Chapter Thirty-Two- Silenced

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Jordyn's POV


   We took the kids back to the original meeting place, the kids ran and cried happy tears when they saw their parents.

   We were back at the original meeting place when Magna, Eugene, and Yumiko walked in. "Magna" I sighed, she pulled me in for a hug. "Hey Jo" she smiled.

   I was examining the kids for cuts or bites. Eugene called for everyone's attention, he needed to confess something. Then he said he has been talking to someone from outside our walls and that he has set up a meeting with her.

   "Eugene what the hell? You've kept this from all of us, you could've put us in danger. We don't know these people" I said. "I know, but this could be a new chance" he said.

   "I have some of the same questions as all of you, but if Eugene trusts this girl, I'm willing to give it a chance." Ezekiel said.

   "Only a few will go, we are still highly at risk right now. I'm not willing to spare all our able bodies to go and chase what could be a ghost or danger. Euegue, I'm trusting you on this. Don't let me down." I said, pulling Eugene in for a hug. "I promise I wont" he replied.

   I hugged Yumiko and Ezekiel, they were going with Eugene. "If you see one sign that this is a bad idea you turn the hell around and come home" I said. "We will Jo, promise" Yumiko said.

   "Okay, okay. Then go, go see if this community will be of any use to us. Be safe" I smiled.

   Daryl left, to do what? I don't know. He didn't tell me he was going anywhere, hell he didn't tell anyone anything.

   We all went back to Alexandria, Daryl came back and had Negan in toe. "Where the fuck were you?" I asked, poking Negan's chest.

   "Killing Alpha, Carol left me out" he replied. "So she left you out to do her dirty work and get her revenge?  I asked. "Seems so" Daryl replied.

   I pulled Daryl in for a hug and then smacked his arm. "Ouch! What the hell?" He asked. "Don't fuckin leave without saying bye, jerk" I said. "Damn, okay. I'm sorry babygirl" Daryl smiled.

   "You're forgiven, but no sex" I smirked. "Hey! That's bullshit" Daryl said. "Shouldn't have left without saying bye" I laughed. "I'll show you no sex" he smirked. He grabbed my hand and drug me home.

   I woke up later wrapped in the sheets and Daryl. "Ah damnit" I groaned, pulling the sheet over my bare chest. "I figured you would've caved" Daryl said, pulling me in. "Oh fuck you" I smiled. "Again? Shit alright" he smirked, rolling on top of me.


   We knew Beta would do something with the hoard and to prepare we moved everyone at Alexandria and Oceanside to a big old tower. Alexandria stood empty until Beta took the hoard there. Alden and Aaron stayed behind to spy on Beta.

   Daryl and I were out in the woods making sure things were okay around the perimeter. He had Judith's radio and radioed to Michonne, though she didnt answer. "Feels like old times, on the run scrounging around" I said, squeezing Daryl's hand.

   "Yeah it does. Those days seemed so hard" Daryl said. "But it brought us closer. Now we have a home, land, crops, a family, and we're dealing with a big ass hoard." I said. "We'll kill Beta, and get the hoard to a place where they'll stay and be away from us" Daryl said.

   A walker fell a few feet from us, we crept over to see why and found Judith. "Judith, who are you out here with?" Daryl asked. "Nobody" She replied. "Come on, let's go home Judy" I said. "No, please. I want to learn what you guys know, how to keep us safe just in case" Judith said.

   "Alright, but you stay close" I said. Daryl was teaching her. I hung back a bit and left him show her. He fired at a whisperer, leading a few walkers. We took out the walkers and followed after the whisperer.

   We tracked her down, Daryl pushed her for questions and then he fired an arrow into her head. "You didn't have to do that" Judith said.

   "He did Jude, apart of this is doing what you think is best" I said.

   We were making our way back to the tower. The whisperer said the hoard was going towards the Ocean and that Beta had lost his mind. We didn't know though, that the hoard was being redirected right back to the tower.

   Judith stopped and said that she couldn't believe we just left that girl there. Then we got on the topic of Michonne, Jude said that she was afraid  Michonne wouldn't come home. She'd gone to help some people that she met and she didn't tell Daryl and i because she didn't want us to leave too.

   "Oh hun" I said. I crouched and pulled Judith into a hug, and pulled Daryl down too. "You will always have one of us, if not both. You'll have RJ and Wren.

   Gabriel radioed and tried telling us to come back and that the hoard was there, but he kept breaking up.

   We rushed back and made it inside just as the hoard closed in. We made the building secure.

   Our plan was still the same, lead the hoard away but from here now. A small group of us needed to go through the hoard, to the wagon to connect the missing wires. "If Daryl is going, so am I" I said.

   We covered ourselves in walker guts and headed for the door. "Everyone get a partner, we stay as close as possible" I said.

   Jerry opened the door and we stood still as the walkers flooded in. Daryl, Kelly, and I stayed close, as close as we could. I reached for Daryl's hand. This wasn't the first time we'd done this, but it never got easier.

   Whisperers made their way towards us and our eyes in the tower got them with arrows which kept some of the walkers busy. "Together. Together." They whispered. Which made it damn near impossible.

   With my other hand I grabbed Kelly's tightly. I held her as closely to me as possible until we finally made it to the other side. The one ones missing were Carol and Beatrice. Carol was the only one to make it back, Lydia behind her.

   We got the music working and we slowly worked the hoard away from the others. We didn't stop, night fell and we kept going. Whisperers pushed forward and used walkers as shields. We fired arrows into them as the wagon sped up, whisperers rushed out of the woods.

   We were doing good until they threw a spike through one of our tires and we lost the wagon. We bailed off into the woods and came up with a new plan.

   We walked through the hoard and picked out the Whisperers, injuring them. Negan snuck up behind Beta and called for him. Daryl stuck his knives into Beta's eyes, finally ending the whisperers.

   Daryl and I pulled Negan up from the ground and watched Beta go down. "Holy shit, do you know who that asshole is?" Negan asked. "Yeah, nobody" Daryl said.

   When morning hit, Lydia lead the hoard right off the cliff.

   We made it go rendezvous point B, "Maggie?" I called. She turned around and smiled at me, rushing for a hug. "Oh my god, hey!" I smiled, tears welling in my eyes. "Hi!" She replied.

   "Mommy!" Wren shouted, running towards me. "Hey babycakes. This is Aunt Maggie. Maggie, this is Wren" I smiled. "Holy shit, she looks like the perfect mix of you and Daryl" Maggie smiled.

   Wren smiled at her when Maggie knelt down, Wren wrapped her arms around Maggie and smiled. "Hi aunt Maggie!" She smiled. "Hi Wren" Maggie smiled.

   Daryl went with Maggie, Cole, and Elijah to bring back their people and Hershel. "Holy shit" I said, looking at Hershel.

   "Aunt Jo!" Hershel said, wrapping his arms tightly around me. "You remember me?" I asked, squeezing him. "Mom told me everything about you, and I sort of remember your voice" Hershel said. I smiled, "You remind me so much of your father and grandfather"

   The next day Daryl and Carol went out to hunt. The whisperers left walls damaged and crops ruined, so we were short on food with extra people.

   Aaron and Gabriel took a list of places that Maggie knew of and went to check them for supplies.

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