Chapter Twenty-Two- Forever My Family

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Jordyn's POV


   I unfolded the note Carl left me. I smiled at his handwriting.

   "Dear Jo,

   I didn't think I'd need to leave you a note. Not yet at least. I believed when everything first happened and the world went to shit it'd be you and I leading something one day. When we were kids you were my biggest idol, I adored you and the strength you had when your home situation was terrible. When dad told me you were coming to live with us, I was so excited.

   I considered you more of a sister than a cousin, you are my best friend and you always will be. I know we butted heads quite often, but you were still always there for me. You were there when mom died, you left me cry for hours. She told me I'd beat this world, I'd make it to the very end.

   I think she was talking about you, your strength is inspiring. When the shit first hit the fan with Negan you held your head high and didn't let him break your spirit. I need you to promise me you'll help dad keep the peace, I believe we can live in peace with Negan.

   Siddiq, tell dad to let him stay. It'll honor me, I did one good thing before I got bit. Negan, he can be civil I think. We might not be able to do it right this second, but we can live with him. Please make it happen.

   I wish you and Daryl the very best with your marriage and my unborn "niece". You will one day be a bomb ass leader, you're already a bomb ass "sister" and soon to be mom. I love you Jo.

   Forever your best friend,

   I started sobbing halfway through his letter. "I promise to keep the peace. I love you too" I sobbed.

   "Babygirl, you alright?" Daryl asked sitting beside me. "I will be, one day. We can't kill Negan" I replied. "Why not?" Daryl asked. "Carl asked us not too. I promised I would do my best to keep Negan alive" I replied.

   "After what he did Jordyn, no one will go with that" he said. "I know. I know what he did was terrible, but if we kill him all we're doing is giving him an out. He needs to live and suffer with the thoughts of what he did. Not everyone agrees, but not everyone needs to know' I said.

   "It's up to Rick, babygirl. Maybe Carl asked the samething of him" Daryl said, pulling me into a hug.


   That night we waited for the Saviors to arrive. We were ready to ambush them and we did just that once they came through the gate.

   We damn sure put up a fight. We backed off and waited until they came out in the open. Then we lit their asses up, when they ran for the gate Rick's group pushed through and shot at them.

   Two trucks managed to escape, we're not sure how many made it. Negan wasn't here, Rick tried killing him before this.

   The next morning we put everything back in place. Siddiq and I bandaged up those that were injured during our fight.

   "How much do you know?" I asked Siddiq, while stitching someone's cut. "I was only a resident, I did a few surgeries, I know what a resident would know" He replied.

   "Maggie's father taught me a lot before he was murdered. I wanna teach you what I know, I was the only medically able person in Alexandria and now we have you. I won't be able to do a shit ton after I have the baby so we have a bit of time to teach you. I know how to help deliver babies, how to do amputations, stitches, and more" I said.

   "I'd be happy to learn everything you'd be willing to teach me" Siddiq replied.

   I went to go find Daryl. "Is that your blood on your sleeve?" Daryl asked. "No, I was helping in the infirmary. I'm fine and so is baby Dixon. Are you?" I smiled. "Im okay love. A little pissed at how things went." Daryl said.

   "Pissed? Why?" I asked. "Dwight is back with the Saviors. He tried to shoot Tara" Daryl replied. "Are you sure he's actually WITH them? Maybe he's playing them still." I said.

   "I don't know. I'd like to think he's still with us but I can't be sure" Daryl said. "Try not to stress, they'll find out that he betrayed them if he goes back. We have others things to worry about. We have to finish this fight and rebuild our home" I said.

   "I love you. You keep me more grounded and stable than I've ever been." Daryl said, kissing my forehead. "I love you too pookie" I giggled. "Ah! Damn you" he laughed.

   That night we were all sleeping, we were scattered through the houses. Daryl and I laid cuddled up in the main house on the second floor balcony. However, we heard a shit load of noise coming from downstairs and when we went to look there were walkers roaming around biting people.

   "Fuck! Daryl! Guys wake up! Walkers!" I shouted. I ran downstairs and used my knife to take a few down, one tried biting me until Daryl got to it.

   The rest of us rushed down and stabbed those that we could before they bit more people. Siddiq did an amputation on someone's arm. "What the fuck happened?" I asked. "Maybe walkers got in" Rick said. "These are our own people" Daryl said. We rushed upstairs to where we heard a body fall.

   We figured out those that were injured were turning because Negan and his people used weapons covered in walker blood. "That bastard!" I said.

   We went next door to talk to Tara, Rosita, and Enid, we told them what happened. Maggie and the others ran out after the prisoners escaped.

   By morning we were burying more of our people. More lives lost at the hands of the Saviors.

   We were trying to figure out what to do next. We figured the Saviors would be out of bullets. "Are we forgetting they have our bullet maker? They aren't ever going to be without fucking ammo" I said. "Damnit" Rosita said.

   Daryl and Rosita went to check out the factory where Eugene said about making the ammo.

   I grabbed Negan's letter from Carl and snuck off to the Sanctuary to give it to him. "Who the fuck are you?" His men at the gate said. "Jordyn, Jordyn Grimes and I'm here to see Negan. Don't bullshit me because I know he's here" I said.

   "He isn't seeing anyone" the guard said. "Tell him I have a letter. I'll leave my shit in the car but I need to see him asap" I said. Reluctantly, they agreed and took me to his room.

   "Babydoll! Did you miss me?" Negan smirked. "Like hell. I know Rick told you about Carl's letter. You need to read this, before my group kills the rest of yours" I said. "Have you read it?" He asked. "Mhm, and mine. I will forever try and honor my cousin's wishes. I wish for you and Rick to do the same" I said.

   "I didn't want this. I tried to save you all" Negan said. "You did want this. You weren't saving any of us Negan. You wanted power, you wanted people terrified of you. You and your people could've joined our communities and we could've made peace in this hell filled world. But that wasn't enough for you." I replied.

   "I didn't Jordyn. I wanted you to work for me. If I had to make people terrified of me then so be it." Negan said. "That's not a way to live! Your people don't worship you like you think. They're scared shitless of you! They do what you ask because of how fucking angry and psychotic you get!" I shouted.

   I turned to walk out of his room. "I'm sorry you lost him. I know how close you two were. Your people need to back down before more end up dead." Negan said. "We fight until your people are dead and you're locked up dealing with the thoughts and heartache of what you've done and the lives that died at your hands." I replied and walked out.

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