Chapter Thirty- Run Away

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Jordyn's POV


   I called a meeting with the council, we pulled in the other two boys involved with the incident. I stood off and out of sight in the back and listened to the bullshit pouring out of their mouths.

   "Lydia lured us there" "We're innocent" "Negan did it on purpose"

   I kept my mouth shut and listened, when the boys left it was up to us to decide what happens next. Aaron is and always has been against Negan.

   "Jordyn you said you were there, what's up?" Siddiq asked. The vote was tied, my vote would be final say. Daryl was voting for Michonne, he voted to stay.

   "I was with Negan, it was my turn to babysit while he worked. We heard fighting and when we went to check we found Lydia pinned to the ground while they beat and picked on her. I get her mother is a bitch, but that girl is a child and is innocent. Negan is innocent. He pulled the chick off Lydia and pushed her, he didn't intentionally shove her head into the wall. My vote is they both are innocent and they both stay" I said.

   "So that's it then. They both stay" Gabriel said. The next morning Gabriel went to let Negan out for his shift and his cell was empty. "But he's innocent, right Jordyn?" Aaron said. "Aaron, with all due respect, fuck off. He didn't do shit, he ran because we didn't give him an answer and he didn't want to die. Everyone wants him and Lydia dead, I'd run too. Someone left him out." I replied.

   Lydia confessed to letting Negan out, Daryl however knew that was a lie. Lydia was staying with us while she lived there, and Daryl was up most of the night keeping watch. Lydia never left the house.

   Daryl scrubbed the 'Silence the Whisperers' spray paint off our front door. I took Wren to school, kissed her and told her she'd be with RJ and Judith for the night.

   Daryl, Siddiq, and I went searching for Negan. We came up empty and turned to Hilltop. "Any sign of Negan?" Ezekiel asked. "We searched all morning, nothing" Daryl said.

   Siddiq went off to the infirmary to help out. I noticed Connie asked some guards where Kelly was, seeing as she was last with them. Panick spread across her face when nobody knew where her sister was.

   I learned sign language in school and kept practicing when Connie came. "Are you okay?" I signed. "No. Kelly didn't come back" she signed back. I looked towards Daryl and he nodded.

   Daryl gave me a kiss before grabbing Dog and Connie and taking them to find Kelly. I went to talk to Yumiko, Alden, and Earl. "Things going okay?" I asked. "For the most part. The plumbing is what concerns me" Alden said.

   "Okay, that can be a problem. But it's something we can do, right?" I asked. "Yes, it'll take a bit but I can do it. We just need the extra copper or metal" Alden replied.

   "Okay so let's see what we can do with the pipes now. If they start looking like shit then use what metal you've got to fix them, Alexandria has extra if needed" I said. "Got it boss lady" Alden smiled.

   Daryl returned with Connie, Magna, and Kelly. I walked over to hug him. "Where the hell did this all come from?" I asked, referring to the boxes and bags of supplies. "We found it" Daryl said.

   I started feeling sick. I ignored it at first, but now that night fell it started getting worse. "What's wrong babygirl?" Daryl asked. "I felt sick earlier but passed it off. Now feel like absolute hell" I replied. "Let's get home then love" Daryl said. I nodded, we loaded up and headed out.

   We got home and Daryl took me right to the infirmary. "It seems to be what everyone else has" Dante said. "And what the hell is that?" I asked. "I'm not sure yet. It seems to be just a stomach bug. Take these and stay hydrated" Dante said.

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