Charter Twenty-Three- An End To It All

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Jordyn's POV


   We prepared for a fight. Gregory brought back a map with a note on it from Dwight. It was Negan's next plan. We got our shit ready and the first group left not much later.

   Daryl and I lead the group out, his hand was holding mine tightly. "You alright babe?" I asked. "I'm alright love. Just a little nervous is all" he replied.

   "Why nervous?" I asked. "We could be walking into a trap. I know you can handle yourself but it worries me with you being out there" Daryl said, kissing my hand.

   "I'll be just fine lover boy. I got your back" I smiled. "And I've got yours till the end of time" Daryl smiled.

   We came up on a road block, Negan's men were setting up walkers in the road. "Just remember, this could be a trap" I mumbled. We kept going. We were in a huge wide open field. The view was beautiful, minus the big ass hoard of walkers.

   We kept walking until we heard that damn whistling. Our guns were raised spining in circles looking for him. "Fuck!" I mumbled.

   Daryl pushed me behind him. Negan said it was Eugene who made it possible, he had Gabriel and Dwight too.

   Negan counted down from three. And on the count of one his men stood on the very top of the hill and fired their guns. The only thing is, the guns back fired in their faces instead of ours.

   "Now!" Rick yelled. We ran up the hill and started firing at their people. Negan took off and Rick followed. The rest of their people were kneeling in the field before us. "It's over, we're done" the one chick said.

   I ran ahead after Negan and Rick. I saw them standing in front of each other and then Negan fell to his knees. "Rick!" I shouted. I rushed towards them and made sure he was okay.

   "We keep him alive Rick. We honor Carl by keeping him alive and making him suffer in a cell" I said. I took off the flannel I had on over my tank top and pressed it to Negan's throat and kept pressure. "Siddiq!" I shouted.

   Siddiq came up and helped me keep pressure. "It's not deep enough for him to bleed out but we need to get him back home and close it." I said. "Babydoll" Negan cracked. "Shut the fuck up for once damnit" I said.

   We got back home and put Negan in cuffs in the Infirmary. I knew Maggie despised us for letting Negan live but I didn't think Daryl felt the same.

   Ever since we got back he hasn't spoken to me, he kept his distance on the walk back goo. "Daryl" I said, sitting next to him. "Hey, sorry Maggie needs me for something" he said, getting up. I pulled him back down with a thump, "No she doesn't. You can't avoid me forever"

   "I'm not avoiding you" Daryl said. "Yes you are. You're pissed at me and Rick for keeping him alive. I can see it on your face when you look at me, you avoided being near me on the walk back too" I said.

   "Okay, yeah I am pissed. That bastard took so much from us, from you!" Daryl said. "I know, believe me I relive every moment everyday. Back then people were kept alive and tormented for the bullshit they did. Killing them gives them an out, keeping them alive gives them the time to suffer" I replied.

   "I got that but that bastard needs to pay Jordyn" Daryl said. "And in time he will, I stick with Rick on keeping him breathing. What I won't stick with is him living a good life. I'll make sure he pays for what he did to us" I said.

   "I'm sorry for being pissy and avoiding you. I just think we'd be better off with him dead" Daryl said. "Somedays I thought that too. But making him live in a cell will give him nothing to do but think, think about thr lives he took and the hell he raised" I replied.

   "I don't like it. But I'll trust trust on this babygirl" Daryl said. "Thank you. I promise he won't live easy" I said, kissing Daryl. He kissed me back and snaked a hand around my throat. "I love you" he said between kisses. "I love you more" I smiled.

   We rebuilt Alexandria, better than it was before. Things were going so much better. Even the Sanctuary did good without Negan's rule. Daryl bounced between here and there a lot to help them.

   Maggie had her baby, Hershel Rhee is what she chose for his name. Two weeks later I had our baby girl, Wren Dixon. Wren was a name Carl suggested to me before he passed.

   My pregnancy wasn't easy at all. The further along I got it seemed to worsen. The morning sickness was hell, I was up almost every hour throwing up, my body ached, and I was always tired. Dr. Carson said both me and the baby were healthy so it wasn't a concern. But when I had her she came out perfect.

   Her birth went okay too, Siddiq and Carson were amazing. Daryl was right there by my side. I think he's been more cheerful since she's here.

   Maggie got plans for different things to build to make our communities thrive even more, we were going into D.C to see what we could find.

   I rode with Daryl on his bike for the drive. The first building we went to check was a museum. Different groups had different lists of stuff we needed. Daryl and I were with Rick's group.

   The floor in the middle was a big ass glass piece that allowed you to see through it to the floor below. It held hundreds of people daily before this, so what could go wrong? Pft. A lot.

   Nonetheless we carried on. With the amount of dust and cobwebs on shit we hoped we would hit big. We found a shitload of seeds, different types. Jadas, or Ann as we've been told yo call her told us there was a possibility of them being here.

   Trying to get everything down the stairs and across the glass was absolutely hell. We found a big ass wagon we wanted to take with us, but with the weight of it on the glass, it made the glass crack in every spot it touched.

   We got that off and tried to balance on the metal beams. We quickly but carefully got everything else over, well until the glass gave in and Ezekiel fell through it.

   We did our damn hardest to pull him up, and we succeeded. We got everything outside and loaded up before we headed back home. "How in the fuck do they get that shit in there?" I asked.

   "Definitely not the way we got it out of there" Daryl said. We were a bit ahead of the others, clearing a path for them and the horses. The bridge on Route B was out completely. We turned around and stopped, the horses needed a minute. And well the trailer got stuck, then walkers pushed closer to us.

   We had to leave the trailer, there were too many walkers. One of our people, Ken got bit, we took down the walkers and tried to help Ken. But we couldn't, a horse kicked him and he died a few minutes later.

   We went back to Hilltop and the Sanctuary since we couldn't go back to Alexandria at the moment. Daryl, Rick, Michonne, and I went back to the Sanctuary.

   Early in the morning we headed over to Hilltop. When Maggie came out her face was bruised, she told us about what happened the night before. I had baby Hershel on my hip. "You make me miss your cousin Wrennie" I mumbled to him. He giggled at me, "And your dad. You look so much like him" I said, kissing his head.

   I took him up to Maggie and laid him in his bed. Later that night Maggie was going to have Gregory hung for what he did. Bastard deserved it in my opinion.

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