Chapter Nineteen- New People

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Jordyn's POV


   We got to the store, it looked untouched. Granted, who really would raid a baby store when the world ended? Not many.

   We knocked on the glass and waited to see if we heard walkers inside. None that we knew of were inside.

   "Babe, look at the ducky outfit" I said in awe. "Get whatever makes your heart happy" he smiled. He handed me a little black leather vest. "What if we have a girl?" I asked. "She can rock that shit too" he replied.

   We grabbed almost everything in there. Clothing, toys, bottles, nuks, bibs, baby silverware, bath stuff, shoes, and two pack-n-plays. It was enough to get us through till the baby is a year old. Then we'd need to look for toddler stuff. 

   Most of the clothes was a mix between Boy, girl, and gender neutral. I wanted to take half of it to Maggie.

   There's an old wives tale, it's called the necklace test. You use the pendant of the necklace and either dangle it over the woman's wrist or her belly. It's supposed to tell you how many children you'll have and the gender. Circle means girl, line means boy.

   From what Maggie's said, she was having a boy and mine said girl. Dr. Carson confirmed it with an ultrasound, it wasn't 100% because it wasn't the best machine but it worked.

   We arrived at Hilltop, Maggie came out just as we put the car in park. "Hey Mags" I smiled, pulling her into a hug. "Jo, Daryl, what brings you here?" She asked.

   "I brought baby stuff" I smiled. We carried the stuff into her trailer and went through it together.

   I kept the girly stuff and gave the boyish stuff to Maggie, we split the gender neutral stuff. "Now if we end up with opposite gender babies we'll have to switch" I laughed. "I definitely believe ours are right" She smiled.

   "Thank you guys, you really didn't have to come all this way" Maggie said. "Yes we did. We're in this together. I didn't know if or when you'd be able to get stuff and I wanted you to be ready" I  smiled.

   "Thank you, again. I love you three" Maggie smiled. "We love you both too" I said, wrapping her in a hug.

   Daryl and I headed back for Alexandria. Rick and Michonne were already back when we arrived.

   "We found guns and plenty of food. Where were you two?" Rick said, bringing me in for a hug. "We went to a baby store a few miles down." I replied..

   "You find what you're looking for?" Rick asked. I nodded, "I found enough for my baby, enough for Maggie's baby, and some toys and cups for Judy"

   "Thank you" Rick said, I nodded.

    Daryl and I carried everything to our room. We sat up the pack-n-play and left everything else sit inside it until closer to when the baby came.


   Tara cracked and finally told Rick about the community she met when her and Heath were on their two week run.

   It took her so long to tell us because she made a promise to the one girl residing there. They'd been through the ringer with the Saviors before.

   I rode with Daryl on the back of his bike to get there. "I know now why you like your bike" I said in his ear. "Why's that?" He asked back. "The feeling of being free" I replied.

   We were setting up outside of the new people's place, just in case things go south with them.

   We got started on the plan. We pushed them away from the armory. We weren't coming to hurt or kill anymore. Just to talk, if they wouldn't talk we'd just take the guns.

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