Chapter Twenty- Our Terms

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Jordyn's POV


   The next few days we were finally ready. We had cars with parts of our wall siding welded onto them for protection.

   Carl, Michonne, Rosita, and a few others stayed behind to heal and protect Alexandria. The rest of us were out and going to finish this.

   We met at our meeting point close by. Almost everyone was here, we awaited the next call from our leaders. We had different color ties on. Red was the Kingdom, Green was Hilltop, White was Alexandria.

   We had different jobs. We set off an explosion in one of the cars on the highway, to help with the herd and bring the Saviors attention to it.

   We picked off their guards out front and brought the cars in, the metal protection facing the Sanctuary. Then we all hid between the cars behind the metal, guns raised in the air before we fired a few shots simultaneously.

   We waited for Negan and the Saviors to walk out. Rick tried telling them if the others surrender we'd let them live, Negan would die.

   Negan pointed out we didn't have the numbers to fight. He pulled Gregory out and had him tell the people of Hilltop that they stood with the Saviors and those that chose to fight wouldn't have a home to go home too.

   "You will still have a home, you can reside with those of us at Alexandria or the Kingdom." I said. "Doesn't look like anyone's going!" Maggie said. "The Hilltop stands with Maggie!" Jesus shouted.

   We heard the explosion from Daryl's crew that took out some of Negan's people going to check the first explosion.

   Rick started counting. He hit seven and started firing. We all fired at the windows breaking the glass. We got back in the cars, the RV we had, we drove through their gates and blew it up. We were leading the herd right into the Sanctuary. Rick was still firing at Negan hidden behind a dumpster when the rest of us left.

   We still had shit to do, outposts to take out.

   Daryl, Rick, me, and a few other pushed on through another outpost. We checked the lower floor for the guns they had, when we came up empty we checked the upper floors.

   We split up on the upper floor, we needed to find the guns and quick. We searched each room and hallway upstairs, I was just making my way towards the one Rick was searching when I heard a gunshot.

   When I walked in Rick had some guy in a choke hold who he then shoved onto a bar that once held a shelf in place.

   "Damn. Wouldn't want to be that guy" I said. Rick just looked at me and I shrugged. He searched the guys body and found keys. Unlocking the door, we stumbled upon a sleeping baby, 'Gracie' wrote out on the wall.

   "Well fuck us" I mumbled. Rick walked out as I gathered baby stuff into a bag and grabbed the sleeping baby.

   "You know we have to take her now" I said to Rick. "I know, stay behind me I'll keep you safe" he said. We kept going room to room. The next one we came up on Rick found a picture on the wall. "Oh fuck" he mumbled. A man walked up and held a gun on Rick. "Holy shit" I whispered. "Hi Rick, Jordyn" Moralace said.

   "You were in Atlanta" Rick said. "Yeah. It's over. I already called the Saviors back, they're coming" he said. "You don't have to do this" I said.

   "Yes I do. Rick the prick killed our men" Moralace replied. "You know us. You know Rick, you know me." I said.

   He ignored me and held his gaze and gun on Rick. He told Rick to put down his guns. "Jordyn, get out" Moralace said. "No. If I leave this room I leave with Rick." I replied.

   He pointed his gun on me instead. "If you kill me, you'd better kill Rick too. Because if you don't, you're killing his niece, and his unborn great niece, he'll kill you and then Daryl will kill your already dead corpse." I said.

   Again he said nothing, but turned his gun back onto Rick. I stood off in the corner and listened to Rick and Moralace talk. I had my hand ready on my gun in case I needed it.

   Daryl snuck up behind Moralace and shot an arrow in his throat the second he turned around. "Daryl!" I scolded. He looked at the baby in my arms, extremely confused. "We found her. Her names Gracie" I laughed.

   The guns weren't here, we needed to get out before the Saviors came.  But by the time those words left Rick's mouth the Saviors were already pushing into the building. "Shit"

   We ran down the halls until we ran into them. Daryl pushed me off into the room across from him.

   We fired back. With Gracie held in my other arm I pulled my gun and fired when I could, keeping her and myself safe.

   Daryl announced he was out, Rick shot a fire extinguisher and that was our cue to run to him. The others were shot and Aaron announced he was there with us.

   We went back to the outpost and took out the walkers. Aaron told me Erick was shot, but when he went back for him Erick was no longer alive. I followed behind Aaron and pulled him into me and Gracie for a hug.

   We walked back to the others. I sat beside Aaron with Gracie. "Was she inside?" He asked. "Mhm. Her name is Gracie" I smiled. He offered to take her to Hilltop. I handed her over to him.

    We were getting ready to leave when a single gunshot fired, sending Rick, Daryl, and me to the ground. Rick yelled to the person behind the tree. Trying to give him a deal. The guy agreed and came out from behind the tree.

   We held our guns on him as Rick got him to tell us where the guns were that were here. Once he did, Daryl shot him clean between the eyes. "Damnit Daryl!" I scolded.

   I got on the back of his bike and wrapped my arms around him. Daryl and I chased down the guys with the guns, Rick not far behind us.

   We were gaining on them fast, I raised my gun and started shooting, then they pulled out a huge ass machine gun. Daryl swerved throwing both of us off the bike. "Are you okay? Are you okay?" Daryl asked. "Yes I'm fine. Let's go" I said quickly.

   The second Rick's truck started smoking he moved to the left while we pulled out and I killed the guy on the back.

   Rick jumped into the other truck and then it swerved off the road and down an embankment. Rick climbed back up quickly.

   Rick and Daryl tried getting answers out of the driving lying on the road bleeding out. With no luck, He died shortly after.

   Rick and Daryl went down to gather the guns. While down there the dumbasses started fighting over what was the right choice to make in finishing our fight with Negan.

   "Knock it off, assholes!" I shouted. Then the truck caught fire. They sat there and watched the truck burn. "You two piss me off when you but heads" I groaned.

   We got back onto the road and drove off.

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