Chapter Thirty-Five- The Commonwealth

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Jordyn's POV


Days passed by since we met the Commonwealth. Daryl and I hadn't spoken in awhile either. He was pissed off at me for killing Leah, and I was pissed at him for whatever they did together.

It'd been about a month here at the Commonwealth. Most, if not all of us from Alexandria decided to come and stay here until Alexandria was cleaned up. We had jobs, actual money, hospitals, a real town.

We celebrated Halloween for the first time in years, and damn did it feel good for things to somewhat be normal again.

I seen a maternal doctor the second we got here. I didn't feel any different, but wanted to actually get the baby checked out. Everything was okay, the baby was okay and so was I.

I worked in the bakery, but also trained as a Registered Nurse.

"Can we talk?" Daryl said, catching me after my shift at the bakery. "Why? You just wanna yell at me again anyways" I mumbled. "I didn't yell at you because I wasnt in love with Leah. I didn't intentionally yell at you either, but I didn't think she needed to die" Daryl replied.

"You might not have been in love with her. But you felt some type of way about her, I could see it in your eyes when you looked at her. Something happened between you two when Rick went missing, all that time you spent in those woods without me, all those days alone. You refuse to tell me anything about what happened. I heard you that day, you told her you were there for her" I said.

"She kissed me twice, we had an emotional connection. It never got physical other than her kissing me. Yes I left her kiss me, yes I had an emotional connection but that was it. The day I went to tell her I needed it all to stop, she was gone and I only had dog. I knew I screwed up, I thought she was dead" Daryl replied.

"Even if she was dead before, you didn't tell me. You left me think that everything with us was okay with us when it wasn't. I was two or three months pregnant when we went to Meridian. I was cut, kicked, and bruised. And all I could worry about was you, I didn't care about me or the baby at that moment, just you. Then hearing you and Leah had a history broke my heart" I said, tearing up.

"You're pregnant? You- why didn't you tell me? I'm so sorry babygirl, I should've told you. I should've been there for you" Daryl said, reaching his hand out.

"The doctor says about three or four months along, baby and I are okay. I'd just found out right when Maggie came back, I didn't know how'd you react to a second baby and then we delt with the Meridian bullshit." I said, taking his hand and placing it on my belly.

"I'm happy we're having another baby, babygirl. I love you and I'm sorry" Daryl said, kissing me. "I love you too, I'm sorry also" I sighed into his kiss.

I had an apartment, three bedroom one bath. Judith and Wren shared a room, RJ had his own, and then there was mine. The kids bounced between my apartment and Daryl's. Daryl was staying in a shitty apartment while he was in basic training.

Once that ended a few days later, he moved in with me and the three kids. "I really think we could make this work" I said to Daryl over dinner that night. "So do I, kids?" Daryl said. The three kids agreed with so much excitement. "But what about Alexandria? We built that, we repaired it, grew it, it was home. It seems weird to think about somewhere else. But I want the better for our kids. The three here and the one on the way" I smiled.

"You're pregnant?" Judith asked. "Yes, Wren will be a big sister. Judith and RJ, you two have become our children also. You'll be big "siblings" too" I smiled. The kids cheered and gave us a hug.

Aaron stayed behind to rebuild Alexandria with the help of Governor Milton. We'd thought Maggie and Rachel agreed too. I rode along with Daryl to go home and see how the progress was going, I offered to stay and help Aaron but he pushed me to go to the Commonwealth.

Daryl helped me exit the truck, Aaron came to hug me. "Hey momma, you're finally showing" he smiled. "Only a few more months till the baby is here. This baby isn't kicking my ass like Wren did" I smiled.

Mercer asked Daryl if he was one of the leaders. "I'm the main leader, after my uncle. We had a council that helped me decide things, Daryl was part of the council" I smiled at Mercer. "What you and your uncle built is amazing. You make a pretty good leader, and a very good mother" Mercer said. I smiled and lightly rubbed my belly.

After Pamela's tour of Alexandria we headed to Oceanside. Rachel broke the news to Hornsby and Pamela that Oceanside and Hilltop, declined the offer made to them by Pamela.

After the visit to Oceanside we rode to Hilltop. Along the rode we ran into Maggie, Lydia, and some others fighting walkers. We helped them take out the last walker, I pulled Maggie into a hug. "Hey Mags" I smiled. "Hey Jo. Oh my, look at your belly" She smiled.

We stopped with them for a bit to help them get their wagon back together. Pamela suggested they go hunting with Maggie, the rest of us went to Hilltop.

I hung back with the others. "Hey Jo" Lydia smiled. "Hi Lydia, how are you?" I asked, pulling her in for a hug. "I'm good, how are you? And the baby?" She smiled, placing her hand lightly on my belly. "Good. Both of us are good. This pregnancy is a little easier than Wren's was. I still get sick at the smell of rotting flesh and shit" I laughed.

Maggie and the others returned to Hilltop. It wasn't in perfect condition, but Maggie was slowly rebuilding her home. Hornsby gave Maggie the deal again.

I was walking with Aaron, Milton, and Hornsby when Maggie approached us. They had an alarm set up to trip if walkers approache. Her people were dealing with it with the help of Mercer.

"Hilltop declines your offer" Maggie said, and walked off. "Fuck" I mumbled. With Maggie saying no, that meant Oceanside was a no, and that also meant the Commonwealth was pulling out of the deal with Alexandria.

Hornsby looked at me and Aaron. I glanced at Aaron, we needed this.

We were packing up to leave. Some of the people staying with Maggie were coming back with us. They couldn't do it anymore and wanted to be apart of the Commonwealth.

Aaron came and found me before we left. "Hornsby says Milton is still on board." Aaron said, pulling me in for a hug. "We might be living with them, but I don't fully trust it. We watch our asses and pull out before shit goes south" I whispered into his ear. "Got it"


There was an incident involving Aaron and Gabe at an apartment complex. A group of men were sent out to "bring" the new people in. Only most of the Commonwealth people died, the only surviving two were Aaron and Gabe, which Hornsby was questioning.

I rode along with Daryl and Hornsby to the complex. I was given an offer to join the team by Mercer, I was trying to get an idea of the job before I accepted.

Hornsby pushed Aaron and Gabe to spill the truth, Daryl and I stood behind him, Daryl's arm around my waist.

"Hornsby. They've told you the same story more than once, Aaron and Gabriel aren't liars." I said, stepping beside him. Hornsby looked at me with that dumbass smile, "Okay, I was just trying to figure things out"

"I trust Aaron and Gabe with my life, they've helped me with Alexandria. If they say they aren't lying, they aren't lying" I replied. He nodded and left the room. He told Daryl to suit up and that they were going to Hilltop to "warn" Maggie.

"Regardless of what happened here today, I trust you two. Hornsby is a prick" I mumbled.

Gabriel, Aaron, and I walked beside Daryl in the mix of the other Commonwealth soldiers. We walked right up to the gate at Hilltop. Maggie and Elijah waited for us on the gate wall.

Hornsby wanted to do a search of Hilltop, Maggie said no which pissed him off. He wanted to just push their way inside. Daryl talked to Maggie and got her to agree to let them in. "Do you trust him?" Maggie whispered into my ear. "Not a goddamn bit. His smile creeps me the fuck out" I whispered.

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