Chapter Twelve- Holding On By A Thread

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Jordyn's POV


   I helped Rick pull Carl up before we hauled ass into the infirmary. Denise had it prepped for him when we came through the door. Michonne took off Rick's sheet, I took off mine and pulled him in for a hug.

   "Rick, Rick listen to me he survived one before he'll survive again" he pulled away from me and walked out the door to kill walkers. "He's going to get himself fucking killed" I said, rushing for the door.

   "Jordyn no. I need you here, you've been practicing medicine with me. I need you" Denise said. Michonne, Aaron, and Heath rushed out to help Rick take on the walkers. Others joined in then too.

   "Once we are done, you can go help. But I need you" Denise said. "Okay. Okay. Let's save my cousin" I said.

   I finished up with Denise and hauled ass out of the infirmary. I ran down to Rick and Michonne, helping them kill what walkers we could. Then the pond went up in flames, drawing the rest over.

   "Keep going! We're gonna make it!" I yelled. We kept going with all we had left in us. Together we took down the remaining walkers.

   God did it feel good to see the last one fall.

   "Jordyn!" Daryl yelled. "Oh my god Daryl!" I cried, bringing him into a hug. "Holy fuck I missed you" he said. "I missed you more" I sobbed.

   We rushed to the infirmary. I stitched the cut up on Daryl's back. Rick went to Carl's side.

   I kissed Daryl and walked into the room with Rick. "I feel like I'm getting dejavu" I said to Rick, sitting on the edge of Carl's bed.

   "Hershel pulled him through the first one. Denise is going to pull him through this one. I promise you he's going to be okay. You're not losing any of us, anytime soon" I said, placing my hand on Rick's which laid holding Carl's.

   Carl gripped mine and Rick's hand. Right then I knew everything would be okay. "I love you both" I whispered and walked out.

   I went out to Daryl and wrapped my arms around him. "I love you" I mumbled into his neck. "I love you more"


   Things got better the next few days, Carl recovered and we rebuilt the broken wall and continued the expansion.

   "Do you really have to leave? I feel like I just got you back" I groaned to Daryl. "Yes. Rick and I need to go on a run. I will be back in your arms as soon as possible babygirl" Daryl said.

   "Rick if you don't come back with him too I'm kicking your ass" I joked. I kissed Daryl goodbye and told them both I loved them before sending them on their way.

   Rick and Daryl went on a run to get more medical supplies and just other things we needed.

   I went and helped Olivia with keeping inventory in the pantry and the armory.   Then I headed over to the infirmary with Denise.

   "Hun are you sure you should be running all over the place?" She asked. "I've got a good bit of energy right now, it's early stages so I'm okay" I smiled.

   "Okay, if you feel off at all you sit and relax. The books and cheat sheets are over there for you to look at and learn" Denise said.

   "Thank you for caring" I said to Denise. She pulled me in for a hug.

   I headed back our house and took a long shower. Then went and laid in Daryl and I's room.

   I should tell him about the baby, but what if he runs out on me? I dozed off, my mind flooding with any possibility of what Daryl would do when I told him.

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