Chapter Thirty-Eight- The Perfect Ending

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Jordyn's POV


***One Year Later***

   The Commonwealth, Alexandria, and Hilltop were thriving. Zeke and Mercer took over at the Commonwealth as co-governers. I lead Alexandria beside Daryl. Maggie ran Hilltop again.

   Daryl and I had a beautiful baby boy. We chose to name him Carl Dixon. Daryl's idea actually.

   Things were going so well, all those hard and awful years finally paid off. Euegue and Max had a beautiful babygirl and named her Rosie.

   Daryl needed to go to France, some rumor about a cure or something.

   "Come with me. You said before you wanted to travel the world, so travel it with me" he said, pulling me closer. "We've got four kids to raise and a community to run" I said.

   "Bring them with, the six of us can do this together. We can let Aaron run things for a while" be replied. "Mom! Dad!" Wren yelled, running towards us.

   "Hi babycakes" I smiled. Judith and RJ not far behind them. "What do you kids think about going to France with me and Daryl?" I asked. "Wait, really?" Judith asked. "If you three want to go, then yes" Daryl smiled.

   "Yes!" RJ and Wren said together. "Jude?" I asked. "Yes!" She replied. "Then pack some stuff my loves" I smiled.

   "Aaron? Can we talk?" I asked. "Sure, whats up?" He replied. "Daryl has that trip, the kids and I are gonna go with him. Mind running Alexandria until I return?" I asked. "Of course, I'd do anything for you" he smiled, pulling me in for a hug. "Thank you" I whispered.

   We packed enough stuff for everyone and loaded into one of the army trucks from the Commonwealth. It had plenty of room for us all. We stopped by the Commonwealth before we left to say our goodbyes.

   "Be safe out there momma" Zeke smiled. "I will, you guys too" I smiled, wrapping my arms around him. I gave Carol a hug and waited for Daryl.

   We went to Hilltop to see Maggie and Hershel. "Hey Mags" I said. "Hey. Oh you brought the whole crew" She smiled.

   "I'm gonna take the kids and go with Daryl" I said. "You two make the best parents and greatest team ever. Be safe, I love you guys" Maggie smiled. "We will, keep this place strong. We love you too Maggie" I smiled.

   I wrapped Hershel in a hug before we left. "See you soon big guy, run Hilltop strong" I said to him. "I will aunt Jo!" He cheered.

   Daryl and I loaded the kids up in the truck along with our belongings. "You ready for this Mrs. Dixon?" Daryl asked, pulling me into him. "More than ready Mr. Dixon" I smiled, kissing him.

   We were driving down the road, Daryl's hand rested on my thigh. The kids chattered away in the back. "I'm so happy it's you I get to spend my life with" I said.

   "I'm happy it's you too babygirl. I never thought we'd make it this far" he replied. "Neither did I. There were so many chances where I wanted to quit, the farm, the prison, the Saviors, when Carl died, when Rick went missing, when we stopped talking. But then there was you, Wren, then baby Carl. I'm so glad I didnt" I smiled.

   "You and our four kids are the best thing to have ever happened to me. If I could do this life all over again, the only thing I would change is finding you sooner" Daryl smiled. "Thats sweet and all my love, but I was only a teenager when this started" I laughed.

   "Well when you fuckin put it that way" Daryl laughed too. "But I do agree with you." I said, rubbing Daryl's hand.

   "I love you momma" Wren said from the back seat. "I love you too Wrennie. I love you, Judith and RJ" I smiled at them. "We love you too" Judith replied.

   "I love you babygirl, so much more than you will ever know." Daryl said, kissing my cheek quickly.

   "I love you too Pookie." I said, Daryl rolled his eyes and smiled. 

   "There's not a single day that goes by that I ever regret loving you, Daryl Dixon"

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