Chapter Ten- Home

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Jordyn's POV


   Everyone was slowly adjusting into our new lives. Our jobs weren't that hard, minus those who went on runs, or Rick and Michonne having authority.

   I was running through the pantry checklist when I noticed we were short a few chocolates. "Olivia?" I called. "What's up hun?" She asked. "Did you give another few chocolate away and not mark it? According to this we're three short" I replied.

   "Three? Damn uhm. No I haven't, I gave one to Carol and that was it." She said. "Hmm, does anyone else have access to the pantry?" I asked. "No, just us and Diana." She said. I nodded, okay did Carol steal more? Not sure, it's a minor thing but definitely something to keep an eye on incase more goes missing than that.

   Daryl went out with Aaron to go recruit more people. It was Aaron's idea for Daryl to join just because Daryl knows what he's doing when he leaves the walls.

   I headed home after my shift. I headed up to the room I shared with Daryl in Rick's house. I showered and went to lay down in bed.

   Glenn and the others came back from their run. Tara had serious head trauma and Noah had been killed. Diana's son Aiden was killed too.

   I was out exploring when I found Rick beating the shit out of Jessie's husband Pete. I think the whole community was watching. Jessie tried to pull Pete off but only ended up with a slap to the face, Carl tried and was pushed off.

   Diana is who finally broke them up. "Rick Grimes get the fuck off him!" I yelled. Then he pulled a gun on Diana.

   I slowly walked up behind him and knocked his ass out cold. "Shut up" I mumbled. Michonne grabbed his gun off the ground. "Well this has been fun, we locking their asses up now or are we gonna stand here and twiddle our thumbs?" I asked.

   We placed Rick and Pete in different places away from each other. What caused Rick to snap like he did isn't known, maybe because he caught feelings for Jessie and wants Pete out of the picture. Or maybe because it was known that Pete beats Jessie.

   "Diana, can I speak to you in private?" I asked. She nodded and lead me into her living room. "Is everything okay?" She asked. "No. I wanted to apologize on behalf of my uncle. Why he lashed out, I don't know. He sent with a lot of domestic violence cases in King County. They were never easy on him." I said.

   "I understand that. Maybe we could have done more here. Hell we knew about it and left Pete here. I appreciate you apologizing" Diana said.

   "Pete is a valuable person to have in terms of medicine, but when it comes to being a husband he sucks. We've been out there so long its hard to adjust to new things. I'm not saying what he did was right, but Pete had it coming. I speak on behalf of all our people when I say we do enjoy it here. The power just went to Rick's head too quick, too soon." I said.

   And with that I was out the door and over to check on Rick. Jesus Christ do I wish Daryl was here to smack some sense into this man.

   Some of the others were already there to see him. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yelled at him. "Don't yell at-"

   "Carol, politely fuck off. He's my uncle. I'll yell at his dumbass if I want too" I spat. She looked at me in shock. There was a meeting tonight to discuss things. Rick wanted the more violent option if things go south.

   "We are not doing anything else stupid. We take it easy and figure it out. We only resort to that if we absolutely have too" I said.


   We were sat around a fire listening to Diana speak. She wanted to talk about Rick, what he'd said and done. Rick didn't show. I stood by Michonne and Maggie. "Where the hell is he?" I whispered to Maggie. "I have no idea" she replied.

   Michonne was speaking on Rick's part. "I'm not only sticking up for him on the fact that he's my uncle, but that he's a good person. Rick has saved my ass more than once on many different occasions, he's saved everyone here at least twice too. What happened last night was inexcusable. I'm not at all saying he was right in beating the shit out of Pete, but Pete did have it coming. Rick knows almost everything there is to surviving, that's how we've made it this far. Rick is an exceptional leader and father. Don't throw him out on one little mistake" I said.

   Our other people did too. Diana had told us what Gabriel said to her the day before Rick's outburst, about how we were dangerous and couldnt be trusted. Rick walked in a few moments later with a dead walker and covered in blood.

   "Rick what the hell" I said. There was nobody on watch on the gate, the gate was left wide open for them to walk through. He was telling everyone how he'd keep us all safe. The Rick before me was a different man than before.

   Once Rick was done Pete walked and was bitching at Rick for not being one of them. He had Michonne's sword and pushed Diana's husband back and in the process slit his throat. Pete was pinned to the floor.

   Diana sobbed as she held her dying husband, "Rick. Do it"

   Rick didn't hesitate in shooting Pete. The second those words left her mouth the gun was pointed at Pete's head and fired. "Rick?" Morgan, Rick's friend from the beginning called. He was standing with Daryl and Aaron.

   "Daryl" I whispered and ran to pull him into a hug.

   Daryl and I went back to the house, Rick and the others helped Diana bury her husband.

   "Come on stinky, you need a shower and I could use another" I smiled. Daryl pulled me into the bathroom and helped me strip, me doing the same to him. We stepped into the steaming hot water. I helped him wash his hair and then his body, he pulled me in for a kiss.

   "I missed you. It's no fun being on the road with Aaron" Daryl laughed. "I missed you too lover boy" I smiled. He helped me wash my hair and body, then we stepped out to dry off and get dressed.

   I crawled into bed and waited for Daryl, he came in and crawled right on top of me. "There's somethin' I wanna ask you. I'm hopin' this doesn't ruin what we got" he said with a serious tone. "Okay? What's up?" I asked.

   "Princess, will you be my girlfriend?" Daryl asked. I smiled and arched my head up to kiss him, "Why yes Mr. Dixon. I'd love to be your girlfriend"

   "Wanna have sex as a couple now?" Daryl laughed. "That really has become a thing, huh?" I laughed. "But yes. Yes I do"


   We laid in bed for a few hours after, just feeling his skin on mine made me feel safe. "I love lying here with you, even if we're butt ass naked" I giggled. "I do too babygirl" he smiled.

   Daryl dozed off a little while later, well that's what I thought anyways. I've never really had luck with sleeping, but lying here with Daryl helps me sleep better. I just like watching him breathe, as creepy as that sounds. It's calming, especially knowing one day he might now be here with me to watch him breathe.

   "Oh Daryl Dixon. You have my whole heart and soul. I quite literally think I'm in love with you, and have been for a while now" I whispered.

   "I'm in love with you too"


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