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Aemond held Levana in his arms the entire way to the Dragonpit. The two exchanged words of love to each other as the prince assured his wife that they would make sure their children won't be accessories to the war. They went as far as discussing where they would send them on the off chance that they would need to get involved.

Their children were their first priority - that was without question.

As they arrived at the Dragonpit, the two waited for their carriage doors to open and they would be escorted to where the coronation was to happen. Aemond fastened his sword to his waist while Levana reached down to pat at her thigh in the guise of fixing her dress but in reality, she was checking if the dagger that her Grandsire left for her was safely in place.

It didn't take long for Ser Nandor to open the door of their carriage to escort them. The prince held Levana's hand tightly in his as they navigated through the Dragonpit. It was arranged in a way that was similar to what they had at their wedding - only today's event was much grimmer for Levana.

By standing with her husband, her own mother would consider her to be a traitor.

Helaena stood just beside her, fiddling with her fingers as Otto stepped up to address the crowd:

People of King's Landing, today is the saddest of days.

Our beloved king, Viserys the Peaceful, has died. But it is also the most joyous of days for as his spirit left us, he whispered his final wish that Aegon II, his firstborn son, should succeed him.

Levana watched as the crowd clapped in joy - they would have a King to succeed her Grandsire. Her other hand balled into a fist as the crowd's cheers began to get louder.

"Today, we also crown a new Queen," Otto added as the now Dowager Queen walked to the center of the stage. She called for Helaena who turned her head toward Levana with a sad smile. The latter could only give her a smile of assurance as she walked toward Dowager Queen Alicent who held in her hands a crown.

"People of King's Landing," Alicent began, "I present to you, Queen Helaena Targaryen, the Queen Consort," she announced as she placed a crown on Helaena's head. Levana removed her hand from Aemond's grasp to clap - at the very least, there was Helaena that she could be happy for.

The cheers were interrupted by the marching of the guards who assembled by the crowd. They marched a line from one of the entrances and from where she was standing, Levana could see that some of them were members of the City Watch.

Trumpets began to play as the knights held their swords in reverence to Aegon who began making his way through the crowd. As Aegon passed them, they let their swords fall to their sides until he reached the stage where they held their swords to their chests.

Otto began to speak once more:

It is your great good fortune and privilege to be here to witness this.

A new day for our city, a new day for our realms, and a new king to lead us.

Aegon looked at Levana with a sad expression as Levana smirked at him. While she did feel bad for him, he accepted the role to participate in her mother's usurpation and that did not sit well with Levana. Though, what irked the princess more was the Hand's speech - addressing the people of the realm that to be in the presence of such a treacherous act was a privilege.

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