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[Italicized text denotes Valyrian speech]

"My men have alerted me that the Blacks are advancing towards the capital," Airell pursed her lips, "Besian and I instructed our fleet to fortify whatever we have on the Stepstones, the Gullet, and across the Narrow Sea."

"Ser Qarl also took a thousand of our men to Harrenhal," Laenor reported, "we'll be sending a thousand more in a few nights."

"Dorne remains safe," Sorin said, "we have watchers looking over the Sea of Dorne and we've managed to barricade our borders from The Reach and Storm's End."

"The emergency fleet is also at standby," Besian said, "they will be in-charge of taking the children and Airell back to Essos should something happen during the war."

Levana listened to her Small Council intently; there were so many things that she was heavily considering. From what to do when the Blacks decide to do a direct attack down to how they're going to evacuate King's Landing before an actual fight breaks out.

Everything needed to be planned. A small mistake could be critical.

"We can take the capital now," Airell stated, "they wouldn't see it coming."

"If the Blacks also plan to take the capital now, it'll be chaos," Laenor responded, "if we attack at the same time they do, we won't be able to evacuate the capital."

"Many lives will be lost," Rhaenys said, "we cannot risk it."

There was dead silence in the room. No one dared to talk.

It was only when the doors burst open to reveal one of the maesters that served under Maester Priamos did sound come back to the room. Priamos stood up from his seat to address his underling who handed a scroll to him. The Grand Maester read through the scroll quickly before looking at the Queen.

"Your Grace," Priamos approached Levana and handed her the scroll, "Ladies Baela and Rhaena have found their way to Harrenhal."

Princess Rhaenys leaned forward as Levana gave the scroll to her grandmother.

"No Jacaerys or Joffrey?" Laenor asked as Priamos shook his head.

"The Black will seize the capital in ten days," Priamos announced, "if we are to rally our forces, we need to act now."

Levana thought for a while before getting up from her seat and walking towards the door.

"Your Grace?" Priamos called.

"I will be needing my Small Council in Harrenhal," Levana stated, "if we are to fight the Blacks in ten days' time, we should be in a location that's much closer to the capital."

"What about the children?" Laenor asked.

"The children will remain here," Levana stated, "with the maesters."

"And Prince Aemond?" Besian asked, "what about him and Vhagar?"

"We'll bring them to Harrenhal," Levana responded, "we need them to win this war."

"Ana," Laenor looked at his daughter, "we aren't so sure about his loyalty at this point."

"Father," The Queen sighed, "let's not forget who decided to stay in Harrenhal to defend the stronghold from Daemon Targaryen."

There was a bit of silence in the room as Levana began to make her way out of the room. She looked back at the room and raised a brow, "I just said that I needed my Small Council to be in Harrenhal, why isn't anyone moving?"

With that, the members of the Small Council began to scramble out of the room. Levana made her way to her chambers; pushing the doors open to reveal Aemond, sitting on one of her couches with closed eyes.

She smiled slightly. He looked peaceful this way - it's been a long time since she's seen him like this and it brought back memories of years ago.

"Paint a picture, Your Grace," Aemond chuckled, "it would last longer."

Levana closed the doors behind her as she walked towards her bed, "we're going to Harrenhal soon."

"Harrenhal?" Aemond raised a brow, "are we finally attacking King's Landing?"

"Yes and no," Levana responded, "my sisters are in Harrenhal."

"And your brothers?"

The Queen simply shook her head, "I would like to believe that Jacaerys took it upon himself to find a way for Baela and Rhaena to arrive in Harrenhal."

"How about the children?"

"The children will be left here with the maesters," Levana stated, "we cannot bring them to Harrenhal with us."

There was silence between the two of them before Aemond stood up and walked towards the doors; he paused before placing his hand on the handles.

"I will fight for you," Aemond said, "Vhagar and I will fight for you."

Levana chuckled, "I have no doubt that you would," she looked up at him, "regardless of what has happened, I know that there is still love for me in your heart."

"My love for you will never fade," Aemond turned to look at her, "I will choose to die a thousand deaths so I could be reborn in your arms again."

The Queen smiled, "when we both survive this war, would you like to try again?"

Aemond nodded, "my answer to you, Queen Levana, will always be yes."

"Even if I ask you to die for me?" Levana asked, "will your answer still be yes?"

Aemond turned towards the door again and opened it ever so slightly, "you shouldn't be asking me that because I will do it without question."

Just as Aemond was to leave the room, Levana stood up from her bed and placed a hand on his shoulder. The prince turned to his wife with a small smile on his face before turning so his eye could meet hers. The prince closed the distance between them and placed his forehead against Levana's. He wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her closer to him.

"You are the best of me, Levana," Aemond whispered, "and if I am to die tomorrow, I will fight whoever rules the Seven Hells so they will bring me back to you."

"Will you be able to bear being called a traitor by your own mother? Brother?" Levana asked, "Grandsire?"

"You are my family," Aemond stated, "whatever they think of me matters less now."

Levana smiled slightly.

"In truth, Aegon cursed that we would both die in the war," Aemond sighed, "I should want to see them try to bring us down."

Levana chuckled in amusement as she wrapped her arms around her husband's neck. Aemond embraced his wife tightly - as if not wanting to let her go.

This was the calm before the storm. 

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