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"There she is," King Viserys smiled as Levana ran to him. She kissed his cheek before bowing to acknowledge Lord Lyonel Strong, the King's Hand. Lord Lyonel bowed as well to acknowledge the princess who would take a seat opposite her Grandsire.

It was often like this. As Levana wasn't allowed much freedom to hold a sword because of her mother, she would resign herself to watching her younger brothers and uncle train with Ser Cole.

It delighted Levana to see that Ser Harwin was joining them today. The princess waved at the knight who, in turn, gave her a wave as well. An action that greatly pleased King Viserys who was watching the little girl.

"This is the stuff, Lyonel," King Viserys spoke as he gestured to the boys, "lads that learn and train together, knock each other down, and help each other up," he added as Levana listened to her Grandsire.

"They will certainly form a lifelong bond, don't you agree?" King Viserys asked as The Hand shrugged slightly, "that is the hope, Your Grace," he responded before the King looked at Levana.

"If training and learning together will not bond them, they have Levana to straighten them up."

Levana giggled at the King's remark before watching her younger brothers train. Arguably, there was a visible difference between the fighting skills of the younger boys compared to their uncles.

"Grandsire," Levana said, "would I be able to hold a sword?"

King Viserys chuckled slightly, "if your mother would humor your request then I shall grant it."

Levana's eyes lit up with hope before she turned to the battlefield. Watching the fight between Aegon and Jacaerys with much interest. What started as a friendly bout turned into something that was close to violent as Aegon ruthlessly attacked Jacaerys until Ser Harwin stopped him.

From the balcony, Levana could hear Ser Cole's comments towards Ser Harwin and without a moment's notice, the former began to attack the latter.

"Princess," Lord Lyonel said as he blocked Levana's view from the violence that was happening in the field.

"My brothers-" Levana managed to say as she was escorted back to the castle by knights. Ser Westerling had met them halfway and commanded the knights to leave.

"Ser Westerling," The princess began, "what's going to happen to Ser Harwin?" She asked.

The knight looked at her with an unsure expression, "I cannot say for sure, princess," he responded as Levana looked down at the floor as they continued to walk towards the princess' quarters.

"Will you please let me know what will come of Sir Harwin?" Levana asked as she stopped in front of her door, the knight sighed before nodding reluctantly.

"I will try my best, princess," Ser Westerling promised, "but know that I might not be able to stop it."

Levana shrugged, "I know," she replied, "I just don't want my brothers to be sad."

Ser Westerling nodded and gestured for the princess to enter her quarters, "rest easy, princess."

The princess gave him a nod before retreating to her quarters. She looked around to try to find Galatea but to her surprise - Aemond was seated on one of the couches, reading a book.

"It's rude to be in a female's quarters without her permission, you know," Levana said as Aemond looked up at her.

"I know," Aemond responded, "I just know that my mother won't come looking for me here," he added as the princess took a seat beside him, peering over the book that he was reading. Levana recognized it as a book on Targaryen family history - one of her favorites.

"Did you do something again?" Levana asked, "you never usually come to hide here unless you did something."

Aemond looked at her and sighed, "mother scolded me."

"For what?"

"Levana, I don't want to talk about it."

Levana crossed her arms, "you are hiding in my quarters, the least you could do is to provide me with the reason why you are here."

Aemond huffed, "I explored the pits to look for a dragon again."

"See? Was it so hard?" Levana asked as she turned her attention to the book again, recognizing the page as one that told the story of Visenya Targaryen.

"My mother loves that name."

The prince looked at her, "Visenya?"

Levana nodded, "but she allowed my father to name me thus I didn't have the name."

"Do you wish to have that name?" Aemond asked as Levana nodded, "it would've been nice to be named after my mother's hero."

Aemond closed the book and turned to Levana, "I like your name," he said, "you are the first in our family to have it."

Levana smiled at him, "you're too kind to me, Aemond."

"I'm only kind to you because you were also kind to me," Aemond responded, "and I like spending time with you."

"Do you really?" Levana asked, "I find myself a bore."

Aemond shook his head, "you never bore me and you will never do so."

Levana blinked, "well, I..."

The prince rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled, "that was awkward."

"No, not at all!" Levana responded, "it's just rare for me to encounter such a compliment."

"Most people do see you as eccentric," Aemond chuckled, "but I do not mind it."

The blonde prince placed a hand on top of Levana's and smiled slightly, "I enjoy your company very much."

Just as Levana was about to speak, her doors opened to reveal her father and mother with a stern expression. Rhaenyra's eyes shot wide open when she saw the prince inside her daughter's room but remained calm.

"Prince Aemond," Rhaenyra called, "we would like a moment with Levana."

Aemond nodded bitterly and hopped off the couch. He bid farewell to Levana before leaving the room, Ser Westerling closing the door to give the family some privacy.

"What was Aemond doing in your room?" Rhaenyra asked sternly.

"We were just studying history," Levana said truthfully, "we were talking about Visenya Targaryen."

Rhaenyra took a deep breath and sighed, "you cannot have boys inside your room without company, Levana."

Levana puffed her cheeks, "Aemond is my friend."

"That's what they want you to think," Rhaeynra mumbled as she took a seat beside her daughter who moved away from her.

"Why have you come, mother? Father?"

Laenor looked at Rhaenyra with a sigh, "we have news to break, little princess."

Levana's heart skipped a beat.

"We're leaving for Dragonstone."

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