Chapter Twenty-Four- A Better Future

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Jordyn's POV


   We were rebuilding the bridge. Maggie said she'd help, but only if the Sanctuary did most of the work if not all. Enid was training with me and Siddiq on medicine. Three was better than two.

   We were just about done with the bridge, only a fee more things needed to be done. One of the guys from the Sanctuary knocked Henry down, Daryl went after him and they started fighting.

   Rick broke them apart, I stood in front of Daryl with my hand on his chest. "Not today" I whispered. We went back to the main tent with Rick. Him and Daryl were arguing about the Saviors. I was checking Daryl's face for cuts.

   Daryl stormed out, heated with Rick and his choices. "What's his problem?" Rick asked. I looked at Rick for a moment, "He's pissed at you, Michonne, and me for keeping Negan alive."

   Daryl went to the lumber site to help Aaron's crew. Rosita went to blow up the the rocks which turned the herd right towards us. We had a redirection plan, but rally point two, the guy Daryl fought earlier, never did his job.

   The herd went right into the lumber site. A log was dropped on Aaron's arm. Daryl rushed him back to camp and into the infirmary tent.

   "Siddiq, where is he?" Daryl rushed. "He went home to see whats going on with the bug. Why?" I replied. "Aaron. A log landed on his arm" he said.

   Daryl laid him down on a cot and pulled off the shirt that covered his arm. "Mother fucker" I mumbled. "What?" Aaron asked. "We have to amputate, the bleeding and the way the bone and skin is there's no saving it" I said.

   Enid gathered the things we needed while Daryl tied Aaron's arm to prevent more blood loss. I told Enid to do the amputation, she needed to do it and I've done how many prior. "If you don't want to I will, but we need to do it now" I ushered. Enid did it herself, Aaron was going to make it as long we could keep it from getting infected.

   That night we all sat gathered around the fire in the middle of our camp. I checked on Aaron one last time for the night before joining Daryl at the fire.

   Rick was leaning on a tree watching everyone. I leaned against him and put my head on his shoulder. "Hey pops" I smiled. "Hey kiddo. You alright?" He asked. "Yeah, tired and overwhelmed" I replied.

   "Why?" Rick asked. "Wrennie keeps Daryl and I up super late some nights. Sometimes I feel like Daryl resents me for siding with you about Negan. And trying to keep up with the council shit, ugh" I smiled.

   "I'm sure he doesn't resent you, that man loves the shit out of you. He's just pissed off with me. You're a good wife and an amazing mother. You've got this" Rick said, kissing my forehead. "Thanks dad" I smiled. I went and sat between Daryl's legs, leaning my head on his chest.

   "Everything alright?" He asked. "Yeah, just talking to Rick" I smiled.

   That night we headed home to get some sleep and get Wren from the sitter. "She's sleeping in her crib, why don't we shower?" I said, with a suggestive face. Daryl grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder and carried me into the bathroom.

   It was probably three or four in the morning, I laid wide awake beside a sleeping Daryl, Wrennie was fast asleep in her crib. I put Daryl's shirt on and a pair of leggings. I was going to see Negan.

   "Well Doll, it's been some time hasn't it?" Negan said. "Well I did just have a baby and have been busy" I replied. "How is the little one?" He asked. "Good, healthy, happy, the best thing to ever happen to me since Daryl. He adores her." I smiled.

   "Can I meet her one day?" He asked. "Once I trust you, yes. I feel like you can be a good person. You just need to believe that and strip off what bullshit you've done"i replied. I'd visited Negan since he was put down here, hell I was the one who stitched his throat closed.

   The next day Daryl went back to camp, Rick was staying with Michonne and Judy until a problem broke out at camp. Rick grabbed me and we rode horses there. Rick split up the fight between our people and the Saviors.

   The Saviors wanted guns and we just couldn't trust them enough for it. Turns out Oceanside was the reason the Saviors kept dying.

   Rick got word Maggie was on her way to Alexandria to kill Negan. Daryl offered Rick a ride home to get there before Maggie did. Only, they never made it.

   Rick realized Daryl sided with Maggie, and wasn't taking him home to stop her. The one herd caught up with them, Rick was leading them away from home and the bridge. He didn't want to risk it breaking. Daryl cricled around back to camp.

   "Did you make it there?" I asked. "No, we got cut off by the herd, Rick's leading them away" Daryl said. I got back on my horse and went looking for him, nobody should do this alone.

   I stood at the opposite end of the bridge, Daryl said Rick wouldn't lead them this way, but he should've. I stood there and waited, I looked around in every direction for Rick. If the herd cut them off where Daryl said, he'd have almost no choice but to come this way.

   "Come on Rick, where are you" I mumbled. The herds were running parallel and wouldn't intersect, well that was the case until the redirect didn't work.

   I heard noise from behind me and seen a very injured Rick leading the herd towards the bridge. "Rick! Rick!" I shouted. His gaze slowly turned towards me. The herd was getting too close, I got off my horse and ran towards him.

   I pulled him off the ground and slowly made our way back to my horse. "Just go, I won't make it" Rick said. "No! I lost enough, I won't lose you too" I said, teary eyed.

   We realized the bridge wouldnt hold, a walker almost got rick until Daryl's arrow pierced its skull. Everyone ran towards the back of the herd to pull them back. We got almost all the way across, Rick pulled off me and pushed me to the end. I tried walking towards him.

   He realized the dynamite was still on the bridge. "Rick don't! Don't! We can figure this out!" I called. "Jordyn, just stay there. Tell Michonne and Judith I love them. Lead our people the way we planned Princess, I love you" he said. Then he fired his gun at the dynamite, blowing the bridge up and sending me flying backwards.

   I got up as quick as I could, "RICK!" I sobbed. "Fuck! Rick no, come on. Damnit!" I sobbed as I fell backwards. Not Rick too.

   Daryl rushed up to where I laid. "Daryl I tried, I fucking tried" I cried out. Daryl's arms circled around me tightly. "I know, I know you did babygirl. We'll find him, I promise you" Daryl cried.

   Daryl held me on that burning bridge as I cried hysterically. If he just kept going we could've figured out how to turn the herd, he would still be here.

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