Chapter Thirty-Six- Blast From the Past

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Jordyn's POV


   Hornsby walked around Hilltop, he found a truck that was covered. The tires were muddy, Maggie told him the truck didn't run. He opened the hood and noticed it was too clean to just sit, he reconnected a part that was no longer together and went to start the truck.

   "Let's see if I have the magic touch" he smiled. He turned the keys in the ignition and when the truck didn't start, his smirk fell. "Guess you don't have that magic touch, Hornsby" I smirked. Maggie told them they had until sundown and then they needed to leave.

   I walked back to where the graves were. Hershel sat beside his dad's. "Mom told me you know who killed your dad" I said. "I do, I wanted to kill him" he replied. "The only reason Negan is alive, is because of my uncle Rick and me" I said. "You kept him alive? Why?" Hershel asked.

   "Negan doesn't deserve to live, he didn't when he killed your dad. My cousin wanted us to live in peace and not kill Negan, Rick was honoring Carl. Negan suffered in a cell for almost seven years" I replied. "Thank you for being honest" Hershel smiled. I ruffled his hair, he got up and walked away.

   Hornsby stopped him when he came up from the cellar. I got up and walked over to them just as Hornsby told Hershel something bad would happen.

   Elijah slammed Hornsby into the wall. "Elijah! Let him go" I said. Maggie, Daryl, and the others rushed over. I held Hershel into my side. "I heard him say something bad would happen here" I said.

   The soldiers had their guns held on us, Elijah still had Hornsby pinned, Maggie and Daryl held their guns on Hornsby. "You came up empty, it's time to fucking leave" Daryl said. Hornsby told the soldiers to lower their weapons, Elijah left him go.

   Night fell and we set up a small camp in the woods. Daryl, Aaron, Gabe, and I sat away from the soldiers and decided we couldn't go back to the Commonwealth, things weren't not going good.

   "We need to get our children and families out of there, now" I said. The others agreed.

   We went searching for the guns that were missing. We were thirteen miles out from the last outpost. We had a plan. We were doing one last sweep before "heading back"

   While in the last area Daryl fired on the soldiers. We took them out and grabbed their guns to finish the rest and the walkers that came close.

   Daryl kept the main guy alive to ask him where Hornsby was. Once he gave us an answer, Daryl killed the guy and we left.

   We made our way back towards Hilltop. There was a little camp, a set of dog tags lied on the ground covered in blood. I wiped it off and read what was engraved.

   "Oh what the fuck" I mumbled. "What is it?" Daryl asked. Engraved on one of the tags was a jellybean with the initials "J.G" on them, the other one had my name "Jordyn Grimes, my jellybean"

   "These. These were my dad's. He always called me his jellybean" I whispered. "Your dad? He's alive and with Hornsby?" Daryl asked.

   "I-i don't know. He wasn't ever home, I lived with Rick. I never heard from him. Hornsby must've just picked him up, there's no way we've been living within the same walls for months." I said.

   Daryl nodded, he grabbed my hand and we split into two teams of two to cover more ground. Daryl and I found my father and Maggie, my dad had Maggie pinned to the floor, her face bloody.

   "Dad?" My voice cracked. "Jellybean?" He replied. "What the fuck?" I asked. "I gotta kill her kid." He replied. "I worried about you for years. Rick was more of a father than you. Maggie is my family" I said. I raised my gun to his head.

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