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[Italicized text denotes Valyrian speech.]

Levana clutched the sheets of her bed tightly as Maester Priamos instructed her to take deep breaths as she started pushing. Rhaenys held her hand tightly while Laenor watched anxiously from the door.

The Velaryon male wanted to be inside the room when his daughter gave birth but he was forbidden by his mother, Galatea, and Nesrin from entering as it was an event that, supposedly, only the father was invited to witness. Laenor would resign to watching from the door as Levana started to shout curses at the people inside the room.

"Was she like this during her first birth?" Laenor asked as Galatea passed by him with a basin of water in her hands. The lady turned to him with a sheepish smile, "if it gives you comfort, she was much younger then and she wasn't so keen on shouting curses."

Galatea bowed her head before watching into the room and placing the basin beside Maester Priamos.

"Your Grace," Priamos began, "you will need all your strength for this."

"I know that, bastard!" Levana shouted, "stop being a cunt and just help me!"

Rhaenys chuckled to herself, "there's my granddaughter."

Laenor continued to watch as Levana started to shout loudly in pain. He was rarely present during the births of his sons and was only ever there for Levana's birth; to see the babe that he once carried in his arms be the one giving birth now was a different experience.

It made him tear up.

The moment, however, was interrupted by Ser Qarl who walked up to him with a scroll in his hands, "it's from Harrenhal."

Laenor took the scroll and read its contents. His eyes widened before looking at his lover and then at Levana.

"She's giving birth," Laenor said in a panic, "how would I be able to explain this to her?!"

Ser Qarl shrugged, "their battle has begun," he stated, "our troops from Harrenhal are keeping an eye on them for now."

"We don't know how long the battle will last for," Laenor sighed, "send King Besian to Harrenhal to help Prince Aemond."

Ser Qarl bowed, "right away, Lord Advisor."

Laenor watched as his lover marched quickly to inform the Lord of House Greyjoy about the order. He took a deep breath before walking into the room - just in time for him to hear loud crying.

"It's a princess, Your Grace," Priamos announced, "a new princess for House Targaryen!"

Levana took a deep breath as she looked at her newborn daughter. Tears began to fall from her eyes as the Maester handed the babe to her. The Queen smiled at the princess adoringly - she looked exactly like her father.

"Rhaenys," Levana whispered, "her name will be Rhaenys."

Princess Rhaenys sat up in shock, "beloved, are you quite sure?"

Levana nodded, "she will be my heir and she will be Queen after me."

The older Targaryen female wrapped her arms around her granddaughter and kissed the top of her head, "thank you, Levana," she whispered as Laenor cleared his throat.

"Look, father," Levana smiled, "it's your granddaughter."

Laenor wiped a tear from his eye as he sat by Levana's bed, admiring the babe in his daughter's arms. Just as he was about to reach for the babe, Levana noticed the scroll in her father's hand.

"Father?" Levana called, "what is that?"

The Velaryon took his hand back and looked at Rhaenys. Levana looked at her father with worry as she tried to sit up, alerting the maesters immediately.

"Your Grace," Priamos stated, "you need to lie back down."

"No," Levana responded, "show me the scroll," she stated as she held her hand out. Laenor begrudgingly unraveled the scroll and handed it to his daughter, "beloved, Aemond has taken it upon himself to protect Harrenhal from Daemon."

The Queen skimmed through the contents of the scroll before looking at her grandmother and handing the babe to her, "I'm going to Harrenhal," she said as she began to get up from her bed. Rhaenys held her great granddaughter as Laenor tried his best to stop Levana from leaving the room."

"Get out of my way," Levana hissed.

"No," Laenor responded, "beloved, you just gave birth and you need to rest!"

Levana looked up at her father, "move away from the door," she said, "that is an order from the Queen."

The male looked over at Princess Rhaenys who simply nodded her head. Laenor stepped aside as Levana began to head towards her chambers, "Galatea, help me dress," she ordered as the lady followed after her.

"My Queen," Galatea helped Levana walk towards her chamber, "please reconsider this."

"No," Levana responded, "Daemon is more experienced in battle than my husband and I know that he is out for our blood," she gritted her teeth in pain as they arrived in the room. Immediately, Galatea began to set up the Queen's riding armor while Levana sat on the bed, gathering her strength.

Airell walked inside the room with Levana's sword in hand, as well as a quiver and a bow. She placed the sword by the bed and offered a bow that seemed to be made from the same material as her whip. It was steel, but it was pliant enough.

"I don't know if you're a good shot," Airell began, "but please allow this to help you," she said.

"Airell, I was raised inside the Red Keep and I was forbidden to hold a sword," Levana responded, "gods be damned that I know how to shoot an arrow."

The other female laughed, "you'll be a good shot if you want to be a good shot."

Levana nodded as she dressed in her armor - a red and gold ensemble that bore the Targaryen sigil on its breast plate. The Queen took a deep breath as she adjusted her armor, a sigh escaping her lips as she began to walk out of the room.

"I will take my three dragons," Levana stated, "Seasmoke will remain here," she instructed as she began to make her way out of the palace. A small smile creeping across her face at the sight of her dragons already waiting for her.

The Queen placed a hand on Vermithor's neck before mounting him, "it's time, Vermithor," she whispered, "we're avenging my children today." 

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