Chapter Sixteen- Make Me A Deal

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Jordyn's POV


   "Now babydoll, let's not try and act like we're in charge." Negan said. "Stop fucking calling me that. Make me a deal. I go whenever I want and I'll do ALMOST anything for you here. But I won't sleep with you" I said.

   "Wasn't that already the plan? With you being my "pretend" wife and all?" He asked. "Yes but please. I need to see my family, let my husband be involved in this pregnancy, I'm the only medically able person in Alexandria. Let me do my part there, and here. That way you can keep your supply income. Please" I said.

   "I'll think about it. We go in a week to collect our shit from them. If you can prove to me in a week that I can trust you with making the trips when you want, I'll allow it. At first you'll be driven by someone, then you can go alone. We aren't that far from Alexandria, couple miles or so. So I'll know if you pull shit." Negan said.

   "Okay. That I can do. If it's going to put my people in danger it's not worth skipping out on coming back. I also want Daryl's vest and crossbow that Dwight has. That jackass doesn't deserve it" I said.

   "Mmm. Alright, you'll have them by the end of the day and you can give them back to him when we go." Negan said. "Thank you" I said. "There's her manners. You're welcome doll. I'm not always an asshole" he winked.

   "No more people die Negan, I stay here and no one else dies." I said. "Sure. No one else dies" he replied.

   Part of me wishes I could say I was treated badly here. But I can't. The man I seen kill Glenn and Abraham wasn't the same one I've been staying with. He gave me shit, constantly but didn't lay his hands on me, never once. Didn't let his men or women talk shit on or to me. He was like a whole ass different person. I didn't know if I should be worried or not.

   Negan held up to his word. I worked for him as a wife, minus sleeping with him. I did other wifely duties. His laundry, got him food, trimmed his hair when needed, everything minus the sex.

   He got me Daryl's vest and crossbow like I asked. He was still considering me going to Alexandria when I wanted.

   The week wasn't up yet, but Negan wanted to go.

   "Let's go doll, it's showtime" he smirked. "No one gets hurt Negan. Not a fucking soul" I said before he got out of the truck. He banged on the gate of Alexandria. "Little pig, little pig. Let. Me. In" he sang.

   Rick opened the gate, Daryl by his side. "I brought back a little surprise for you. Come on out babydoll" he smirked.

   I existed the car I was in, seeing Rick and Daryl I rushed over to the front. Daryls arms wrapped around me in an instant, "I missed you so much" "I missed you more" I mumbled into his skin.

   "Hi uncle Rick" I smiled, tears in my eyes. "Hey cupcake" he smiled back. Negan and his men went rooting around for supplies. I pulled Daryl off to the side.

   "I'm so sorry for what I said to you babygirl. I didn't mean it. I do need you, I need you more than I need air to breathe. I'm so sorry" Daryl said, tears welling in his eyes. "It's okay, I'm not mad at you. I'm sorry too baby" I replied, pulling him in for a kiss.

   "Has he touched you?" Daryl asked, annoyed. "No. I made myself a deal. I'd be his pretend wife, I'd do wifely things for him, and I would get to live a good life there. I already told him I wouldn't sleep with him, not a chance in hell. He's letting me sleep in his bed while he takes the couch. The person we seen last week, isn't the same one I've been living with. It's weird" i said.

   "As long as your safe, I don't care what you need to do as long as you're not sleeping with him. You and our baby being safe is my main concern. Keep your eyes on him" Daryl said.

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