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Aemond stood by the balcony of Levana's chambers in Harrenhal as he watched the soldiers march on the grounds. As much as he wanted to follow his wife in Pyke, she left orders that he would have to stay in case the Blacks launched an attack on Harrenhal while she was gone.

The prince would have to resign himself to waiting.

Levana wasn't back yet and so were Galatea, Nandor, and his family.

His train of thought was interrupted when the doors opened to reveal his father-by-law, Laenor, with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Lord Laenor," Aemond greeted, "has the Queen returned?"

"No," Laenor responded as he walked into the room, closing the doors behind him as he approached the younger male, "you saw the Blacks overrun King's Landing?"

Aemond nodded.

"And yet you did nothing?" Laenor asked, "you could have burnt the city to the ground!"

"That's not what Levana would have wanted," Aemond said, "and I only take orders from my Queen."

"I am one of her advisors."

"You are not the Hand," Aemond responded, "the only other person who has authority over me is Princess Rhaenys."

Laenor looked at him with disdain, "Levana is my daughter."

"She's had many fathers in this life," Aemond said, "every one of them has left her at some point and I honestly don't see you as any different."

There was a pause between them as Laenor glared at the Targaryen prince.

"I do not mean to compare," Aemond continued, "but the only father that my wife ever had was King Viserys."

"Do you understand the consequences of what you're saying?" Laenor asked, but Aemond just looked at him plainly.

"I do not intend to be manipulated by fear, Lord Laenor," Aemond said, "my wife and I have been through many things and we have both learned that manipulation will only lead to our own demise."

Aemond looked at Laenor one last time before walking towards the door, "I am, indeed, indebted to you and the Black Queen for allowing me to marry your daughter, but if you are going to assume authority because you are Levana's father then you are not fit to be in her council."

Laenor watched as Aemond exited the room. He stood inside his daughter's chambers with an amused smile on his face. For years, he always doubted whether Aemond was suited to marry his daughter - it wasn't just because his daughter would be Queen one day - but it was also because Laenor questioned his own suitability to stand beside a Queen..

He always harbored a certain dislike for Aemond because of how comfortable he was with Levana. Laenor owed it to the fact that his daughter would be his only legitimate child and the only daughter that he would have.

Aemond's response to him more than proved that he was suited to be with Levana.

Laenor now believed that Aemond was suited to be his daughter's king.

━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━

It was nearly dawn when Levana reached Harrenhal.

She stayed with the children until they agreed to let her go on the promise that they would see her again soon.

The Gold Queen was exhausted, to say the least. As soon as she unmounted from Vermithor, she felt the weight of her own body as she tried her best to walk into the castle. As soon as the doors opened, Levana almost fell forward, but to her shock, someone caught her.

Levana expected to see her father or even Ser Harrold, but what she didn't expect to see was Alicent. The older female smiled at Levana, "you haven't been taking care of yourself, have you?"

The latter smiled as Alicent wrapped her arms around Levana, pulling her into an embrace.

"Thank you, Eva," Alicent whispered as Levana nodded.

"Helaena and the children?" Levana asked as Alicent helped her stand. The Gold Queen looked toward the direction of the hallway where she saw Aemond walking towards them with the maester in tow.

"They're resting," Alicent said, "you should be resting as well, Eva."

Levana shook her head, "there is no rest during a war like this."

"Maester Priamos wants to take a look at you," Aemond said as he walked towards his wife, "he's concerned that your body might not be able to handle the stresses of the war."

"I'm fine," Levana assured, "I just haven't been able to sleep properly."

"Which is why I would advise against flying," Maester Priamos said, "for now at least."

Levana's eyes widened, "I command the skies, Maester," she reminded, "there is no rest for me."

"Your body can no longer handle your exhaustion, Your Grace," Maester Priamos said, "I have been observing you since the birth of Princess Rhaenys and you have not had a moment to rest since then."

"The Blacks have taken over King's Landing," Levana reminded, "and we have not produced a plan of attack as of late."

"All things can be handled on the morrow," Alicent said, "tonight, you have to rest before your body truly collapses."

Levana took a deep breath as she began to walk past them. Aemond rolled his eyes as he caught up to her, offering his arm to the Queen, who begrudgingly held on him tightly.

"How are the children?" Aemond asked.

"Terrified," Levana sighed, "all of them are and I cannot blame them."

"We are at the height of the war, Eva," Aemond said, "we cannot risk you."

The Queen simply chuckled, "I am not as fragile as you think I am."

"It's not a question of your fragility, Eva," Aemond turned to her, "we are worried about your health."

Levana simply shook her head as she continued to walk towards her chambers. She cursed at herself as she placed a hand on the wall to steady herself. Her vision was getting blurry as she continued down the hall. Aemond stood beside her, holding her up as Levana stilled.

"Aemond," Levana called as the prince nodded. Aemond swiftly took Levana in his arms and continued down the hall.

"You're stubborn," Aemond chuckled, "you do acknowledge that, correct?"

The Gold Queen smiled weakly at him, "not as stubborn as you when we were much younger, I assure you." 

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