Chapter Nine- A Friend

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Jordyn's POV


   Daryl and I went back to the others. It was quite obvious what we did when they saw us adjusting ourselves. Later in the night the storm picked up and had the barn doors moving like crazy.

   A small herd of walkers was making their way to the barn. Everyone used every last bit of strength they had to hold those doors shut.

   By morning everyone was fast asleep sprawled on the floor. Daryl was awake, my head rested on his lap.

   Maggie and Sasha went outside to talk. When they returned they had a man close by. A new face no one recognized. The guy knew our names, how he did was unknown right away.

   "Everyone this is Aaron" Maggie said. Daryl patted him down and closed the door behind him. He was telling us about his community.

   It wasn't his call if we stayed or not, but it was to see if we can be convinced to stay. He had an envelope with pictures of their community.

   They had walls fifteen foot tall walls, people, houses, food and water. Rick walked up and knocked Aaron flat on his ass unconscious.

   "I know it seems like a bad idea, but what if we go and make it home? We've been on the road for so long, we can't keep going out here" I said. "No, his people are coming for us." Rick said. "Rick not everyone is like the Governor" I replied.

   Rick dumped his bag and searched it, trying to see who this guy was he said. He had everyone looking around outside to see if more of his people were coming. Maggie and Sasha got Aaron awake and sitting up to talk.

   "Why the hell would he invite us into his home if it wasn't true. Those pictures are new, they're not from a book. Let him talk before you decide go clobber him again" I said.

   Aaron admitted to leaving us the water and following us. Rick asked him more than once how many other people were outside waiting for him. Aaron said one. Rick didn't believe him

   "We struggle to believe you, we've had trouble with offering hands before. Rick is looking out for his children and the rest of us. I want to believe you, I know the others do too. You being honest as all hell is one way to our trust. We check these cars out, if it checks out we'll consider going with you. Just give him time" I said, kneeling down to Aaron. He nodded.

   I was helping Rick feed Judith, Aaron said there was a jar of applesauce in his bag. I grabbed it and opened it. "Let him try it" Rick said. "Rick he's not going to poison your child. I took a little bit of it and it tasted fine. Rick still made Aaron taste it before finally feeding Judith.

   The others came back with the cars Aaron had left. At least that part of his story checked out.

   "Be honest with me, it'll only help you.  Do you have any bad intentions with bringing us back to your camp?" I asked. "No. None what's so ever" Aaron replied. "Then why won't you tell Rick where it is? We aren't going to harm your people. You want our trust. We want yours" I said.

   Rick said we were taking route twenty-three. Aaron advised us not too and to stick to route sixteen.

   We drove down twenty-three. The only problem with it was it was swarmed with dozens of walkers. Rick, Michonne, and Glenn road with Aaron to his camp. But because of the walkers we lost site of them. 

   We found Aaron's boyfriend Eric and went to safety. Aaron told us their community was called Alexandria. Rick was still being a hard-ass with Aaron, Glenn managed to talk him down.

   In the morning we loaded up in the RV and drove to their community. I sat on Daryl's lap for the whole drive there, well until the battery died in the RV. Glenn changed it and we continued on. We arrived at a gated community. You could hear children outside playing. We excited the vehicles and waited by the front gate.

   Aaron walked us through the gate. He said we'd have to talk to Diana, she knew all there was to know about Alexandria.

   She took us all in separately to her living room to talk to us, ask us questions. Rick was the first to go in, the rest of us followed.

   "I'm Diana Monroe" She smiled. "Jordyn Grimes" I replied. "Rick's daughter?" She asked. "Niece actually, he's practically my father." I said.

   "The others in your group, where'd you meet them?" She asked. "It's a long story. We were in previous groups with them before, a few we picked up along the way" I replied.

   "What were you before this?" Diana asked. "A senior in high school. I worked at a bakery down the street from Rick's house." I smiled.


   We turned in our weapons to Diana and the person in charge of their armory, we were told we could have them back anytime we left the walls. Aaron showed us to the house we were staying in. They'd given us two so we'd be spaced out. We decided however to stay together in one house, not really to fully give in to being here.

   Diana was giving jobs out to everyone. I was assigned to the pantry and armory.

   Everyone took a shower when it was my turn I pulled Daryl with me. We took a shower together in silence. Daryl finished rinsing the soap out of my hair. I turned to him and kissed him on the lips. "Ever have shower sex?" I giggled. "Is that our way of wanting to have sex now?" Daryl smiled. I nodded and well we had sex.

   We got dried off and I trimmed Daryl's hair, trying to get most of it out of his face. We got dressed in new clean clothes and headed downstairs with the others.

   The next morning we all woke up and got our day started. Daryl walked me over to the pantry. "It feels so weird to live in a house, to shower, have electricity, be able to have home cooked meals, to have a job again" I said.

   "I know. You go on, I'll see you after" Daryl said, kissing my head.

   I worked with Olivia in the pantry/armory today. Later we were invited to a party for us at Diana's house. I forced Daryl to go along with me even though he told me it was stupid. He had to meet with Aaron first.

   We all looked so out of place here. I'd never seen any of our people so nicely dressed. We've always been so covered in dirt, mud, and blood.

   Being here in this room with all these people made it feel like we were still who we were before this all started. Sometimes I wish this is the life we lived without the walkers. But then if that was the case and things were still the way they used to be, I wouldn't have the family I have now. I wouldn't have Daryl. I wouldn't have become the person I am.

   I'm not just speaking for myself when I say I'm stronger than I am today than I ever have been.

   I truly believe we can build our lives here with little to no problems, barely anyone dying. I don't know what will come out of Daryl and I. But I'm hoping we can build a beautiful and happy life together. I believe Alexandria is home. Maybe not for forever but definitely for right now.

   Ultimately the goal was to finish high school, go to college, get a job in nursing, fall in love, start a family, and get married. Now the goal is just to survive, and that's fully what we intend on doing.

   While I believe this place is safe, you can't let your guard down, not even for the slightest second. Letting your guard down and getting comfortable seems to be where we tend to go wrong. Once you do, it seems the world knows and brings on a problem or a tragedy. I think we've have enough to last us a few months at least.

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