Chapter Six- Together Again

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Jordyn's POV


   We hopped off the tracks to gather more water, we had maybe a day's worth before we ran out. "My fucking legs hurt" I whined for the millionth time. "You've made that known more than once" Rick laughed.

   "I just figured I'd tell yall again" I smiled.

   "Where do you think we'd be if none of this shit started?" I asked Rick. "I thought about that since it started. And I really don't have an answer for you. Lori would still be here, you and Carl would've lived normal lives. We'd never have met anyone we met either" Rick replied.

   "I'd never have met the family I have now. Or Daryl." I said. "What's going on with the two of you anyway?" Rick asked.

   "Carl asked me the same thing. I don't know, really. You're practically my dad so it's going to sound gross to you. We've made out, like a lot. It's almost like we're a couple, but without the labels. Daryl didn't seem to be the type to want to be involved in any type of situation. When we met him he seemed so, cold and distant. Not giving a shit about anyone including himself. Now I barely know who that person used to be, he's caring, loving, and all around so much different than he was before. I don't know about him, but I definitely caught some type of feelings" I smiled.

   "Hearing you talk so highly of him definitely makes it noticeable that you are interested. I'm sure he'll communicate with you, I hate saying it but I think he'd make my big little girl happy" Rick said, pulling me in for a sideways hug.

   For the night we held up in an old rundown vehicle. Carl and I sat in the backseat dozing off on each other. Had we known that night what was to come, I would've suggested to keep fucking walking.

   Michonne and Rick sat outside the car by a fire while Carl and I tried to sleep. It was uncomfortable to say the least, but there's been worse. I couldn't sleep, I haven't been able to sleep the last few nights. I shook Carl awake when I noticed men standing around Rick and Michonne.

   Two of them approached the car and tapped on the window to scare me and Carl. They opened the car doors and pulled Carl and I out. "Let go of me you fucking bastard!" I yelped, feeling the cold blade of his knife at my throat.

   "You're stopping me on eight Daryl?" The leader said. Daryl? My Daryl?

   "You're looking for the person who killed your man? It was me, I killed that bastard!" I shouted. "Jordyn shut it!" Rick scolded. The man who held his knife to my throat pinned me to the ground and pushed himself onto me.

   "Stop! Get the fuck off of me!" I cried. "Just take it babycakes" he whispered. Once Rick bit the throat of the leader the guy on me left his guard down, leaving me able to grab his knife and stab him in the throat. I pulled Carl to me while Rick killed the guy that had him.

   "Are you okay?" Michonne asked Carl and I. "I-i, fucking hell" I cried. "Princess?" His scruffy voice, holy fuck. "Daryl?" I whispered. He rushed over to me and pulled me into him as tight as he could. "Holy fuck did I miss you" Daryl said, bringing his lips onto my own.

   "I thought something happened to you" I sobbed into his neck. "I was more worried about you, you were with that prick" Daryl cried. He didn't let me go either, he held on as tight as he could. "Did either of then hurt you? Are you okay?" Daryl asked. "Im fine Dare. A few cuts and bruises from the Governor and only a bit of trauma from those fucks" I smiled.

   Carl's head lied in Michonne's lap last night, dead asleep. I'd fallen asleep in Daryl's lap in the front passenger seat of the car. In the morning, I woke up in a panick. No longer feeling Daryl under. I flung open the car door, "Daryl?!" I said frantically. "Hey, hey I'm right here Princess. I'm right here" he said, pulling me into him.

   We headed back to the train tracks and continued on our way to Terminus. Daryl and I hung back a bit further from the others, I held his hand tightly in my own. "I was going through withdrawals without you" I joked.

   "So Rick said" Daryl smirked. "Rick you ass!" I laughed. His hands raised in defense as he laughed.

   We'd made it to Terminus, we went in through the woods to hide ourselves from the people inside. Not knowing if those inside were friendly, or if our people were inside in danger.

   "I don't wanna alarm anyone, but my gut feeling is awfully strong." I mumbled. "Keep your guard up, don't let it down for even a second. We're gonna spread out and see what we can see" Rick said.

   Daryl and I stayed together. "Promise me you'll never leave my side again" I said to Daryl. "I pinky promise Princess"


   Rick hid a bag of our weapons in a hole in the ground, just as a backup plan incase things go south. Then we climbed the fence. I pulled my gun from its holster and we snuck into a building in through the back.

   "Welcome to Terminus. I'm Gareth. It looks like you've been on the road quite a bit" Gareth said. "I'm Rick, Carl, Michonne, Daryl, and Jordyn" Rick said.

   We were told to lay our weapons down, just as a security thing. Hesitantly we all laid down our weapons, then got a pat down. Daryl side eyed the guy patting me down.

   We walked to the front. I caught Rick's eye and noticed what he did. Glenn's watch, the orange hiking bag, the riot armor. Rick pulled his gun on Alex, and we followed suit. "Where the hell did you get this watch" Rick spat.

   Rick pushed for him to tell us where it came from. "It came from a dead one" he said. "Bullshit! That watch came from one of our people, the riot armor too. Where the fuck are they!" I shouted.

   Then the firing started. Daryl grabbed my hand and we ran, we heard people yelling for help inside cargo boxes. We needed to keep going. We kept running until we got cornered at train cars. "Yalls aim sucks ass" I mumbled.

   I gripped Daryl's hand. "Drop your weapons! Now!" Gareth yelled. Rick was instructed to go to the train car on the left. And if he didn't Carl and I died. Rick went, then Daryl, then Michonne. Carl and I stood there for what felt like forever before Garrth left us go.

   Rick was instructed to open the door and then go in, everyone else followed in suit. Finally Carl and I were back with the others. Daryl pulled me into a hug. "Rick?" Glenn said. "Holy shit you guys are here" I said. There were other new people I didn't recognize either.

   "You were part of the Governor bullshit, i remember you" I said, pointing to the short dark haired girl. "Jordyn it's okay. She's cool." Glenn said, I just nodded. "They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out"  Rick said. "Find out what?" The guy with the ginger hair said. "They're fucking with the wrong people"

   I'm not sure how long we were in there, hell it felt like an eternity. Daryl sat with his back leaned against a wall, I laid between his legs with my head on his chest.

   "What happens now?" I whispered to Daryl. "I don't know, but I'll do everything I possibly can to protect you, I'm not losing you. Not now, not ever" Daryl said, wrapping his arms around me. I kissed his cheek and smiled.

   I noticed the others looking at us funny, those that didn't know Daryl and I had a thing going. I just laughed. "What's funny?" Daryl asked. "Everyone staring like we murdered someone" I giggled.

   "No, it's just a surprise to see you two so close. Especially with Daryl being such a hard-ass" Glenn laughed. I giggled and Daryl rolled his eyes.

   "When did it start?" Maggie asked. "I don't think either of us know what "it" is yet that we're doing. But it started that first night in Atlanta. Stolen glances were all it was at first, than that first night we cleared the prison was when things really picked up" I smiled.

  Daryl buried his face in my neck and left a soft kiss. "Regardless of what happens after this point. I love every single one of you, even those of you that are new. We're gonna get out of this" I said. "We love you too"


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