously fucked up with these people" I said.

   "What are you talking about?" Carl asked. "I don't know. They were slitting peoples throats and draining their blood. They would've done the same to Rick and the others. I passed by a room, bodies, human bodies hung up like hunters did to deer. It was, disturbing." I replied.

   Rick and the others caught up with us, we took off down the road killing what walkers we could. All while protecting Eugene who claimed to know how to stop this mess.

   Abraham and Rick helped us all climb over the fence and away from the walkers. We walked back to where we buried the guns. Rick wanted us to use them to kill what was left. Someone walked up on us in the woods. "Carol!"

   Carol lead us back to where Tyrese was, there he walked out holding Judith in his arms. Rick, Carl, and I ran for her and embraced in a big hug. I pulled away and walked back over to Daryl, pulling him into me for a hug.

   "Thank God you're okay" I mumbled into his neck. "We need to get far away from here" Rick said. I kissed Daryl before pulling away. "Let's get the hell outta dodge" I said. Daryl grabbed my hand and started walking away from the cabin and Terminus.


   We walked for what felt like forever before we stopped for the night. We'd set up a little spot in the woods, we refilled our water bottles and lit a fire. Rick took watch with Carol. Daryl leaned on a tree and I leaned back on him. His arms wrapped around me. "I feel safe with you" I whispered. "I feel safe with you too princess" Daryl said.

   The next morning we carried on. Hearing a man scream for help sent us all in his direction. We came up on what looks like a priest on a big rock with walkers surrounding him. We took them out.

   "I'm Gabriel" he said. Definitely a priest. He seemed very, ify, nervous to even be in our presence. Rick had searched him for weapons, asked him the three questions we ask to ensure our safety.

   Gabriel mentioned he had a church not far ahead, he lead us there. "I don't trust this guy, he's a priest yes but there's something off about him that I don't like" I whispered to Daryl. He grabbed my hand and held it tight.

   "I won't let anything happen to you, I promise" he said. Daryl and the others checked the church to make sure it was clear. They were talking about a place near here where there might be the supplies we needed. Rick, Michonne, Sasha, Bob and Gabriel all went to go check the food bank for supplies.

   Daryl and Carol went out to fill water jugs. Maggie, Glenn, and Tara went to go find the gun store in town. The rest of us stayed behind.

   When Daryl and Carol came back I grabbed Daryl's hand and pulled him off into a back room of the church.

   "Watcha doin Princess?" He asked. "Ever have sex in a church?" I whispered in his ear. His lips smashed onto mine quickly. My hands in his hair, his wrapped around my thighs and lifted me up.

   Pushing me into the wall he pulled off my shirt and then his, his hand reached behind me and unhooked my bra. I pulled away in shock and laughed, "One hand to open a bra? That's hot"

   I worked at his belt buckle, leaving him to slide them down a bit. Then moving mine down. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" Daryl asked, catching my eyes. I nodded, "Please" "Have you had sex before?" He asked. "No. I want you to be my first" his lips attached back to mine quickly.

   With each thrust it pushed me further into the wall. Feeling him inside me sent me into the roof. I left soft moans off in his ear, his grunts were muffled by my skin.

   I lightly bit into his shoulder, making him thrust harder into me.

   I'm sure you can guess how that ended. Daryl helped me hook my bra and slipped my shirt back over my head. I helped him back into his shirt and pulled him to me for a kiss.

   "Thank you" I mumbled against his lips. "No. Thank you Princess, for trusting me enough" he smiled. I kissed him once more before we headed out to the main room of the church. Rick and the others had gotten back with a shit load of supplies.

   We all sat around and ate, laughed, and had such a good time. The first good night we've had in a while. Carol went back out after eating, Daryl kissed me and went to go find her. "Be safe Dare" I smiled.

   Bob had walked out too, when I asked where he was going he said he needed fresh air.

   I held Judith and rocked her to sleep. I give props to Rick, I don't know if I could bring a baby into this hell hole. Obviously you can't always stop it, so if it happened I'd protect the baby with my life, but I would feel like shit if something happened. No child should have to grow up in such a cruel world.


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