Chapter Thirty-Seven- Running Seems Best

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Jordyn's POV


   Rosita came back without Max and broke the news that she was arrested. Daryl said we should get going. We walked out and left Rosita and Euegue to talk.

   "We'll meet you back at your place" Daryl said to Rosita. "I'd do the same thing, you know" I said taking Daryl hand.

   "What do you mean?" He asked. "If you and I were in Euegue and Max's place, I'd do the same as Euegue if it meant you got to walk free" I said. "No, I wouldn't let you. I'd confess before you could" Daryl smiled.

   We were waiting in the back with the kids for the others. Men came up from the side and grabbed me, the kids, and Dog while two of them jumped Daryl.

   We were drugged and placed on a prison bus. Bags over our heads and our hands cuffed. I'm pretty sure I was seated next to Negan. "You okay momma?" He whispered in my ear. "Negan? Is that you? Im alright" I whispered back.

   "Yeah, it's me. Baby still okay?" He replied. "I think so. I felt a kick a few minutes ago" I said. Then we were injected again with whatever the hell they were knocking us out with.

   We all woke up to banging outside the bus. I pulled the bag off and head. "The kids. Has anyone seen the kids?" I asked. "No, are you alright? Is baby?" Ezekiel asked. "Yeah, yeah we're okay" I said.

   A man walked onto the bus and told us that we were going to work as one if we wanted to see the kids again, they were safe and being tended goo.

   He started pointing at people, to get off the bus. Those ones were being taken to another site. Most of us left were those that resided at Alexandria, Hilltop, and Riverbend. We were left at a construction site. We were going to work to pay off what we did.

   "So were being punished for, nothing?" I said amongst my people. "We didn't even have shit to do with Eugene. It was an accident"

   "I don't know, but this is what we need to do for now" Negan said. It's bullshit really.

   Some of the other people here hauled ass to run away, only to be shot down a few minutes later. I started feeling nauseous and had to sit. "Get up, you only stop to eat and sleep" one of the guards said. 

   "If you couldn't tell, I'm fucking pregnant you jackass." I spat. "I said get the fu-"

   "That's enough. She's pregnant. Give the woman a damn break" another guard said. "Thank you" I mumbled.

   They called us all to eat, I went and sat beside Kelly. "It's gonna be okay. We're gonna figure this out" I smiled. "I'm more worried about you right now" She replied. "I'm fine and so is baby." I smiled.

   We went back to work, when night fell they loaded us onto the bus and took us to outpost twenty-two. It was Alexandria. Mother fuck!

   The next morning we were right back at it. We were doing sign language to those that knew it, I whispered to Princess and Ezekiel, "Two on the perimeter, four inside"

   That night we were all peacefully sleeping until the guards rushed in and woke everyone up. They walked us outside and had us standing in front of the windmill.

   Negan was brought out, the man in charge said Negan was the trader. They had him on his knees, guns pointed at him. Annie was brought next to him and placed on her knees. They were going to kill Annie instead.

   I walked in front of Negan and Annie, our other people followed too. "You want blood, you take everyone's here. We stand together, we die together, we're a family" I said.

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